Sunday, June 16, 2024

All Bump Stocks Lost Back In Boating Accidents In 2017 Miracuosly Wash Ashore

                   For a satirical/entertaining piece from The Babylon Bee , click HERE.


  1. Replies
    1. I bet a lot of "uppers" less than 16" washed up recently too in light of the overturning of the "pistol brace" ban being rescinded /Supreme Court decimating BATFE's bullshit whims that they believe allows them to write out a paragraph and magically wave their "anti-gun magic wand" and miraculously transform the paragraph of written words into law without having to go through proper legal channels of having a bill introduced, passed, and signed into law. Neither do any citizens of this country have any recourse opposing such "law" (nobody to vote out of office). Did I ever tell you that "administrative law" (which in almost all cases is not a law at all) is the bane of these United States, along with demonrats, and huge personal pet peeve of mine.

    2. Never had on really, spray and pray never works as they say

    3. That never was the point.
      These entities that seek to circumvent the Constitution should be brought up on charges.

      If the ATF employees believe they have the right to violate the natural right of self protection of "we the people", then "we the people" have the right to violate their right to self protection.

  2. I was so irritated at Sotomayer’s moronic dissent that I was tempted to resurrect my dead blog to post about it. No way someone with zero knowledge of physics and firearms should not be automatically recused from ruling on anything about guns.

    And don’t read the fawning pack of lies and misleading statements on the bumpstock thing at Slate. You will puke.


    1. I hear you Drew458. I never got the bump fire itch. Shells are too high. As far as the Vegas Massacre. I will say there is a distinct difference in the sound of someone firing a bump fire equipped AR and a 240 Bravo.

    2. OTOH, Sotomayer sowed the seeds for a future victory for us in the gun/mag ban cases when she slipped up and commented that AR-15s were "commonly available." Heller stated that banning guns/mags "in common use" were not ban-able.

  3. Now, where's my scuba gear....?

  4. Shall not be infringed. < was the biggest period It will allow....so...PERIOD.

  5. It'll be interesting when the gun grabbers realize that a zip tie around your trigger finger and trigger will do the same thing. The demand for zip tie control will be hilarious.

  6. The hard part in getting the bump stock ban upheld was always going to be the clear definition of single fire as one round per pull of the trigger. That’s in the statute. Bump stocks just make that easier to do at the price of a loss of accuracy.

    The BATF trying to make their own laws isn’t new, and it’s not hard to find a judge willing to subvert the law to achieve the right outcome. Right now, it’s hard to get shenanigans like that past the US Supreme Court. For now.


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