Friday, April 12, 2024

Meanwhile, At Dartmouth College, A Chinese Immigrant Schools A Useful Idiot....







 LILY TANG WILLIAMS is running for Congress


  1. That little bitch Hogg needs to be taken out behind the wood shed and taught a life lesson.

    1. He will be eventually by someone,

      I was told the other day that a bunch of nearby university Chinese students got busted cheating on exams using chat gpt. Will report the outcome later if anything is even done, probably not.

  2. no. hogg is not usefull. just an idiot.

  3. You cannot use logic and rhetoric to change an opinion arrived at emotionally.
    People pushing gun control are afraid of guns themselves, like scared little bitches, and want big and nasty men to take them away from everyone else, thinking it will make them feel safe.

  4. He didn't get Schooled. He got Told. It bounced off. The facts that would be the reason for an immediate course reversal IF you were dealing with an honest person have no effect on lefties. School was Open, for sure,,and she exposed him The important facts,, but lefties are unreachable and Unteachable.

  5. yeah, like anyone really wants to hear what this little worthless has to say about anything ?
    the part I find funny is he really thinks he going to make a difference ?
    guns have no changed in the last 50 or so years. the people have. I remember back in 1968, they where going to pass the GCA. mom got money out of the bank and had my dad go and get a handgun for each of them. plus 4 boxes of ammo. he got a 1911 in 45 and she wanted a 38, 4 inch Smith heavy barrel. as she said. if they going to ban them, we need to get some before they do. dave in pa.

  6. Hogg claims he is a shooting survivor, but I have never heard him say that he was shot at or even witnessed the shootings. In my opinion he is nothing more than a gas bag that would claim he survived a fatal car crash that happened near his home while he was eating dinner. Grifter, wimp.

    1. The rooma is that that shitstain wasn't even in the school when it went down, showed up way after the fact after he heard about it.

    2. yup. that what I read as well. he rode over as fast as he could on his bike to stand outside and talk to the "news people" like he was inside the "whole time". runs in the family, his dad was or still is FBI. funny that ? isn't it.

  7. Nayver NAYVER !
    Great point tho’.

  8. Very wonderful to hear a Chinese immigrant stand for the Constitution of the USA

  9. And remember folks, little hoaggie is not a school shooting survivor, he was not at school during the shooting.

  10. She already ran once, in 2022, and lost. - Nemo


  11. many of the school shootings are gov sponsored and will continue to be.

  12. ever notice nope we can't have security at schools and nope we can't secure elections, so when the phuck are people going to wake up and realise the system wants it all this so the evil we are ruled by can continue stealing elections and shooting up schools


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