Monday, April 8, 2024

Maybe Those State Of Emergency Warnings For The Eclipse Should Be Taken Seriously...










  1. Not long after OBiden took office, lightning struck the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio. A few days ago lightning struck the Statue of Liberty. Also a few days ago, an earthquake centered near Trumps golf course in NJ shook New York city. Who knows what today could bring.
    The signs are everywhere...

  2. Did you see that yesterday scientists issued a new path for the eclipse, the original one eas calculated using the wrong diameter. It moved it enough several towns expecting thousands of visitors wont actually see the full eclipse anymore.


    1. Yeah, but the path is only 2,000 feet narrower, the center is the same. Considering the shadow is some 100+ miles wide, 2,000 feet ain't much of an error.

  3. At this point, would anyone be surprised?

  4. Bwahahaha good one. Yep it’s a conspiracy to cover for miss deeds. Evil lurks in the dark

  5. Question...Do flat earthers believe the
    moon and sun are also flat?

  6. Left home at 8:00AM for the drive North, 172 miles to my preferred destination near the center of the path and 155 miles to my second choice at the edge of totality.

    From the time I jumped on the interstate which is less than a mile from my home, I knew I was in trouble. Traffic was EXTREMELY heavy, however it was moving along. That didn't last. It was bad until I got to a major intersection of two interstates, the second one travels NW into the state next door where there was also a large long totality window. Within ten miles of that intersection it was as bad as before and getting heavier, although it was still moving along at ~50MPH. the farther North I went the slower it got. I decided to get off the interstate at a major state road also going North. That worked OK until I passed through the first town about 15 or so miles along. Traffic was still moving, it was just slow. Then I came to the major bottleneck of a notch road through a mountain pass. The road through the notch is two lanes, one in each direction with a substantial steel guardrail in the middle and shear rock walls just off the roadway, stop and go for 10 miles. After emerging from the notch my closest destination is about ten or so miles away. The road passes through small rolling hills. Traffic is moving along although slowly. I came over the top of the last hill into town and see traffic at the bottom of the hill, about a half mile away, at a dead stop. I also see a lot of cars pulled off the roadway onto the shoulder and people out side their cars. I continued down the hill watching the traffic in front not moving. I came to an intersecting road pulled in, turned around went back up the hill and parked near the top. I'm within a mile of the edge as best I can figure, hoping for the best.

    The sky is crystal clear. I can see some clouds off to the SW That aren't moving. I'd been there about an hour when someone in the crowd yells out "It's starting". I look through my special glasses and see a very small dent in the lower right portion of the disk. I take pictures with my phone through the special filter I had purchased. Nothing. The filter works so well you can barely see the sun through it with the naked eye. I tried taking snaps with the special glasses over the camera lens. The image is so small you can't make out any detail and there's still too much light from the disk. I tried closing the F stop on the lens down as far as it would go to try gain some detail as the moon continued to cover the sun. Not happening. So I just watched periodically as the sun was covered up. It got to 99.99% totality. No diamond ring, no corona and no almost night visibility at ground level.

    As soon as the sun started to be uncovered I hopped into the car and proceeded South. A lot of people continued looking and traffic was not too bad for the first mile or so. Then everything went to hell as more people got in their cars and headed for home. It took 1.5 hours to get through the 10 miles of the notch road and another hour to get to the interstate. Traffic was bumper to bumper for the next 60 miles with frequent stop and go and slow crawls. Imagine the worst Thanksgiving Day traffic you've ever been in times 10.

    Irony of ironies, the state DOT put a bunch of those programmable signs along the interstate reading "Expect Heavy PM Traffic and Significant Delays". Understatement of the year.


    1. I went to middle BFE in WY for the 2017 eclipse. Got there 2days early, got amazed and some great pics.
      The ride towards home after was on an 80 MPH interstate. I was doing 8 MPH then stop & go for 25-35 miles. Totally worth it!!

    2. Last night the local TV station reported that some people who had traveled further North than I did took 12+ hours to get home due to the traffic being so bad.



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