Sunday, January 19, 2020

2A Alert From The Women's Defense League In New Hampshire....

Link to Granitegrok <<
sent in by reader NEMO.

Legislative Alert

January 17, 2020 / NHWomen / 2nd Amendment

The destructive and draconian gun control bills that were VETOED last year are back in the House once again!!!! There is also legislation that will effectively END gun ranges in the State of New Hampshire!

There are two hearings in the House and one in the Senate. BOTH are important for you to VOICE your opinion over!


Show up at the hearings. You do not have to testify. You can sign in against these draconian gun control measures and show the committee that, as always, Granite Staters refuse to kowtow to out-of-state organizations seeking to harm their protected fundamental human right to self defense.

Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee

When: Wednesday –  January 22
Where: Legislative Office Building – Rooms 210-211

1:00 PM  – HB 1101, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm! They want to make women LESS SAFE by forcing a 3 (really up to 7) day waiting period between the time of purchase of a firearm and the time of pickup of said firearm!! Law Enforcement has no duty to protect us; we must be our own first responders. This bill inhibits women’s right to self defense.

This will effectively END all gun shows in New Hampshire (hurting small business) and once again, harm all law-abiding citizens!

2:30 PM – HB 1379, requiring background checks for private firearms sales AND transfers. This legislation will actually make it impossible for women to get gun safety training! This legislation (the same as last year’s) will turn law-abiding citizens into criminals all while criminals continue to completely ignore existing laws! It’s the same exact California gun control legislation they have tried to pass 3 previous times and finally passed last year under the Democrat-controlled legislature. The governor VETOED it.

More HERE<<<<  


  1. Maybe W. Virginia will let them join too.

  2. It may be time to see if the state's motto still pertains the people of the Nw Hampshire.

    Live Free or Die.

  3. once upon a time there was a talk radio show in NH that would Keep us up to date on all this nonsence. and just about the time that went off the air this shit went all out of control.
    I miss Gardner Goldsmith and the libertarian wackos that kept the assholes feet to the fire.
    Mike in exeter

  4. Those of like mind in Oregon feel your pain. It's going to be a repeat of last year here. It be interesting to see what Monday in Virginia brings.

  5. Irish, Forgot to thank you for posting this.

    New Hampshire residents, If you want to read real news about issues in your state, make https://granitegrok.com a daily stop. You won't find legislative gun control news in the commie rag Union Leader or the equally commie Nashua Telegraph, unless its to gleefully support passage of new anti-gun laws.


  6. Why is nobody talking about Washington state going full commie? And Arizona is trying to ram through the red flag bull.


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