Sunday, March 23, 2025

Ready The Popcorn!



  1. I've had one of my scooters keyed. It was the perpetrator.

  2. Now that would be some serious entertainment watching hells angels, Mongols and banditos roast those fuckers. Think about all the liberal boomers who own them as well

  3. Boy, I wish, was checking out a new Electra Glide, more than I paid for my home and land 36 years ago, by 3 times.

  4. Man, I'd pay good money to see that...

  5. Oh Shit! Come to Sturgis, fuckers!!!

  6. Yeah, but can you imagine how buttfuck ugly a cyberhog would be?

  7. Most of the people I know buying Harley's are not much different from the ones buying Tesla's. Around my area people drive Tesla s not because they're libtards or conservatives. They drive them because all the cool kids drive them. Same thing with Harley's .

  8. All ya see is Baggers, Baggers and more Baggers! Pay what? 45 grand for one Bagger? Granted ya can run 80 MPH almost all day, but Jeezus they are expensive! Daytona back in the day Baggers were what the Family types road, and choppers were the hardcore types.....Pans and Shovels and even Knuckleheads were everywhere! Now its lawnmowers big wheels, and all kinda 2-wheel 3 wheels and your grandma ride a v8 crazy! My wifes got a Road King Cop Bike, it sits in the garage, She rides my 68 Shovel hotrod on occasion......when Im not around! LOL love riding but the whole thing is now a " LOOK AT ME " Aint been to Daytona in 10 years.......Sturgis is somewhat the same, but the country out there is beautiful with lots of places to check out without traffic jams!

  9. Actually if you want to see heads explode, Musk should buy planned parenthood...

  10. harley went woke, and would probably false flag vandalize themselves with the hopes of getting some sympathy from their previous customer base.

  11. Just picked this up from Come And Make It blog:
    Brilliantly composed. AKA The Crux, (if you ask me, posited on target), read on:

    Tuesday, March 25, 2025
    Smartest man in the worlds take on Israel

    Chris Langan


    Question: "What do we think about the situation in Gaza?" Answer: A deplorable situation to be sure, with plenty of guilt to go around. Remember, Middle Eastern race-hatred and genocidal warfare go back millennia, and it's all "semitic" (no antisemitism required). It's about an undying lust for revenge and extermination often based on past conflict, and it was a terrible mistake for any European or North American nation to let itself be put on the hook for either side. It's a disease, or to resort to the ancient characterization of disease, a kind of spiritual blight or demonic possession. The entire area should have been quarantined, and all refugees admitted to Western countries should have been subjected to compulsory cultural and ideological assimilation or sent back. When it comes to genocide, the natural first step is to consider any ongoing genocidal attack on one's own race, culture, and nation. Hence, Americans should be most concerned with the genocide being committed against White Western nations by those responsible for mass Third World migration, which is now diluting the American majority and its genotype and phenotype out of existence. Among the most aggressive invaders are Muslims, and ironically enough, among those most aggressively promoting and facilitating their migration are Jews and "Christian Zionists" who overwhelmingly favor a "let everybody in!" policy everywhere except Israel and Palestine ("Greater Israel"). Because "White" happens to be a phenotypic trait of founding Western European populations, those responsible for this situation are by definition engaging in "White genocide" (by definition means that this is not a mere conspiracy theory). That's the genocide with which I'm personally most concerned these days, given that census data make it absolutely undeniable, as in "only a liar or an idiot could possibly deny it". America in particular is rapidly hemorrhaging its White population and being sucked dry by people who were invited for the purpose of population replacement and simply don't belong here. Their importation cannot be attributed to any labor shortage - most of them don't work, as the jobs were long ago sent off to Asia by the importers themselves - nor can it be attributed to "compassion", "the US Constitution", or an insane "melting pot" fantasy cooked up by Zionist playwrights Israel Zangwill and his close associate Theodor Herzl in the early 1900s. National suicide is profoundly irrational, and completely vanquishing rationality takes lots of money. What we've been seeing since the mid-1960s requires a tremendous amount of incentivization and behind-the-scenes manipulation. That kind of money and power is available only to those running the world banking and finance system and their global investment class. These investors and corporate executives and their well-funded corporations and NGOs are known to favor genocidal mass migration of primitive nonwhites to all and only White nations, and they obviously favor it because the banksters and public-private corporatocracy have been making them rich for riding the PC bandwagon, thus closing the genocidal fat-cat sell-your-soul-to-the-devil circle jerk. These are the genocidal maniacs of whom we most need to be rid.


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