Sunday, December 17, 2023

Damn, There Still Might Be Hope, Watch It All...











  1. What a great video. What a horrible situation for that school district.

  2. BFYTW. There may be hope yet.

    1. this has reaffirmed my faith in our youth. good for her!!!

  3. Kind of surprised she wasn't escorted out by security. The applause from the crowd was cool.

  4. Damn. 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body!. I'll bet that girl has a Dad.

    1. You betcha! Well adjusted females know when to use some balls!

  5. I'm surprised they didn't shut her down for "personal attacks". Well Done, Young Lady.

  6. it is a surprise to me to hear such a elegant speech from anyone at all. i doubt if any collage professor could do better

  7. Rock solid speech! A daughter to be proud of, thank God these kids see right through this BS.

  8. Mann,woww,, so well done. And she brought the stats on performance that had she asked anyone on the board, they wouldn't have answered. That was encouraging. Her peers are watching and listening. She is going viral and the parents love her. I'm hoping the kids get on board and force changes.

    1. Her peers may be listening and watching, but the parents sure don't seem to be. If they were, why's this turd still employed there?

  9. Dont rely on children to fight your battles..MEN.
    I get it, it’s nice but will be disreguarded and at the same time I find it disgusting.
    She should be outside playing.
    Not bitch slapping the Sex Cult. Thats ADULT Work.

    1. True. She would not need to be there were we doing our duty.

    2. true, Chivalry,,,, men should stand up in the most aggressive way as to stop what is going on in our schools now and stand up, those are our children. some good old fashion off campus round house ass whoppins would straighten a lot of that stuff out. snap those bones and break those jaws. just one or two and the word will get around through the school districts quick.
      i am proud of her for what she did and said. apparently she has very good parents and she has more balls than most men in her area if she had to defend herself, other than the men in her community doing it for her.
      ass whoppins work guys, trust me, they always have.
      be safe and wear your mask and gloves, you know-the covid thing.

    3. In a civil society none of that would take place. We WERE civil until about 1970.

  10. He needs a raise to $800,000 per year. That way reading proficiency will go down by an other 50%: mission accomplished.

  11. Our elected school board official is eviscerating many local school boards, including Tulsa. The entertainment value is epic

  12. Our district superintendent just got a 12% raise on their $250k salary. I don’t know how much that is because I’m a public skool graduate.

  13. This just in: student murders district school superintendent.

  14. She's as authentic as Greta Thunberg. Someone else (and adult, probably her mom) is writing the words, she's just reading them.

  15. Regardless of who wrote the words, the information is now out there.

  16. Parents used to be involved, not just attending meetings after those getting paid way too much for that job ($200-400K for a school S.I.? Really?!). Instead they are busy trying to make ends meet (which is intentional) while the demented teachers union and their bosses run open-loop grifting the taxpayer funded system. This bum should resign, along with his pals. Time for a reset.

    1. Parents get arrested and/or investigated by the FIB. To my knowledge, they have not done the same thing to any of the kids speaking out.....YET.

  17. Those statistics are common for many big city schools and more proof that homeschooling is the only answer for well educated children.

    1. Correct. A criminal activity in the past tense cannot be fixed, it can only be prosecuted. The sad fact is that most parents today are using the public schools as day care centers. If parents really cared about their kids they'd already be helping them to learn. We homeschooled our son and now he and his wife are homeschooling our grand daughter.


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