Thursday, May 9, 2024

Start A Beer Fund For This Guy?









  1. Beer fund hell... Lets start a college fund so he can go set 'em all straight!

  2. Security trying not to laugh in face of commie dipshit.

  3. If this is the beginning of the pushback, then yes, things will get worse, because the "protestors" have the resources to find out who this Man is, and anyone else that will take the same action.

  4. While not calling them “snowflakes”, those “students” have never had their clocks cleaned. Watching anime and their sanitized version of war has led them to the wrong conclusions. I agree with dude; where can I donate to his beer fund?

  5. I’m sorry but I didn’t see him do anything. Nope, nothing. Just a guy walking to his job. Sorry, nothing.

  6. religion of whiney baby bitches

  7. God, that voice at the end.
    That, right there is grounds for a beating.

  8. It is going to be an interesting summer throughout the U S of A. The tolerance of those on the right is nearing the boiling point and when it goes, it will be like dropping a frozen turkey into the fryer.

    1. That my friend is exactly what the PTB are hoping for. So it will give them an excuse to cancel the election due to an "emergency situation" and to let loose their dogs to try to take out the so called maga terrorists while they ignore the liberal rioters. We need to not provide them with that excuse.

    2. We've been doing that. Forever. And things continue to deteriorate. Sooner or later you just got to break shit.

  9. That wee little security guard wouldn't have been able to do a damm thing even if he wanted to.

  10. Now they want the cops.

  11. Any of these "students" here on a visa that are protesting by going against college policy or state/local law should be immediately deported. Any outside agitators should be locked up in the general population of the nearest prison while awaiting trial. See how they like their "privilege" then.


  12. a good old fashioned rumble, or twelve of em...shit would change, rapidly

    1. Yep. l
      would buy this guy some beers if I was in his neighborhood.

  13. Fear not, the same tech used to track down the Jan 6 "insurrectionists" is being used to find anyone who dares to defend their personal space or free speech against these little angels. It's all ass backwards folks, preaching to the choir I suppose.

  14. Woe be to you, who have ignited the ire of they that just wanted to be left alone.

  15. Yeah... like she pays taxes!

  16. It's illegal when "they" do it, but for some reason everyone's standing up for illegal acts when it's something they agree with. That's what's wrong with this country. The cops should have arrested him for battery.

  17. For your consideration:
    "Divide and Conquer"

  18. I am reminded of this classic, and can literally feel the quiet cold rage of fellow Saxons...The talks w mates have taken on a different tact and tone, preparing for kinetic operations. Almost all of my like minded mates are rolling armed personally and have various types of carbines, etc., and plates and such in their autos too...

    by Rudyard Kipling

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late,
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy -- willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low.
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd.
    It was not taught by the state.
    No man spoke it aloud
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not suddently bred.
    It will not swiftly abate.
    Through the chilled years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the Saxon began to hate.

  19. And the cops are still too stupid to figure if they would just disappear we would solve their problem for them

    1. yeah, and there is a lot to be said for old school method of dealing with assholes. but the assholes would never stand and fight. no, they would much rather the cops came in and beat him down.
      need to get a few good farm boys and train them up, send them to schools like this one and bust a few heads
      dad used to drag me out to work after I was 12 or so. dad ran a concrete crew. not easy work by any means. but by the time I was 16-17 years old, I was rock hard muscle. as I gotten older I realized what he did for me. that and a few books by Faribain and others taught me the skills I lacked.
      funny part was in ATI training in the army and I put the had to hand combat teacher on his ass 3 times in a row. that is when it hit me what dad had done for me. dave in pa.

  20. Bam! Tik Tok banned. Bam! Anti-semitism bill. Bam! White males suddenly allowed to be violent. Does not anyone see what organization is pushing this shut down while 37,000 now dead in Gaza? Massie has alerted the public that AIPAC has now devoted $600,000 to ANYONE that will oppose Massie since he voted down the "the anti-first amendment bill. Just be a good little Zionist. For those of you that stand with Israel you probably stood with Ukraine taking all your tax dollars for the big guy.

  21. Deport them to the country they are protesting for.

    1. Well they did say they like there when he told them to back

  22. They are trolling for trouble as stated above. Begging for it because it worked for them in the past. We wound up with a statue of a dope head felon and lost statues of heroes. Remember, it’s an election year but you don’t see this garbage done in the south.


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