Friday, June 28, 2024










  1. Obama....... It's always been Obama.... If you look closely, you can actually see Obama's hand up Biden's ass working him like the puppet he is!!

    1. Barry is just another low IQ chosen tribe sock puppet.

    2. The Oval Office Urkel is the Soviet influence on Josef Stolen...

  2. It's easy to see what they are doing publicly. Imagine what they are doing privately...

  3. Rupert Smedley HepplewhiteJune 28, 2024 at 3:21 PM

    Biden was on so much medication his pupils were dilated wider than Michelle Dugger’s hoo-hah.

    1. Or some 8 yo girl slapped the shit out of the dirty old bag of shit.

  4. I've been wondering that for a while now.

  5. They were ALSO not elected...

  6. Know that Valerie Jarrett of Iranian descent is in there somewhere

  7. Almost 100% of the news stories today are about Biden's abysmal performance last night and how the Demonrat party is in a panic about what to do about it. I don't know how Demonrats get around the fact that Bribem is the nominee of choice BY VOTE of the citizens. He's, so far, refusing to step down. Unless they Article 25 him or he drops dead, I don't think DNC convention has a choice. Rest assured if he doesn't drop out or die and the party nominates someone else, not only will Bribem sue, so will the RNC.

    Then there's the question of how does the new nominee get on state ballots. I think the deadline for that is way past.

    IMHO, the Demonrats have effed themselves by stealing an election to put this Alzheimers patient in power.

    Even the NYT editorial board, a perennial Demonrat apologist and booster, is calling for Bribem to step down.


    1. The Ho Kamala is not smart enough to get an Article 25 against SloJoe even with all of the debate evidence she could have gathered last night.

      BTW: The convention has not occurred and only Ohio is affected prior to the convention.


      This is big. It's likely already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.

      WISCONSIN — It's already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.

      NEVADA—After tonight, the fourth Friday in June, it will be too late to remove Joe Biden.

      GEORGIA—Only a few weeks remain before it will be too late to remove Biden from the ballot.

  8. Have never watched one of these "debates" before. All I can say is that my dog would have done better, and he died thirteen years ago.


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