Saturday, July 20, 2024

Thoughts From The Wilderness


What would have happened if the assassination attempt had actually succeeded?


  1. Well I think that question would definitely go down the rabbit hole...

  2. The left would still be doing the usual - rioting, burning, looting, etc. Screaming about how 'democracy' was now safe. Hollywood would be celebrating and partying. Not sure about Congress. Tons of House and Senate committee investigations that don't punish anybody. I read an interesting theory yesterday about why Kim Cheatle will not be fired. She knows whose cocaine it was and is using it as leverage (blackmail).

    1. Hillary wouldn't be afraid to fire Cheatle.

    2. Dems would still be fighting over Biden and republicans would go into a circular firing squad trying to pick a new candidate. In the end, it wouldn't matter who the DNC settled on because the republicans would implode; single-issue political influencers arguing over a dozen single-issue candidates, while single-issue voters refused to vote for any candidate not supporting their favorite issue.

    3. Fixed it for ya!
      "Hillary wouldn't be afraid to have someone fire on Cheatle."

  3. I would not want be the insurer of any Dem or RINO office holder.

    1. Or property.
      I have a feeling Mike V's "Window Wars" would start, but ramped up to Waco levels.
      After all, what would conservatives have to lose?
      President Elect B Woodman

  4. War. Civil and external. What aspiring superpower could resist cashing in on the chaos?

  5. It would have begun and finally the good people would be able to start correcting this shit show

  6. I think the first thing that wouldve happened is retaliatory reaction. Assassinating politicians would become a thing like in Mexico.

  7. From all the failures we are reading about the fact that it did fail leads one to believe they were prepared for it to succeed. So now the question is, whats next?

  8. If you have ever read the blog from "Taxi Driver" (Knuckledragging my life away) you would need to delve into the old archives. (If it still exists) There, you will find the answer to your query.

  9. The famous photographer with the high speed photo who just happened to be there would have another pulitzer, and the globalistuniparty would fake grief and nominate the two they had planned, Nimrata and JD, "because Trump would have wanted it," and things would continue apace.

  10. i'm more worried about what things would look like if an attempt was made on puddin haid

    1. It was a bloodless coup. No need for a sharpshooter. Unfortunately.

  11. The democrats soy-boi army antifa would have started a “purge” of conservatives.
    Biden would have declared martial law. No election, suspension of constitutional rights. Forced confiscation of firearms.

    I’m betting this was their plan.


    1. Au contraire, mon ami.
      US Rules having been completely suspended, Pineland Rules would have taken effect NLT noon the next day.
      The Ceacescuing of every Dem officeholder from Poopypants to the local dogcathcer would be in full swing, followed by their lapdog media, and anyone else who wanted to take the same ride. Bosnia x Rwanda x Beirut x Kristallnacht. And the highways heading south into Mexico would have been backed up as far north as Kansas City and Denver.

      Those unable to flee to Cuba or Venezuela would be jumping off of bridges or skyscrapers, and the boatlift to Havana from everything larger than a rowboat from all East Coast ports would have looked like boat people leaving Vietnam, in reverse.

      The population of the US might have shrunk by up to 50M in a month's time, but the republic left over afterward would be a nation of United States again, and all-American for the first time since about 1866.

      There would have been no similarly joyful moment for a people since the Red Sea swallowed Pharoah's chariots.

      Be still, my beating heart.

  12. All f*cking hell would have been unleashed, I think.

  13. The Dems would've shut down their lucrative cottage industries of ballot printing, accusation, hyperbole, handwringing, and fearmongering.

  14. Two words: Civil war.

  15. 01/06 would look like a Sunday outing....

  16. the euphoria likely would have resulted in more leftist violence, it would have 'empowered' the loony left to continue their rampage

    at some point, hopefully, retaliation would begin and it would be brutal

    we'd be different country for a while

  17. I believe that some shooting would have started and increased over time, until we have a full blown uncivil war.

    1. Viewed from the UK, I believe you are correct.

  18. well, just as half of the people will never believe the election isn't rigged. there is also a fair to good chance that some people just might get off the porch and do something to the "other side" just because of what happened.
    not saying it right or fair by any means. just that is what happen in other countries when shit like this has gone down.
    there would be a lot of "tit for tat" shooting that does take place. just look at what the IRA did for YEARS.
    then again, shit like this always happens that way. BTW, there are a Lot of pissed off people here in the hills of pa.
    over what almost happen last week. dave in pa.

    1. ...and remember, the IRA were never defeated. They just grew too old to carry on the fight.

    2. The IRA were defeated by the population that had provided support for them when they saw the political wing abandoning them in exchange for personal enrichment. The younger generation didn't want to become martyrs for anyones cause, least of all for the kiddy-fiddlers at the top.

    3. they collapsed when the bread line from the soviet union collapsed. as did a lot of commie supported operations.

  19. Oh, it would have been Civil War.
    Just after the shooting happened, you could almost hear the collective chambering of rounds around the country.
    I had several rifles, ammo carriers, ghillie suit and get shit done bag out and ready for a day or two afterwards just in case.

    1. First it would be a revolutionary war. When people fight against their government it is a revolution, not civil, war. Starting with politicians and working down through bureaucrats, democrats and socialist's.
      Second would come the civil war, the war between the people, to clean out the garbage amongst us.

      The question comes, at what point is it OK to strike back at the bully who is poking you in the chest? After the first poke? Second? The slap on the cheek as he taunts you to do something? Or is it when he pulls out a gun or knife or length of pipe and threatens to end you? Or is it after he has killed you? We are being told to show restraint and the American People have shown amazing restraint as they are taunted daily. I was taught that fighting is a last resort and one should never be the instigator but when the fight begins, fight by committing the most viciously heinous, terrifying, unspeakably vile, bowl-loosening unconscionable acts imaginable, such that not only does the enemy capitulate unconditionally, but no one for a thousand generations ever dare think of opposing you, lest it happens to them as well.

    2. I'm kinda kicking my self for not buying a couple surplus Moison Nagants when they were on sale for $50.00 in the mid 00's after the black messiah was selected. Supposedly they make great disposable sniper rifles. Shoot and scoot.

  20. Open season on Twinkies; mentals; and demoncraps would be the best bet; followed by illegals ; and anyone who looked suspicious .

  21. Bloody Kansas* times Bosnia, with a side of Sarajevo in the big cities, for a period of time approaching The Troubles.
    *A US Civil War reference. This started pre the Civil War and was a high level local War between partisans of both sides. See: Lawrence, Kansas.
    John in Indy

    1. I understood every reference, and agree wholeheartedly.
      President Elect B Woodman

  22. Unfortunately, a lot of talk and then crickets. Look around at the country, remember COVID. Everyone basically let the .GOV turn the US into the USSR, even with travel permits and take the shots or else and even giving it to kids! And what happened, nothing...

    1. Yes and no. When the school district in Coeur d'Alene ID tried to re-implement the mask mandate in 09/2021, a very large and very angry group of parents stormed the school district offices, forcing all of the bureaucrats and their useful idiot Orcs and Orcettes with badges to lock themselves inside the building and ultimately bow to the will of the people. I watched it happen live on TV. More and more of the sheeple are waking up. Sadly, too many have died from the effects of the jab. That being said, I believe if The Golden Golem and The Vance are subsequently neutralized, the gloves will come off and we will be in CWII. Plan accordingly.

    2. And then people got sick of it. And it ended rather quickly in most places.

    3. same as Athens TN ca 1946

  23. After what dems have pulled against Trump with their Lawfare......

    Civil war Ver 2

    Nobody would believe they weren't behind it.

    1. Nobody with two or more functional brain cells believes that now. ;)

  24. Martial law, it's what they want.

  25. One thing is for sure: Pedophile Joe would NOT be asked to step down.

  26. As soon as the left stopped dancing the jig and got halfway sobered up following the at least week long bender, Crooks would have been their hero. Once they had his address, there would have been a "makeshift shrine" at his house and a GoFundMe for his parents. After his funeral his gravesite would receive so many wreaths that several local florists would be able to put their kids through Harvard. A commemorative statue would be commissioned within a month and 4 out of 5 boys born to leftists for the next year would be named Thomas Matthew whatever.

    1. A monument and statue.....just makes all that an easy target for pissed off conservatives.
      President Elect B Woodman

  27. After the Sikh prayer a Sikh named Nikki Haley would have read a skillfully written eulogy to bury Trump and not to praise him. The Neocons would have their candidate and she would honorably lost to a Dementia ridden Democrat in the Proud tradition of Bob Dole, Gerald Ford, John McClain, and Mitt Romne.

  28. Start by taking out cameras, create a faraday case for cell phone. Arm up with food and provisions, Several million patriots to flood DC, another couple million around the beltway. Take out ft. Meade, Quantico, mountain cave in west, Va. and permanently take out all the surveillance main frames, Take as non leathally as possible but if necessary, we have been patient too long. Sort out the trustworthy politicians (won’t take long), Tell criminal politicians if they leave quietly them and their families will survive. Then there is the fake news. Give them a day to clear out or we take out the top dogs family and friends and work down the management chain from there. We can put homeless in the vacant office space. If all goes well you should be home in about a year. We gave taken this crap long enough.
    We missed Armageddon by a millimeter last weekend, It was a gift from God

    1. "Tell criminal politicians if they leave quietly them and their families will survive."

      That's a losing strategy IMHO. Once the main part of the fighting and dieing is over they'll try to reclaim their spot in .gov, if they're still alive, and carry on exactly the same way they did before.

      Take Bob Menendez as the most recent example. He was convicted ten or so years ago for the same thing he was convicted for this past week. Taking bribes to exert his power and influence wherever his bribers required is his modus operandi throughout his political life. Once he did his time for the first conviction, he went right back to his bribery schemes.

      The criminal politicians need to be hung on the National Mall on a row of gibbets erected for that purpose and left to rot as an example to any who may choose to take their place.

      Same for state and local politicians as well. I know several pols in my town that have been practically begging for that outcome for the last two decades.

    2. IDK man, the flies and smell.

  29. Probably shitheads like romney and pence.

  30. I literally don't know where I would be physically or mentally................

  31. Not sure. But, clandestine acts would have been kicked off, starting with shutting down the federal government's ability to rule, general disruption of necessary services, and possible disruption of food to major democrat cities, would take place.
    No massive, protests, just a willingness to make sure the left knows, they are finished.
    And, no, an F-15 would not stop it.
    The left is just Damn lucky, the usless POS, missed.
    Bear in Indy

    1. F-15's and any other .gov advanced weapons system have a FODD and logistics tail that's ten miles long and very vulnerable. Not to mention the guys that fly those things and man the tanks and armored vics aren't particularly enamored with their chain of command these days.

    2. Take a guess what happens when the electrical supply is interrupted? Standby generators only run so long on limited fuel...

  32. start with the media

  33. Hard to tell. People were on a high after the uproar over The Verdict amd Brandon's performance, not only at the debate, but in Normandy and G7. Sooner or later I think there would have been an incident, we've been heading that way for a while.

    But here's something more significant. Turns out there's footage of a man atop a nearby water tower. Given the fact some say forensic evidence shows more than one shooter, looks like the FIB has been caught in a lie.

    1. "... looks like the FIB has been caught in a lie AGAIN."

  34. Great question, glad it’s question. Minor unrest across the country. Smacked down by National Guard. Vivek and some senators take up their version of MAGA.

    In short, I don’t know. Blessed I don’t know

  35. Going forward, remember this; Make no peace with evil.
    God has delivered us, and either we follow His word or we lose the battle. This isn't political anymore, it is Good vs evil.

  36. The GOP would have put up Nikki Haley and her VP pick would have been Mitt Romney. In other words, conceded the election and stabbed republicans in the back again.

  37. While the Bilderberg attendees live above everyone else, the world will continue to burn.

  38. Palmetto State has magazines on sell right now.

  39. This entire thing was staged and Trump is 100% in on it.

    It’s concerning so many patriots cant see that.

    1. Unscrew your tinfoil; it's cutting off the flow of blood and oxygen to your head.

    2. Yeah, Trump or his campaign people hired the cops and ss, including the director, to have someone shoot really close from 150 yards or more away, just close enough to nick his ear, and then kill someone in the crowd, just for effect you know, and wound a couple more for good measure. then kill the patsy. got it. maybe all the cops and ss should have their bank accounts examined to see if any unusual large deposits have been made in the last 30 days or so. sound about right? the following shit show of excuses should be enough to know that it was organized but not by the Trump people. Trump wasn't supposed to survive and now the panic by the left has set in. I suspect that evidence of the plan will come out shortly, supplied by whistle blowers within the ranks of the government goons.

    3. I agree with the poster that it’s staged. Look at the audience behind Trump. It’s frickin’ green screen. You can see how the staged Trump and SS scene is superimposed over it. None of that is the reaction of audience witnessing such an event.

      Seems like most want to believe this to fit their force fed narrative. You’re being played

    4. Pablum for patriots and ya’ll are falling for it. Exactly how the powers that be want you to. Trump isn’t who you think he is. It’s a uni-party and he’s one of them. Always has been.

      He’s a long planned pressure release valve for all those looking for a new savour.

  40. OT anything happen today that I need more popcorn for?

    1. Nope. Other than had to come back so I can go to work tomorrow :)

  41. Late to comment, but think next step was a CIA ‘retaliatory’ hit on Joetato. Both parties would clamber for gun control and pre-written law would pass easily with “bipartisan” support (a la the Patriot Act). Both parties would run candidates that promised to unite the country in its time of mourning and rage. Uniparty would continue unabated but with a big legislative win that could have never previously happened.

  42. Just because they missed this time doesn't mean they won't try again.

    1. I agree Dan, this is not over by a long shot. No pun intended.

  43. Thats not the real Trump so it doesn't kind of matter one way or another, he died in March of 2021, so, they have been using this body double since, its an amazing lucrative cash cow with all the MAGA people donating money and buying Trump stuff and tickets to these rallies, in other-words its all rigged, its all been rigged for longer than we truly understand, so in a fashion the question is moot, its all lies, everything we have been told to believe in since we was little kids is a lie, everything, in that light it does not matter who ends up in the seat of power cause we ain't actualy truly honestly constitutionally voted in a president, at the very least since JFK, and he was order of the black sun, the security side of the order of the dragon, which is your family bloodline families like Rothschild's Rockefeller etc, who share financial control over all of the world with the black nobility families, whose bloodlines go back before Roman times, back to King Solomon, Rothschild's are line of Solomon, supposed to be Guardian's of humanity. So if you can wrap your noodle around that, you can see everything is a lie, wars, money, types of government and power structures, its all just controls, to control all of us good folks for all this time so a few use us as slaves making wealth which they then steal thru the various systems and lies. Its all about the money and control. And whatever evil shit they all believe in and worship and make sacrifices to, and use children and infants for in their satanic or whatever rituals and blackmail system.
    Yet, it seems, its all wondrously failing on them, their system of controls are failing, their monetary control system is failed, (2007-2008), it sounds crazy, but it ain't any crazier than how they been gulling us and fucking with us all this time. And its why clown world looks so fucked up, their systems have shit the bed. Lot more to it. But i do not think anyone believes any of this cause we all been lied to so long almost all of us good folks do know better, why we been slaves to "them" all along. No longer. Because someone new became The Guardian and she is changing how the world works. Goes by Kim Goguen. And its wilder than anything any of us could ever imagine, till you see, then it makes sense.

    1. Put. Down. The. Bong.

    2. 06:01,
      I was just going to say that.
      Beat me to it.

  44. It's a race of the turds. Top down dynamics and we get the crap

  45. https://www.bitchute.com/video/B0oUFU9qxEc2


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