Thursday, October 5, 2023

Memes and Sundries to help ease you into Friday.....












  1. Remember the scene in Falling Down where William Foster (Michael Douglas) is sitting out in a field, minding his own business and a couple of gang bangers accost him? Remember how that ended?

    That's gonna be us in 42 days. We are all William Foster now.


    1. Nemo as I often enjoy your posts, what's going on around November 17th?

    2. 42 days is when the latest continuing resolution to keep open runs out. That might also be business days which puts money running out into mid or end of December. I might be off a day or two. If there's no new spending bill passed by then, they either pass a new continuing resolution or shuts down.

      Then a whole cascade of stuff kicks off. No EBT money, no money for illegal housing and food, no free Obama phone service, etc etc etc, which could kick off riots by the dindu's and illegals with all of the attendant attention of BLM and ANTIFA delivering another "summer of love" like 2020, in the late fall, burning and looting and police standing idly by doing nothing instead of making heads explode.


    3. The budget, with no speaker of the house, needs to be addressed by that day. Dems will whip the smooth brains up by telling us postal workers won't be paid, and all those gubmint chex won't be able to be delivered for people to buy Christmas presents.

      Pick the idiotic lie for shutdown panic that they use: the military, first responders, park services (remember Obama with that one?), postal workers, soc sec checks, etc etc etc

      Don't you worry though, they exempted themselves from any consequences and non-payments a while back. They see themselves as the ultimate "essential employees"

    4. I agree with your premise Nemo, but we both know these scumbags will kick the can again and again, and at midnight on the last day before recess they'll stick it so far up our ass... and claim the other party made them agree to it.
      No morals, no spine, no respect. Fuck these scumsucking swamp creatures with a rusty chainsaw.

    5. The most aggravating part of a government shutdown is that it does not save a penny. Every federal worker, and I assume every welfare recipient, will be made whole with back pay when the government re-opens. It's like a child holding her breath until she gets her way.

    6. And the argument that they won't kick the can down the road again is that they want the muggings, attacks, riots, and all the other bad stuff to happen. So that the people call out to the Benevolent, Protective, Government to save them.

    7. @anon 7:19 If McCarthy was still Speaker, I'd agree. However, I don't believe Jordan or Scalise, the two most high profile candidates for Speaker, would go along with another kicking of the can, which is why McCarthy got run out of town. All of the political pundits try putting the fear of God into the populace with "OMG, people are not going to get paid, but still have to work, OMG". They don't extrapolate to the next level with all of welfare getting canceled for a period of time, although, during the last shutdown, I think Welfare was still transmitted, to keep the recipients from rioting. After all, you can't have Obozo's brethren showing their true colors when they can't pay for their fillet mignon and crab legs @$25.00+/lb or fill up their Escalades that get 15MPG on a good day or their Obama phone's get turned off because the Eagle didn't pay the phone company.

      The only people I feel anything for during a shut down is active duty armed forces employees who don't make shit to begin with.

      Then, at the end of the day, all of those people that weren't getting paid during shutdown, have it made up in back pay all in one poop of the Eagle whether they actually worked OR NOT.

      The real eye opener here in the last day is Bribem reversing his "Not one more foot of The Wall" policy. My take is he's got a secret side deal with some R's in the House and definitely in the Senate(Mitch and Chuck) to include $Billions more in Ukraine aid in whatever package next goes up for vote.

      Given the time frame for the next appropriations package and with no current Speaker to allow bills and votes to the floor, I expect a shut down. Yah, there's a Speaker Pro Tem, all he's there to do is shepherd the vote for the new Speaker. No other business will be conducted in the House until there's a new Speaker. Notice they haven't even announced when voting for Speaker begins, with all that implies.

      Needless to say, I'm disgusted with this whole mess, especially McCarthy. In the end, he got his just deserts for which I'm glad. I knew when he had to make deal after deal behind closed doors to get elected, that he had no intention of keeping his word.

      Well that's my rant for this morning. Stronger messages perhaps to follow. ;-))


    8. In regards to Falling Down, for 9/10s of the movie I was rooting for Michael Douglas. Then they ruined it at the end by making it a thing with his ex-wife. But OMG there are days when I just want to keep driving until the truck runs out of gas and then walk out of society. He captured the spirit of us old farts who are tired of everyone else's shit so well.

  2. Yeah Nemo don't be cryptic and leave us hanging lol...

  3. Regarding #3: Is he actually that stupid or does he think we are?
    Or do they even care anymore?

  4. Sir, you have outdone yourself with this batch.
    A snappy salute to you!



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