Thursday, May 9, 2024

Don't Be Bert.....




A Maine man is facing numerous charges after he allegedly led police on a high-speed chase through four New Hampshire towns Tuesday night.


Around 9:21 p.m. Tuesday, state police said they received information about a car that had fled from officers with the Epping Police Department at a high rate of speed along Route 101 east. Minutes later, a state police trooper saw the vehicle, a silver 2005 Honda Accord, traveling at a speed over 120 mph along Route 101 east in neighboring Exeter.


The trooper attempted to stop the Honda, but it continued on Route 101 at a high rate of speed, briefly exiting the highway at Exit 12 before returning to the highway and continuing to flee east into Hampton.


Three minutes after the pursuit began, additional state police troopers set up tire deflation devices on Route 101 east near the intersection with Interstate 95, successfully deflating two tires on the Honda. Even with two flat tires, the car continued through the Hampton Side Toll Plaza and onto I-95 north into North Hampton, where the vehicle eventually stopped.


Troopers were then able to take the driver into custody without further incident.


The driver, identified by state police as Bert E. Clement, 28, of South Portland, Maine, was charged with two counts of aggravated driving under the influence of drugs, driving under the influence of drugs, reckless conduct with a deadly weapon, reckless conduct and disobeying an officer. He also faces charges out of Epping in connection with their initial pursuit.



.. Pause here for a minute and put down any heavy objects you may be holding....




.. continue..... 






Clement was released on personal recognizance bail pending an arraignment scheduled for June 4, at 8 a.m., in District Court in Brentwood.


 Wait, What?   Released. On. Personal. Recognizance. ??? What the fuck.


  1. Just your run of the mill man-bun peace-loving liberal. Wasn't his fault. He was probably triggered by the police or the recent breakup of peaceful protests at Columbia.

  2. He looks like a solid citizen, so I'm sure he'll show up for his court date.

  3. Released. On. Personal. Recognizance. It's that white privilege asserting itself. Cue the U.S. Marshalls to bring to a rescheduled hearing after he doesn't show on June 4th.


    1. If he was anything other than white, they would have fixed the flats for him.

  4. Looks like those Maine LEOs have it figured out. Officially 'White privilege' the guy, cut him loose, and let the cancellers and doxxer pantifa goons have their way with the pale offender.

    1. How did Maine LEOs get involved and what did they figure out? I missed that part of the story.

  5. Perhaps check if he has family/relatives with positions of influence in the local government?

  6. At the police station, he checked the Democrat box on his voting record.....

  7. Another incompetent judge who should lose his/her pension.

  8. Got a almost 20 year old Honda up to 120 MPH. Color me impressed

  9. Anyone driving a Honda Civic 120 MPH is on something besides drugs and booze. Massive stupidity. Oh well, he's gone never to be seen again until next time. USual result of no bail.

  10. Not surprised if he was booked in Northampton. It’s a very Blue city. I grew up there when it was still majority Conservative, along with most of the test of Western MA.

    It’s the home of Smith College. My mom said that during WWII some of the students would go around propagandizing the locals to oppose fighting Germany. Yeah, some were that bonkers even back then.

    1. I'm confused. How long has Smith College been in New Hampshire?

    2. I guess he thought the arrest was made in Northampton, MA, instead of North Hampton, NH.

  11. "Troopers were then able to take the driver into custody without further incident."

    Nothing beyond a good old fashioned perfunctory Thom Mcan enema, I hope.

    Oh, and also, Bert? From Down East? Funny.

  12. Yes released the lawn enforcement guys decided they needed more training for high-speed pursuit.


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