As I anticipated, when I turned on the "one-eyed-monster" this morning I was bombarded with "stories" of how successful the March For Our Lives protests had been all over the country. My local channels and their websites touted how "THOUSANDS" had marched for "sensible gun laws" blah, blah, blah. It was easy to see the propagandist used the old "zoom in close" trick to give the illusion that the rallies were much larger than they actually were. WBRC FOX6 reported at least 1,500 turned out for Birmingham's rally while the liberal mouthpiece stated "at least 5,000 protesters were there. In truth there might have been 500 and that is being generous. How many of those were curious bystanders and small children I cannot say. What I saw was at the Birmingham, Florence, and Montgomery Alabama rallies was mainly a bunch of black folks (their energies could be better utilized in their neighborhoods where black on black crime is rampant if they were sincere about helping "save lives"). I also saw the usual "wild-eyed liberals", some hippie college kids, small children carrying signs, some sodomites wearing rainbow motifs, a mish-mash of other minorities and some people who appeared to be homeless. I imagine a large portion of these were paid protesters. Nationally, it was more of the same. The crowds in D.C. did appear to be very large as did the crowds in Cincinnati, but who knows? Those propagandist are very clever. This over hyped event was a well orchestrated effort showing fairly good funding, good networking between the commies (almost all of the signs/chants I've seen from coast to coast read and sounded the same and many mentioned registration, stricter gun laws, etc) and their hirelings who actually showed up carrying signs and chanting their "anti-gun" cheers. Verification that the MSM is fully committed to stamping out the Second Amendment can be found this morning by visiting any channel of any network, any website, or any newspaper, The "song" is the same.
I would be interested (as I am certain others would too) in hearing feedback from readers in different parts of the country. Below are a few images from various rallies. Remember these that despise our country, our laws, and our Second Amendment for they are the true enemies of liberty and never, never, never give up your guns!
I avoided watching the march against the 2nd amendment because it seemed offensive to me. It has obviously devolved into a far left, anti-Republican, pro-Marxism agenda. It is funded by far left organizations, some of which are so far to the left that they must hide their affiliation. The speakers are overwhelmingly negative and propagandized and simply wrong on most everything. But this morning when I got up and turned on the TV they showed a video clip of highlights from the anti-civil rights march and I was struck by the obvious similarity with pre WW II fascism rallys in Europe. It was all classic fascism. The hate, the lies, the over the top rhetoric. After a number of video shots of the children, many not even past puberty I was again struck by the comparison with Hitlers youth corp. Same tactics, same reasons; to exploit and propagandize. In fact it occurred to me that the next thing from this cabal of far left Marxists would be a plea for children to turn in their parents who might own an unregistered gun. One of the last clips showed David Hogg giving his stirring “Mein Kampf” speech and ending it with a "Sieg heil!" salute. I swear it was a "Sieg heil!" salute. It may not have been intentional but there it was on TV. It was classic fascism!
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
What are uterus regulations?, and how would they be enforced?? Just why should we entertain these morons with our time, how did the constant whiners become policy experts. If legal gun owners were a problem they would be in the news daily.
Too bad I had something more important to do that attend an amateur radio Digital Communications Conference.
Otherwise I would have found a front row center location and laughed my ass off as the children marched by with their silly signs. I'm sure I would have upset a few Libtards, but what of it?
Yesterday morning, it was "hundreds of thousands".
After it was over, all you saw was "thousands".
A few thousand on a relatively narrow street can give the impression of a lot more. We're talking about school kids on a weekend in March. How many really showed up.
PS I saw an item that people were coming from outside the country, so factor that in.
It's the same old aging hippies and radicals that turn out for all the protests. Here's a link to protests in Arcata, CA Doesn't look like 1000 to me, and these are the same fools who show up for pink hat, rainbow flag, stop the war, and every other opportunity to whine. On the subject of Uterus regulation, maybe we should have some commonsense safety laws. No uterus until you are 21, you must pass a background check and wait 2 weeks to have one, definitely not allowed in bars or establishments that serve alcohol, banned from government buildings, none allowed for drug users, illegals or mentally unstable, you may not carry it openly or concealed outside your home, a ban on large hi-capacity models, must be registered and subject to inspection, commit a crime while in possession and get double the jail time, no scary ones allowed, black ones are called assault uterus and banned, a complaint from a family member or neighbor could result in the police removing your uterus.
All talk of uterus's aside, it would seem that the average Joe/Mary doesn't need an automatic assault rifle. I'm interested to know why some (or all?) of you feel you do. And I'm not talking the Constitution, I mean why would you need it?
I think the short answer is “ because I can”. The other answer is that it keeps TPTB in check. The knowledge that there are thousands of quiet, armed citizens gives them pause.
The short answer is as Irish stated, "because I can" or more simply "because it is my right". I've owned multiple submachineguns and other "scary" weapons since 1994. Not one has been used in the commission of a crime or to harm another human. The question I would pose to you It' is why do you think there is such a strong push by factions inside this country to register, ban, confiscate, etc. any and/or all guns from law-abiding citizens who almost never use a legally obtained and owned weapon to harm anyone. This movement isn't about saving lives. If that were the case these same people could focus their energies towards enforcing current gun laws on the books and stopping the wholesale slaughter of millions of unborn children each year. History shows us that the first step to subjugating a people is to disarming them.
Automatic assault rifles are already heavily regulated. We're talking about unnecessary restrictions on common firearms that are used for self defense, hunting, and sporting purposes. It seems to me we already have more than enough laws on the books regarding guns and making it illegal to shoot someone. The problem is the failure of enforcement and deliberately creating places with large groups of people who are defenseless. If the government won't do something after 40+ calls, it doesn't matter if some whackjob uses a gun, bomb or pickup truck to kill and injure a bunch of defenseless people. Just think if even one of them could shoot back and what would be the outcome. Where law enforcement has done their job or an armed citizen was present, the rampage got cut short, lives were saved and the violence came to a quick halt.
I know a lot of people with all kinds of rifles. I only know one with an automatic assault rifle. It cost him $12,000 to buy and the permit authorization before he could take delivery took 10 months. It's very expensive to operate and maintain so he only takes it to the range once or twice a year.
We do not have to show "need" this is the United States of America. We have a Constitution with a Bill of RIGHTS that says we can. We have the right to have the same weapons the Military does to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's NOT an automatic, it's a semi automatic and there is no such thing as an assault rifle. The "AR" stands for the company that designed the rifle back in the '50's-ArmaLite-it is an ArmaLite Rifle like a general Electric dishwasher. A number of companies manufacture a variation of the rifle now so the designation of AR is generic (like Kleenex). Suggest you take the opportunity to shoot one-they're fun as hell! So the answer to your question is "hunting, target practice, protection".
Aside from a police offer a decade more ago who stole a fully automatic rifle from the department, can you cite one use of a fully automatic rifle used in a crime? The lucky who can afford one ($200 for a tax stamp, tens of thousands for the rifle, let alone paying for the rounds (bullets to you), are unlikely to use it in a crime - unless in passion and involving a pool boy or chauffeur).
If you're talking about a semi-automatic rifle with safety features like an adjustable stock to fit better, a pistol grip for a better grip, a detachable magazine, a suppressor to decrease the damaging "bang", an optic to help you aim better, that is too often called, in error, an Assault Rifle, please check you ignorance. Because some call it an assault rifle doesn't make it one.
As for why, it can protect my family against thieves that should not have been released from prison into the general population. My wife easily manages it, and can on her own, protect our teenage son and smaller daughter against multiple attackers. And it is fun to pit my skill against a target (steel or paper) at varying distances.
The same is true for our carry pistols. When we carry, the chance of being forced to do something we don't want to happen to us become vanishingly small.
Crazy, I believe that the word need is a tripping word for many. Like if my wife asked me, when we got married, did I need her. No, I didn't need her, but I wanted her. Nobody probably needs more than food and water, and shelter. More than that could be considered wants. There are many reasons for people to want this gun. It is a gun that is easily customized, much like the muscle cars of the 60's. But it can be customized for more than just looks, it can be made to be more user friendly, for an individual. The adjustable stock means that both a larger man and his petite wife can both shoot the same rifle at the range. The gun can also change calibers, with a barrel swap and a different bolt and magazine. I do not own one, so this might be simplifying too much, but that is how I have had it explained to me. Different sights, scopes, lasers, forward gripping surfaces, and on and on. Ever since the United States was founded, the civilian population has used the same weapons that the military has had. From the muzzle loading muskets, to the bolt action rifles of the World Wars, on to semi automatics and then fully automatic rifles and carbines, and then to select fire guns. And every time the men who fought these wars with these guns, when they got home, they often bought the same rifle for hunting and for home defense. After prohibition, in 1934, and the era of the big name mobsters, they changed the laws to make owning a fully automatic machine gun very difficult. But not impossible, if you were rich enough. So it stalled and people had to be content with semi automatic rifles, and now the AR 15, a copy of the M 16, basically, without the select fire option. And now it is the most popular gun sold in America, with an estimated 15 million or so of them owned here by law abiding citizens. They are rarely used in crimes, which is why when one is actually used in a crime, it hits the news so quickly. And I will admit what many people are afraid to speak up and say. Some armchair Rambo types like the idea of owning a gun that they can take out, dressed up in camo, and pretend that they are storming the beaches of Normandy, or that they are retired Navy SEALS. But that is ok, and there is nothing wrong with that. How many people actually participate in cosplay, and nobody condemns them for that, but rather, they are celebrated for their imaginations. The truth is that when a school shooting or something like it happens, things are so predictable that I make it almost like some macabre game. First thing, I wait to see which left wing politician will step up and condemn the gun, and say that we have to ban them " for the children" or " if it saves just one life", before the bodies are even cold. Then I flip around the news channels to see which talking heads they each have. Then if I still have an interest, I will watch to see which right wing politician is going to try to support the dead and the grieving while not looking like they are for gun control. It is so predictable, it is like watching a well rehearsed play. The problem is, at the end, no one is clapping.
Second, my feelings have nothing to do with the case.
Third, the Constitution simply recognizes a previously existing right, that of self-defence and the right to own the means thereof.
A bit of thought and consideration of the fact that mass shootings and genocide alike occur where the inhabitants are dis-armed would lead a rational person toward the conclusion that knowing how to use, owning, and carrying arms is likely to extend both your longevity and your liberty. It is supposed to be a free country, so 'feel' free to ignore reality. You will not be able to ignore the results of having ignored reality, and neither your need nor your feelings will avail you.
Oh, yes. One more thing. If you want a bloody civil war, go ahead and try to take guns from Americans.
"Sweetheart"- (and I use the term as an almost 60 yo 110 lb female). You OBVIOUSLY, failed history. First comes regulation, then comes registration, then comes confiscation THEN comes genocide. It has happened over and over and over on this little planet. READ some ACCURATE history, then think about you question! How many "protesters" in the past have had the armed government guardians turn their guns on the peasants and Mow them down? By giving up anything ( that includes fully automotic) you have given them the upper hand. Also remember that the Supreme Court of the United States has twice ruled that police do NOT have to protect you. (Look that up too.) The Constitution of tbe US was set to prevent the government from getting the advantage. Sadly, I am afraid it is too late for all of us AND these clueless kids who will be desposed of when they are no longer useful.
Me? I still have my sling shot if that damn cougar comes back when I am working in my garden.....
What you're calling an "assault rifle" is simply an odd looking hunting rifle. The original AR-15 was a low cost utilitarian hunting rifle created by Armalite. It was the ARmalite model 15. The AR doesn't stand for Assault Rifle. If you compare function, it's the same as any other hunting rifle. Those frightened by any form of self defence weapon, saw something that looked scary and started creating a web of lies about what this evil piece of metal could do. The media helped feed the hysteria in order to boost their ratings. Sadly, the media also helped feed the dementia of some people and they seized on the ugly gun as a way to gain fame and the copy cat school and business shootings started. If you want to help stop the killings, muzzle the press and force them to stop giving the cowardly killers the fame they seek. When the killers are referred to as "The cowardly micro-penised killer", they'll find some other way to gain their fame.
"Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit at the front of the bus?" In a free society there is no requirement to demonstrate "need" in order to exercise a right.
Ok, wow. Firstly I thank those of you who took a moment to explain your thoughts without implying I'm an ignoramus. I'm not against guns, we own 2, although I've only fired the pistol, not the rifle. Sure, I could have researched the history of firearms. But that wasn't my question, was it?
You said "need", correct? It's our "Right" under the Second Amendment of Our Constitution. You speak of "Automatic Assault Rifles." Again this shows you have emotion without facts. "Assault" is a verb and is not germane to the conversation.
First, an automatic rifle has been illegal for anyone to possess since around the 1930's. Second, these are semi-automatic rifles. They are no more deadly that almost any hunting rifle. They "Look" scary to you because you don't understand them.
What we are trying to say to you is, please, know your subject before you let the news media and a bunch of children persuade you. Be the adult and not the emotional child.
Oh, for God's sake! I was asking opinions. Where did I say I was reacting to media? When did I mention I was scared? Admittedly I did use the incorrect term, and no I didn't realize that automatic weapons were illegal. All I was asking is why, and now I know. It's because you can, or you want to protect your family, etc. I think before you start accusing me of being an "emotional child" you should read my original question again. Many of the people who reacted to my question were respectful and insightful, and I suppose I should expect there will be those that don't. Like you.
I said World History, not just firearms. See how they (or the lack of them) has played out in societies. All of that aside, consider signing up for some lessons. It can be a LOT of fun! You can combine it with other sports for different challenges biathlons and Cowboy Mounted Shooting are just two examples.
PLEASE FORGIVE ME .... I must have imagined the snark in your question when you asked, Why does Joe or Mary need an automatic assault rifle. Joe and Mary, and Odie, just like to piss off liberals. You stirred something up here and now I'm even getting emails asking why I was so nice to you.
An AR-15 is nothing more than a scary looking hunting rifle. Some people don't understand them so they condemn them as more dangerous. An AR-15 is a civilian version of an M-16 military Automatic or Semi Automatic rifle. The M-16 has a selector switch that goes full or semi automatic. In Vietnam I had an M-14 which is a much larger rifle, and when put on full auto the second shot went straight up.
Anywoo ... you got exactly what you asked for ... Opinions!
For a distributed protest (core in DC with local protests to back it up) I didn't see anything here. More cub scouts were out selling camp cards than there were protesters at Acacia park.
yesterdays spectacle was not like the marches of the 1960s but more like the Nuremberg rallies of the 1930s. The liberal schools and progressives have weaponized children for their evil agenda.
That's a little harsh no DJD? Remember, this Hogg sucker is just a kid and as such he doesn't have fully developed thought processes. Now if you wished that type of thing on the lefties that are using him to advance their agenda, I'm in total agreement. That's really what we need to be focusing on right now. Pointing out how these children are being USED by the anti-2A'ers to advance their agenda and it's really all based on emotions and no facts.
I'd like to see no form of gun control of any kind ever. The federal anti-gunners taken out, and especially all the controllers dead. I'll know where to get the kind of rifle I want to use, with my pistol.
Seeing this makes me laff those pictures could be of my liberal bleeding heart daughter. Except she has a CCL for her 9 mm. and can shoot. we disagree on EVERYTHING but this .
Thanks to all for stopping by and contributing to this post. Thank you too It' and I hope your question was satisfactorily answered. I'll leave you with this email that was sent to my by reader "Ed":
"I would like to know who is FUNDING all these so-called “Student Rallies?” They are professionally organized, sophisticated deals with EXPENSIVE, professionally made banners and posters, etc………these well-meaning kids are being manipulated by George Soros and the Liberal Media, Liberal Anti-gunners and gun-haters to destroy our country.
But even the kids are hypocrites……..more people die at the hands of texting teenage drivers than guns but nobody marches to have them give up their cars, cell phones or their ultra-violent video games…………..And Hollywood and their Liberal actors, producers and owners are the biggest hypocrites of all……protesting about guns out of one side of their mouth while raking in millions in profits from their ultra-violent, ultra-bloody movies that glorify gun violence.
Crowds of imbeciles. Using one right to try to end another, and never realizing how ridiculous their effort appears.
ReplyDeleteI avoided watching the march against the 2nd amendment because it seemed offensive to me. It has obviously devolved into a far left, anti-Republican, pro-Marxism agenda. It is funded by far left organizations, some of which are so far to the left that they must hide their affiliation. The speakers are overwhelmingly negative and propagandized and simply wrong on most everything. But this morning when I got up and turned on the TV they showed a video clip of highlights from the anti-civil rights march and I was struck by the obvious similarity with pre WW II fascism rallys in Europe. It was all classic fascism. The hate, the lies, the over the top rhetoric. After a number of video shots of the children, many not even past puberty I was again struck by the comparison with Hitlers youth corp. Same tactics, same reasons; to exploit and propagandize. In fact it occurred to me that the next thing from this cabal of far left Marxists would be a plea for children to turn in their parents who might own an unregistered gun. One of the last clips showed David Hogg giving his stirring “Mein Kampf” speech and ending it with a "Sieg heil!" salute. I swear it was a "Sieg heil!" salute. It may not have been intentional but there it was on TV. It was classic fascism!
Delete“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
The traffic jams here in E TN were horrible. The crowds just seemed to go on forever. Wait... Never mind, that was just people headed to Dollywood.
DeleteWait, it's open already? I thought the season started after Easter!
DeleteAnd here I am typing on my computer... (...packs kids into car)
no they were headed out to Bud's and Bass Pro
DeleteWhat are uterus regulations?, and how would they be enforced?? Just why should we entertain these morons with our time, how did the constant whiners become policy experts. If legal gun owners were a problem they would be in the news daily.
ReplyDeleteToo bad I had something more important to do that attend an amateur radio Digital Communications Conference.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I would have found a front row center location and laughed my ass off as the children marched by with their silly signs. I'm sure I would have upset a few Libtards, but what of it?
Deplorable B Woodman
Lenin's useful idiots.
ReplyDeleteOn Friday, they were talking about "millions".
ReplyDeleteYesterday morning, it was "hundreds of thousands".
After it was over, all you saw was "thousands".
A few thousand on a relatively narrow street can give the impression of a lot more. We're talking about school kids on a weekend in March. How many really showed up.
PS I saw an item that people were coming from outside the country, so factor that in.
It's the same old aging hippies and radicals that turn out for all the protests. Here's a link to protests in Arcata, CA
ReplyDeleteDoesn't look like 1000 to me, and these are the same fools who show up for pink hat, rainbow flag, stop the war, and every other opportunity to whine.
On the subject of Uterus regulation, maybe we should have some commonsense safety laws. No uterus until you are 21, you must pass a background check and wait 2 weeks to have one, definitely not allowed in bars or establishments that serve alcohol, banned from government buildings, none allowed for drug users, illegals or mentally unstable, you may not carry it openly or concealed outside your home, a ban on large hi-capacity models, must be registered and subject to inspection, commit a crime while in possession and get double the jail time, no scary ones allowed, black ones are called assault uterus and banned, a complaint from a family member or neighbor could result in the police removing your uterus.
I kicked those draft dodging hippies asses back then and I'd be happy to do it again. Walkers at ten paces!
DeleteAll talk of uterus's aside, it would seem that the average Joe/Mary doesn't need an automatic assault rifle. I'm interested to know why some (or all?) of you feel you do. And I'm not talking the Constitution, I mean why would you need it?
ReplyDeleteZOMBIES !!!!
DeleteI think the short answer is “ because I can”. The other answer is that it keeps TPTB in check. The knowledge that there are thousands of quiet, armed citizens gives them pause.
DeleteBecause I can
DeleteThe short answer is as Irish stated, "because I can" or more simply "because it is my right". I've owned multiple submachineguns and other "scary" weapons since 1994. Not one has been used in the commission of a crime or to harm another human. The question I would pose to you It' is why do you think there is such a strong push by factions inside this country to register, ban, confiscate, etc. any and/or all guns from law-abiding citizens who almost never use a legally obtained and owned weapon to harm anyone. This movement isn't about saving lives. If that were the case these same people could focus their energies towards enforcing current gun laws on the books and stopping the wholesale slaughter of millions of unborn children each year. History shows us that the first step to subjugating a people is to disarming them.
DeleteAutomatic assault rifles are already heavily regulated. We're talking about unnecessary restrictions on common firearms that are used for self defense, hunting, and sporting purposes. It seems to me we already have more than enough laws on the books regarding guns and making it illegal to shoot someone. The problem is the failure of enforcement and deliberately creating places with large groups of people who are defenseless. If the government won't do something after 40+ calls, it doesn't matter if some whackjob uses a gun, bomb or pickup truck to kill and injure a bunch of defenseless people. Just think if even one of them could shoot back and what would be the outcome. Where law enforcement has done their job or an armed citizen was present, the rampage got cut short, lives were saved and the violence came to a quick halt.
DeleteI know a lot of people with all kinds of rifles. I only know one with an automatic assault rifle. It cost him $12,000 to buy and the permit authorization before he could take delivery took 10 months. It's very expensive to operate and maintain so he only takes it to the range once or twice a year.
DeleteWe do not have to show "need" this is the United States of America. We have a Constitution with a Bill of RIGHTS that says we can. We have the right to have the same weapons the Military does to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic.
DeleteIt's NOT an automatic, it's a semi automatic and there is no such thing as an assault rifle. The "AR" stands for the company that designed the rifle back in the '50's-ArmaLite-it is an ArmaLite Rifle like a general Electric dishwasher. A number of companies manufacture a variation of the rifle now so the designation of AR is generic (like Kleenex). Suggest you take the opportunity to shoot one-they're fun as hell! So the answer to your question is "hunting, target practice, protection".
DeleteBefore you ask questions, you should do some research and educate yourself....
Delete1. These are not assault weapons. assault weapons are "selective fire weapons". Look it up so you can the difference.
2. AR's are semi-automatic weapons.
3. I can own any weapon I want..including an assault rifle if I am willing to pay for it and go through the background check.
4. I use for target shooting, hunting, protection etc.
5. Because calling "911" will take the cops 10 minutes to arrive....
Aside from a police offer a decade more ago who stole a fully automatic rifle from the department, can you cite one use of a fully automatic rifle used in a crime? The lucky who can afford one ($200 for a tax stamp, tens of thousands for the rifle, let alone paying for the rounds (bullets to you), are unlikely to use it in a crime - unless in passion and involving a pool boy or chauffeur).
DeleteIf you're talking about a semi-automatic rifle with safety features like an adjustable stock to fit better, a pistol grip for a better grip, a detachable magazine, a suppressor to decrease the damaging "bang", an optic to help you aim better, that is too often called, in error, an Assault Rifle, please check you ignorance. Because some call it an assault rifle doesn't make it one.
As for why, it can protect my family against thieves that should not have been released from prison into the general population. My wife easily manages it, and can on her own, protect our teenage son and smaller daughter against multiple attackers. And it is fun to pit my skill against a target (steel or paper) at varying distances.
The same is true for our carry pistols. When we carry, the chance of being forced to do something we don't want to happen to us become vanishingly small.
I agree with the other responses. My response is this:
DeleteA Very Personal Opposition to Gun Control
Crazy, I believe that the word need is a tripping word for many. Like if my wife asked me, when we got married, did I need her. No, I didn't need her, but I wanted her. Nobody probably needs more than food and water, and shelter. More than that could be considered wants. There are many reasons for people to want this gun. It is a gun that is easily customized, much like the muscle cars of the 60's. But it can be customized for more than just looks, it can be made to be more user friendly, for an individual. The adjustable stock means that both a larger man and his petite wife can both shoot the same rifle at the range. The gun can also change calibers, with a barrel swap and a different bolt and magazine. I do not own one, so this might be simplifying too much, but that is how I have had it explained to me. Different sights, scopes, lasers, forward gripping surfaces, and on and on. Ever since the United States was founded, the civilian population has used the same weapons that the military has had. From the muzzle loading muskets, to the bolt action rifles of the World Wars, on to semi automatics and then fully automatic rifles and carbines, and then to select fire guns. And every time the men who fought these wars with these guns, when they got home, they often bought the same rifle for hunting and for home defense. After prohibition, in 1934, and the era of the big name mobsters, they changed the laws to make owning a fully automatic machine gun very difficult. But not impossible, if you were rich enough.
DeleteSo it stalled and people had to be content with semi automatic rifles, and now the AR 15, a copy of the M 16, basically, without the select fire option. And now it is the most popular gun sold in America, with an estimated 15 million or so of them owned here by law abiding citizens. They are rarely used in crimes, which is why when one is actually used in a crime, it hits the news so quickly.
And I will admit what many people are afraid to speak up and say. Some armchair Rambo types like the idea of owning a gun that they can take out, dressed up in camo, and pretend that they are storming the beaches of Normandy, or that they are retired Navy SEALS. But that is ok, and there is nothing wrong with that. How many people actually participate in cosplay, and nobody condemns them for that, but rather, they are celebrated for their imaginations.
The truth is that when a school shooting or something like it happens, things are so predictable that I make it almost like some macabre game. First thing, I wait to see which left wing politician will step up and condemn the gun, and say that we have to ban them " for the children" or " if it saves just one life", before the bodies are even cold. Then I flip around the news channels to see which talking heads they each have. Then if I still have an interest, I will watch to see which right wing politician is going to try to support the dead and the grieving while not looking like they are for gun control. It is so predictable, it is like watching a well rehearsed play. The problem is, at the end, no one is clapping.
WHAT Automatic? Please know your subject before opening your mouth.
DeleteFirst off, this isn't about 'need'.
DeleteSecond, my feelings have nothing to do with the case.
Third, the Constitution simply recognizes a previously existing right, that of self-defence and the right to own the means thereof.
A bit of thought and consideration of the fact that mass shootings and genocide alike occur where the inhabitants are dis-armed would lead a rational person toward the conclusion that knowing how to use, owning, and carrying arms is likely to extend both your longevity and your liberty. It is supposed to be a free country, so 'feel' free to ignore reality. You will not be able to ignore the results of having ignored reality, and neither your need nor your feelings will avail you.
Oh, yes. One more thing. If you want a bloody civil war, go ahead and try to take guns from Americans.
"Sweetheart"- (and I use the term as an almost 60 yo 110 lb female). You OBVIOUSLY, failed history. First comes regulation, then comes registration, then comes confiscation THEN comes genocide. It has happened over and over and over on this little planet. READ some ACCURATE history, then think about you question! How many "protesters" in the past have had the armed government guardians turn their guns on the peasants and Mow them down? By giving up anything ( that includes fully automotic) you have given them the upper hand. Also remember that the Supreme Court of the United States has twice ruled that police do NOT have to protect you. (Look that up too.) The Constitution of tbe US was set to prevent the government from getting the advantage. Sadly, I am afraid it is too late for all of us AND these clueless kids who will be desposed of when they are no longer useful.
DeleteMe? I still have my sling shot if that damn cougar comes back when I am working in my garden.....
What you're calling an "assault rifle" is simply an odd looking hunting rifle. The original AR-15 was a low cost utilitarian hunting rifle created by Armalite. It was the ARmalite model 15. The AR doesn't stand for Assault Rifle. If you compare function, it's the same as any other hunting rifle. Those frightened by any form of self defence weapon, saw something that looked scary and started creating a web of lies about what this evil piece of metal could do. The media helped feed the hysteria in order to boost their ratings. Sadly, the media also helped feed the dementia of some people and they seized on the ugly gun as a way to gain fame and the copy cat school and business shootings started. If you want to help stop the killings, muzzle the press and force them to stop giving the cowardly killers the fame they seek. When the killers are referred to as "The cowardly micro-penised killer", they'll find some other way to gain their fame.
DeleteI wish I had been smart enough to think of this:
Delete"Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit at the front of the bus?" In a free society there is no requirement to demonstrate "need" in order to exercise a right.
Ok, wow. Firstly I thank those of you who took a moment to explain your thoughts without implying I'm an ignoramus. I'm not against guns, we own 2, although I've only fired the pistol, not the rifle. Sure, I could have researched the history of firearms. But that wasn't my question, was it?
DeleteYou said "need", correct? It's our "Right" under the Second Amendment of Our Constitution. You speak of "Automatic Assault Rifles." Again this shows you have emotion without facts. "Assault" is a verb and is not germane to the conversation.
DeleteFirst, an automatic rifle has been illegal for anyone to possess since around the 1930's. Second, these are semi-automatic rifles. They are no more deadly that almost any hunting rifle. They "Look" scary to you because you don't understand them.
What we are trying to say to you is, please, know your subject before you let the news media and a bunch of children persuade you. Be the adult and not the emotional child.
Oh, for God's sake! I was asking opinions. Where did I say I was reacting to media? When did I mention I was scared? Admittedly I did use the incorrect term, and no I didn't realize that automatic weapons were illegal. All I was asking is why, and now I know. It's because you can, or you want to protect your family, etc. I think before you start accusing me of being an "emotional child" you should read my original question again. Many of the people who reacted to my question were respectful and insightful, and I suppose I should expect there will be those that don't. Like you.
DeleteI said World History, not just firearms. See how they (or the lack of them) has played out in societies. All of that aside, consider signing up for some lessons. It can be a LOT of fun! You can combine it with other sports for different challenges biathlons and Cowboy Mounted Shooting are just two examples.
DeletePLEASE FORGIVE ME .... I must have imagined the snark in your question when you asked, Why does Joe or Mary need an automatic assault rifle. Joe and Mary, and Odie, just like to piss off liberals. You stirred something up here and now I'm even getting emails asking why I was so nice to you.
DeleteAn AR-15 is nothing more than a scary looking hunting rifle. Some people don't understand them so they condemn them as more dangerous. An AR-15 is a civilian version of an M-16 military Automatic or Semi Automatic rifle. The M-16 has a selector switch that goes full or semi automatic. In Vietnam I had an M-14 which is a much larger rifle, and when put on full auto the second shot went straight up.
Anywoo ... you got exactly what you asked for ... Opinions!
For a distributed protest (core in DC with local protests to back it up) I didn't see anything here. More cub scouts were out selling camp cards than there were protesters at Acacia park.
ReplyDeleteyesterdays spectacle was not like the marches of the 1960s but more like the Nuremberg rallies of the 1930s. The liberal schools and progressives have weaponized children for their evil agenda.
ReplyDeleteTwo things:
ReplyDeleteI see these people, and especially that oh-so-slick (he's gotta be getting coaching) David Hogg, and see this:
And for those who didn't see it:
A Very Personal Opposition to Gun Control
Come and take them Tide Podders.
ReplyDeleteGive 'em hell Odie!
DeleteThe gun control I'd kike to see is David Hogg putting the barrel of an AR 15 in his mouth and pulling the trigger with his big toe!
ReplyDeleteThat's a little harsh no DJD? Remember, this Hogg sucker is just a kid and as such he doesn't have fully developed thought processes. Now if you wished that type of thing on the lefties that are using him to advance their agenda, I'm in total agreement. That's really what we need to be focusing on right now. Pointing out how these children are being USED by the anti-2A'ers to advance their agenda and it's really all based on emotions and no facts.
DeleteI'd like to see no form of gun control of any kind ever. The federal anti-gunners taken out, and especially all the controllers dead. I'll know where to get the kind of rifle I want to use, with my pistol.
ReplyDeletei'd comment but busy puking....
ReplyDeleteSeeing this makes me laff those pictures could be of my liberal bleeding heart daughter. Except she has a CCL for her 9 mm. and can shoot. we disagree on EVERYTHING but this .
ReplyDeleteThanks to all for stopping by and contributing to this post. Thank you too It' and I hope your question was satisfactorily answered. I'll leave you with this email that was sent to my by reader "Ed":
ReplyDelete"I would like to know who is FUNDING all these so-called “Student Rallies?” They are professionally organized, sophisticated deals with EXPENSIVE, professionally made banners and posters, etc………these well-meaning kids are being manipulated by George Soros and the Liberal Media, Liberal Anti-gunners and gun-haters to destroy our country.
But even the kids are hypocrites……..more people die at the hands of texting teenage drivers than guns but nobody marches to have them give up their cars, cell phones or their ultra-violent video games…………..And Hollywood and their Liberal actors, producers and owners are the biggest hypocrites of all……protesting about guns out of one side of their mouth while raking in millions in profits from their ultra-violent, ultra-bloody movies that glorify gun violence.
My rant for the day………"