Thursday, September 28, 2017


Why should the NFL only have hot women has cheerleaders? Maybe they need more diversity?

Use their own tactics against them.....

( Squawker ) Hot on the heels of one users efforts to make a secret “Normie Redpilling” site under the guise of the NFL Boycott. A story you can read more about here. Now 4chans infamous Politically Incorrect board is taking things even further. Launching a full scale campaign aimed at pressuring the NFL to draw a clear line in the sand of just how far done the Social Justice Warrior rabbit hole they really wish to go. Their tactic this time? Pressing the NFL to openly address their seemingly transphobic lack of trans cheerleaders.

The tactic originally was brought up in a discussion thread for the previously mentioned 4chan created www.standupamerican.com site. When a user asked what other efforts could be made to bring the league to heel quicker, it was quickly agreed the best tactic was to get them attacked by both sides. With Conservatives already up in arms, the question soon became how best to trick the left into outrage as well. Given how easily modern Liberals are triggered these days, it wasn’t long until a plan was formed.

Now formally called Operation: TransLeader the effort has moved into high gear. With almost nonstop threads running over the last few days organizing the effort. For those interested in participating, here is a step by step guide. Which even includes the promise of free sexbots at the end as a reward for your hard work





  1. "openly address their seemingly transphobic lack of trans cheerleaders."

    I WANT to hear Roger Goodell address this.


    Trying to find a picture of the cheerleaders from the original 'The Longest Yard' and all I can find is the crappy remake.

  3. Hi Irish,
    Some years ago, "A Guy" wanted to be a "HOOTERS GIRL" or at least a "Hooters waiter??" The deal made it to Congress... during a "HOOTERS BOARD MEETING" on the subject, one of the officers came up with this Idea and they presented (one of the board members) to Congress as "Vince the HOOTERS GUY" to show the ridiculousness of the concept... Somewhere in my archives I have the HOOTERS mag with the article Well after Congress saw "Vince" they got it!! Cheerleaders are suppose to be "Girls!!!" Any "Tranny's" that want to be"Cheerleaders" well far out dudes... don't be surprised when the fans throw all their Beer Cans at you and ya' better be wearin' body armour because the cans will be "FULL!!!!"

  4. Don't forget the fat girl lobby. Positive body image is important.


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