Monday, October 14, 2024

Meanwhile In The Town Of Hanson ASSachusetts.... You Can't Make This Shit Up....

 I was surfing the twitter and this showed up in my feed:

After a little digging, here's the story:


 HANSON, Mass. —

Town officials brought in a flood light to reduce the visibility of a Trump campaign logo being projected onto a Massachusetts water tower. However, it could still be seen on Friday night.

NewsCenter 5 saw the competing lights on Friday night in the area of High Street in Hanson. The projector displaying the Trump 2024 campaign logo appeared to be set up in a nearby backyard.

“This misleads the public into believing that this activity is sanctioned by or condoned by the Town," Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green said in a statement.

“The Hanson Police Department is aware of a political image that is being projected onto a town water tower and is looking into the matter," a police spokesperson said. "The Hanson Police Department does not endorse any political candidate or party or any such imagery being projected onto town property."

Town officials said Saturday that they planned to "issue the maximum fine of $100 per day" to the perpetrator who is in violation of Hanson's sign regulations. Additionally, they said that the fee is not sufficient to offset the taxpayer dollars that will be required for things like attorney fees and Highway Department staff overtime to activate the spotlight each night.

"As a governmental entity, the Town of Hanson does not endorse candidates for any office from any political party, nor does the Town allow political signs to be displayed on municipal property," officials said in a statement.

"I mean there’s a lot of other issues to be concerned with. Patrolling to make sure there’s not a projection on the tank. I mean, that’s foolish. It’s not money well spent at all," said Mike Smith, who lives nearby

 Watch the video at WCVB if you Like <<<<


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