Wednesday, July 1, 2020

157 Years Ago Today

With over 51,000 casualties, the three day battle of Gettysburg was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. One of my GG-granddaddy's was there and shot through the side. He lived and made it home to Alabama. Things will look much different in CW2. Plan accordingly. There will be a test.


  1. Mostly bushwhacking in which the Lefties get a big gulp of their own medicine.

    Think MO as opposed to VA.

  2. To lend some perspective.

    In the three days of Gettysburg, 1/6 of the casualties of the entire war happened.

    A four year war.

  3. Yea a lot of us will be fighting on the same side this time---the Rebel and the Yank
    If these scumbags are getting a free pass to create this mess we should be allowed the same
    pass to go in and clean it up.

  4. @scottdoe:

    Pleased to meet you, from a New England-born Yankee. Just don't mind my kippa.

  5. "There will be a test."
    And it will be pass-fail!

  6. Won't be a test, it will be a Practicum (you will have to demonstrate your knowledge of the Subject)...

  7. But this time Yankees & Confederates will be on the same side.

  8. Civil War was not over primarily over Slavery, but it was a factor.

    It was mainly about State Rights vs. Federal Controls.
    If you doubt my statement, then Google "Ghost Amendment" aka Corwin Amendment.
    It was passed by Congress and the then seated President and incoming President Lincoln also approved it.

    The "Ghost Amendment" aka Corwin Amendment, also called the "Slavery Amendment," was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 before the war started and 16+ months before the Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation. It was released for ratification to the states. It would have banned the federal government from abolishing slavery in the states where it existed at the time.

    So ask yourself the question. IF the Yankees were willing to allow Slavery to maintain the Union what was their reason? Taxes, revenue, cheap food supplies, cotton, etc...

    BTW: Although its ratification was disrupted by the Civil War, is not actually dead. To this day, it can still be voted on and approved. IF ratified by the required number of states.

  9. Civil War was not over primarily over Slavery, but it was a factor.

    It was mainly about State Rights vs. Federal Controls.
    If you doubt my statement, then Google "Ghost Amendment" aka Corwin Amendment.
    It was passed by Congress and the then seated President and incoming President Lincoln also approved it.

    The "Ghost Amendment" aka Corwin Amendment, also called the "Slavery Amendment," was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 before the war started and 16+ months before the Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation. It released for ratification by the states. It would have banned the federal government from abolishing slavery in the states where it existed at the time.

    So ask your self the question . IF the Yankees were willing to have Slavery to maintain the Union what was their driving reason? Taxes, revenue, cheap food supplies, cotton, etc...

    BTW: Although its ratification was disrupted by the Civil War, is not actually dead. To this day, it can still be voted on and approved. IF ratified by the required number of states.

  10. Pickett's charge should be kicking off in a few hours....I have read multiple accounts of the sound that was made during the cannonade. Will always wish I could hear it...from a distance.


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