Sunday, March 15, 2020

Just an observation

As I sit here sipping my coffee, scrolling through the blogs and the social media on the inter-webs I can’t help but notice, at least all the Sites and comments I’ve read, that there isn’t any first-hand comments or posts of people experiencing the wuhan flu. They must be out there?

We have well over 50 people at my company and they have spouses and girlfriends and kids and friends and interact with countless other people and no one has anybody that knows anybody firsthand. I’ve asked my friends if any of them know anybody at work or know people they socialize with and their contacts with people on social media. Nada,nothing.  I would have to imagine that  myself being locked up for two weeks in my house that I would blogging about it to you guys until I couldn’t.

Granted we get about 14,000 hits a day and and, most likely, about 13,990 are bots that stopped by for the Feral Irishman Friday femme fatale  post. That being said the 10 of you that do stop by here are all around the country and some around the globe.  Only one person has mentioned to me that a possible family member might have it. Like I said it’s just an observation.

It’s a new day, the sun rose, the birds are chirping, cars are driving by on the street outside. Maybe this will all change as the clock ticks by.

Stay safe out there



  1. Hey Irish. I share your sentiment. I know that this is a real virus, but I really do not believe all of the hype that is being propagated and also forcing Trump to over-react. I live in Northern Ky (a suburb of Cincinnati), and I also do not know a single person that has contracted the virus. There is a story in the local paper about an unnamed individual, but that is it. Let's see what happens over the next couple of weeks. Stay safe.

  2. Last week I did a calculation (which is certainly out of date now) but based on the number of diagnosed cases in California at the time, and the state's population, there was then one case of the Wuhan Flu for every 255k residents. One per quarter million.

  3. Up in Alberta thete are now 39 cases. I don't know any of them, but given 25% are seniors from the princess cruise ship - not my demographic. And 70% are people who recently visited iran - again not my usual social circle. So its not surprising i don't know any of them


  4. Spoke w some former colleagues yesterday at the beach(great for clean air and distance interactions). A couple of staff members recently returning from a cruise were interviewed for possible testing but rejected by local health dept.
    Also hearsay was a few colleagues at a nearby clinic suspected they had mild cases last month.
    Kooky times. Viral warfare. Attack on several fronts from China, Saudi and liberal wingnuts.
    Yet, 'no battle plan survives first encounter w the enemy'. Chinese miscalculation in the release, distraction of impeachment delay response. It doesn't pay to underestimate ChiCom cunning use of misinformation via the media and 'diplomacy'.
    It's a true seachange which will likely dwarf that we experienced post 9/11.

  5. I dont know anyone who has it, im staying in place for two weeks and then reaccess.

  6. When I used to SCUBA dive a lot, people would ask me if I was afraid of sharks. I told them that the sharks didn't bother me but a panicked fellow diver was what I watched out for most.

    Same with this Wuhan virus, the hoopals running around in a panic looking for TP and sanitizer will be the problem. Just wait for when the skittles deliveries to the convenience store stop because the delivery driver is out sick. Then pandemonium will come for a visit.


    1. Sharks in clear water don't scare me. Sharks in murky water? Those are the bastards that will bite you.

      Same with the flu. Clear air? No problems. Over-polluted and dirty air? Problem. Wuhan would have been bad in in the US in the 50's and 60's and early 70's. Nowadays? Our air is very clear, which means all the associated lung problems from exposure to heavy smog have been correspondingly cleared. Seriously. Open the windows, let the fresh air in, unless you live in Florida where the spring pollen bloom has already arrived.

  7. South Florida: Nobody I know, but then again we are not the most gregarious people. # dead in the whole state. Broward county (again) is showing the biggest jump in cases, probably because of the cruise industry based in Ft Lauderdale.

    The collective fear is that the virus may get to a Senior care center or retirement associations.

    1. It seems like the flu occurs only in heavily democratic enclaves. Like Broward County. Or California.

  8. It's the fucking flu!
    Note how certain leftist officials are using it as an excuse to jack up your rights.

  9. The population of the US is 327 million. Current number of CV cases is 3083. The odds of most people knowing someone are very slim, for now. What most people in the "just the flu bro" crowd seem to miss is that we are a huge land mass of a country with a dispersed population relative to Asia and Europe. Our case count will get up there in time, it just wont run up there as fast as other places. Almost like they're mad the spread is slower here.
    That being said I do know the one case in our town personally, and the boy who lives in NYC has a friend who has it.
    I figure cases are like mice, when you see one in the open, it's cause the 50 others you don't see pushed it out there.

  10. One case in our area of central Michigan, a woman that traveled to Italy on a family vacation. See very little change other than the EBT holders are raping the grocery stores and the folks that poop a lot have taken all the shit tickets. Being a farmer my life goes on as always, haven't got time to be sick. The stupidity is spreading though, our dumbass governess was asked about martial law by a liberal newsreader on Friday and now we can thank him for planting that idea in her hollow head.

  11. Irish,

    I went to the grocery store ~8:30AM today. Two words - MAD HOUSE. Items out of stock - tuna fish, spam, sardines, spaghetti, most canned vegetables, TP, kleenex, paper towels, bleach, sanitary wipes. I'm talking hundreds of feet of shelf space, four 18" shelves high - BARE ASS NAKED.


  12. I did the maths this morning. In the UK, we have 1,100 positive cases out of a population of 66,000,000. In other words, 1 case for every 60,000 people. Long, long odds.

    1. Those numbers will explode soon, I promise you. The record keepers have no way of knowing how many people are infected and spreading this around who are currently a symptomatic.

    2. And what if they don't?

      Will you be disappointed?

    3. Anonymous, my figures are based on what is known, your opinion is based on what might be. Therein lies the reason for this mass hysteria. The prophets of doom are wringing their hands in full-on schadenfreude.

      Edutcher, I'd agree with you. They'll be disappointed and move on to find another reason to wail and complain that the world is ending. This virus has brought out the worst in many people.

  13. Irish,
    I'm here in the Peoples Republic of Washington State. I don't know anyone or know of anybody through friends or family who has tested positive for the virus. To be fair, it may be because of a combination of lack of test kits available to those who are sick and the fact that the vast majority of people who are sick aren't exactly dropping like flies. The panic shopping is something that is going to need to be addressed very quickly though. So far it's like watching a slow motion riot but it's going to be getting out of hand as the delivery system grinds to a halt. I have always been more worried about marauding gangs in a crisis than any other group and unfortunately I believe my fears are warranted.

    Kapt Kaos

    1. Time to march on the State House and demand Inslee's resignation.

  14. Funny you should say that because this has been making the rounds all over the Interwebz.

    She says no sweat.

    About the smartest thing I've heard so far.

  15. It's crazy here in Phoenix. Store shelves empty of milk, eggs, meat, coffee, boxed staples and canned foods. I mean empty. No bottled water, baby wipes (which has my daughter raging angry), and of course, toilet paper. There are just 12 confirmed cases of this flu here in the whole state. The City of Phoenix (where I work) just announced that they are cancelling just about everything. Meetings, senior centers to be closed, after skool programs, all athletic events, and everyone who can should work remotely. It's an insane over-reaction, and it's causing the sheeple to panic. I starting to get worried that this is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

    1. About time some of these mass buyers got arrested.

      Especially if they're hoarding.

      And I'll bet the Feds can do that in a National Emergency.

      PS Anybody wanna bet Lefties, possibly paid, are clearing out stores to keep the panic going?

  16. Here in Seattle the bodies are hitting the ground left and right. The pyres for the dead light up the skies at night. It's medieval. (h/t Maj. Tanner)

    I work at Boeing. My group have been sent to work from home. Friday Her Ladyship and I went to a local pub that just put in a pizza oven to try the grub. Very good, but the place was nearly empty. Very unusual. After I dropped her off I stopped by a local German pub. Slammin' and jammin"! Elbow to elbow. The only unusual thing was that they were not allowing us todrink out of our personal steins reasoning that since the stein would be only rinsed not sanitized, it could be a germ vector. Ok, that is fine.

    Tomorrow I go to the Boeing plant in Everett for a meeting. There have been reports of the flu from a city and a country we may not name, because that would be RACIST, in various Boeing plants, but I do not know of anyone directly affected. If I survive, I'll write.

  17. Kapt Kaos, don't know where you are, I'm in the Sound area.

    I don't know anyone that has this, which means nothing, given that people can have this and not show any symptoms.

    I checked out a few grocery stores this week, most of them were running low on everything, except for one that had full shelves in the meat section, not sure why.

    This was announced two days ago.

    One day at a time, and repel boarders as required.

  18. My father in-laws brother has it . They both live in Seattle. The brother volunteered at the old folks home, where it all started up there. And stared feeling sick apparently he had a fever for a day, then just feeling crappy. Haven’t talked to my father in-law sense, thats been a day and a half.

    1. I'm sure everyone here wishes you the best J.

  19. Nothing from here in North Texas.

  20. All clear here in southwestern PA

  21. My nephew is a Marine stationed on a base in CA. In the barracks that he is in, in the room next to his, both Marines were diagnosed as having this Wuhan man made virus.

  22. my sister has it ,but she sounds a lot better . she thought she just had bronchitis and strep I teased her a week ago about having The Bug. She lives in the middle of Indiana.

  23. I would bet my paycheck that you all know someone who had it. The thing is, there was no testing for it until recently, and the symptoms are mild. Sniffles, sore throat, maybe a fever. In other words, it's an viral upper respiratory infection that happened to hit during flu season.

    Wasn't it just in December and January that the stats for the flu vaccine came out, and it was only 50% effective, maybe less? Huh. Wonder what the virus strain was that was hitting people.

    We are not going to die. It's not the plague. Don't panic, wash your hands, and stay away from sick people. Just like we do with the flu.

  24. Now some state governors are closing restaurants.

    Zippy said he was going to "fundamentally transform the United States".

    Any more of these tin-penny dictators think they can do anything and the politicians are going to see a fundamental transformation this continent hasn't seen since 1861.

    Or maybe 1775.

    Or both.

    You want people really mad? Ready to get crazy? This is the way.

    You can't buy anything at the grocery store because they're all bought out by the hoarders. Can't go to a restaurant. They say take out is allowed. Until these geniuses realize the food is prepared and delivered by people who might have the disease.

    Hungry, stir-crazy people. The French Revolution started with less provocation.

    1. The psychoactive Rye Rust helped make the French Revolution particularly messy.

  25. Found out yesterday from a friend 1 of the 2 cases in Tulsa was the daughter of a friend back from Italy from semester abroad so college age. That is all I know about it.

  26. I haven't met any Chicomvirus 'victims' in SW Missouri yet.
    A case turned up in Springfield,MO. They just returned from Lombard, Italy so everyone lost their minds and spent rent on TP and potted meat.
    Personally, it's winter so I have what I call 'The 1/2 sick.'
    I don't get a flu shot so I'm 1/2 sick for 3 months every winter.
    Why no flu shot?
    1) they rarely get the right mix and you get the crud anyway.
    2) It gives me a reason to bitch and complain for 3 months.

  27. Pretty much the same thing here, Irish. We haven't heard of any local cases, and all our friends back in SoCal say the same thing.

  28. I live on a small island off the west coast of Thailand. Things here are normal. I haven't been to Pattong in a month and don't plan to go because it is a tourist centered city and, being almost 70 I figured I could wait a while.

  29. Nurse here. Just spent a 12 hour shift taking care of 2 cases.

  30. No Covid at Casa de Mindbender, but they are quarantined in Cobb county. Children are out of school, so my wife is watching the grandmonsters while I and my Daughter continue to work.
    Shelves were bare this weekend, didn't need much, found what I was looking for so it was a success on my part.


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