Saturday, July 6, 2024

Winning BAC ?, At 74 Years Old.... Is This Anyones Relative?






 A 74-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday >>>>>


 A 74-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday, after police say he was lying "completely naked" at the wave pool at Canobie Lake Park in Salem."There was a male subject there who was completely naked," said Capt. Jason Smith, with the Salem Police Department.Police say they received a call around 6 p.m. from security at Canobie Lake that several families and children had witnessed John Carabello from Somerville, Massachusetts, naked."A number of people had seen this, including children, and that they had reported it to Canobie Staff, who had reported it to the police," Smith told WMUR.When an officer arrived, Carabello was arrested for indecent exposure. Investigators allege he had been naked for several minutes.Police say that he was so intoxicated that he had to be taken into protective custody, as investigators say he told officers that he'd been drinking, prior to even arriving at Canobie Lake Park."We learned later that from the information we received is that he'd been drinking prior to even arriving at Canobie. So he wasn't even drinking at Canobie Lake Park. This behavior is unacceptable," Smith added. A spokesperson for Canobie Lake Park told WMUR in a written statement that their security team responded immediately to the concerns, further, referring all questions to the Salem Police Department.Carabello was released on bail and is set to appear in court in August."I'm not 100% certain on what he was thinking there. It was completely inappropriate and obviously not for a family setting," Smith said.In a statement to WMUR, Carabello said that it was "extremely poor judgement on my behalf.""I was not able to be in control of my behavior. My apologies to all involved. I am extremely remorseful and respectful," Carabello added.





  1. if he identified as a non-binary dog they wouldn't have been able to arrest him...or maybe he thought he was in san francisco

  2. Guessing a .35 BAC

  3. Or he could have just said he was a Democrat.

  4. is it just me, or does he bear an uncanny resemblance to Alfred E Newman?

  5. If he would have done this at an elementary school, his behavior would have been considered to be completely normal.

  6. There are giants in these days.

  7. Would have been OK in Salem, OR

  8. Had a fella in my ER that tested .800.....yeap, that's correct. He was loopy and couldn't answer questions accurately; but he was still alive. "THEY" tried to get his BAC down to normal human levels; but once he hit the 400's he went into DT's.
    He was allowed to go back up into the 5's and 6's and he "leveled out" mentally.
    How long had he been drinking? Dunno, but it had to have been years. He was a pro.

    1. Dead man walking. What liver function??

  9. Ballpark BAC, 240-300mg/dL, .24-.30 for those of you not "in the biz", IOW about 3x anyone's legal limit.
    Small potatoes.

    The professional drinkers, as Steve noted, go into DTs in the 300s, and walk around at 500 or better (0.50) most of the time. 500 is the Ld50 (Lethal Dose 50%), IOW the point at which 50% of normal persons start to go into fatal respiratory arrest from alcohol poisoning.
    Professional (i.e Skid Row veterans) drinkers hit the 800-900 range routinely.

    Their livers also look like a piece of burnt toast, and they rarely live to 50.
    I've seen people who literally drank themselves to death by 28.

    This guy?
    Probably just a Biden campaign senior staffer, dealing with the debate aftermath, and the prospect of the end of his career.

  10. Well, it has been awfully warm here…

  11. I had a bunch of fun weekends at Canobie back in the day.
    Nekkid? Sure, but at least we were in the van. (like everyone else)

    1. Musta been a BIG van, eh?

  12. He shoulda indentified as LGBTQ

  13. I'm wondering why he wasn't also charged with DWI. He obviously had have to driven there as the story didn't indicate anyone claimed him from jail or at the park.

    That court hearing is gonna be fun.


  14. I thought it was the real life Howdy Doody


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