Sunday, March 23, 2025

Why are "these people" so obsessed with children?


Hoover elementary parents "furious" after Vulcan Park and Museum led by                apparent cross dressing male guide

Read more about how parents and teachers felt "uncomfortable" around this unannounced male dressed like a woman who acted as their tour guide during a school field trip last week. Story


  1. because they are gay playing dressup and they want your children. thats why

  2. These people are obsessed with children because they can't have their own. The homosexual has to recruit new players constantly. Same with the lesbian. If they want a baby, they're going to have to have a heterosexual encounter. They are completely off their rockers and going to hell unless they ask God for forgiveness.

  3. Those cross-dressing idiots should be put out of their misery.

  4. They should have got up & left, I know I would have.

  5. what I want to know is, are there more of them now, or were they just well-hidden 50 years back? which of my high school classmates were weirdo freaks?

  6. I believe it's because they are trying to normalize this type of behavior. If you can just get the children to believe this is normal and acceptable, when they grow up they'll think it's perfectly fine to act and dress this way. Freakin' perverts are insane! Sorry, but we don't have to pretend with you, or accept this BS.

  7. The museum is the problem. Knowing they are exposing children to this. They have an email and a twitter account.

    1. Yup.
      Vulcan Park and Museum
      For the old school people:
      1701 Valley View Drive Birmingham, AL 35209

  8. I sort of hate to say.this but the least lethal way for this to stop is this person receiving a beating and a warning. Words,.laws, morals mean nothing to the depraved mind. We are approaching the phase of force being needed to protect the innocent

    1. Agreed. However, the other side of the story is there are no males willing to do what needs to be done.

      Would your dad have put up with this stuff?
      Why do dad's today put up with it?

    2. Swami says dads won't interfere because of J-6 Syndrome. Exactly as the communist party planned.

    3. Maybe this is intended a Shibboleth to weed out the minority of men that might show leadership and integrity and courage...

    4. Zactly correct Roy, till to many are jobless and have nothing left to lose. Hey, fuckin pam red flag cunt bondy when are the perp walks.

  9. IYKYK eradication from orbit, it’s the only way

  10. At least shave your freaking legs and put a nice pair of control top suntan pantyhose on with blue pumps.

    WTF. No F'ing Class.

    1. Cause it's a guy. They pretend. They have no idea what a woman is, or how a woman feels. Mental.

  11. everyone of these mental midgets/ retards need to be in a mental institution for life, period!


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