Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Public Service Announcement


I thought I would pass along a little information I recently discovered. While searching YouTube for an instructional video on "how to" hoola-hoop for my five year old granddaughter, I ran across several risque videos pertaining to the subject. I had to watch this one six or seven times before deeming it "unsuitable" for small children. I know a lot of the readers here at TFI are around my age and have grands or small children so, I thought I'd post this video here to show what we are up against. Click HERE or "watch on YouTube" in the block. 


  1. Thank you for your PSA, very useful.
    I have a question though. This being the 21st century and needing to stay connected to today's reality I would like you to explain to me what gender this person is.
    Thank you.

    1. As you well know, there are only two genders. I use a simple rule if I ever see a questionable person regardless of what they might be wearing. My rule is "if IT has an apple (Adam's apple), IT probably has a banana (penis) too"! For the record, I would never knowingly post a "confused" person posing as a woman.

    2. Easy for me to get suspicious about gender when the "questionable person" has smaller breasts than mine.

  2. when my kids where small. a long time ago. I asked a fellow grunt how to throw a football. yup. never played it.
    spent too much time working or doing other shit. never care for it myself. anyway. I wanted to show my kids how to.
    roller skates and skate boards where not a problem. that I did as a kid. but football ,,,did more hunting and fishing
    instead of playing "sports" .

  3. Remy LaCroix. Do your Google.

    1. Sounds like cognac with a chaser.

    2. Googled. Porn star... wish I hadn't. Why can't women just be sexy and not slutty. There is a difference. I guess I should have expected that. Sigh.

  4. Also inappropriate for teaching your granddaughter hula hoop!


    1. Excellent, I wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole, but that woman has a beautiful body.

  5. I used to be pretty good at the horizontal hoola hoop, could do it for hours. Anymore not so much.

  6. Are you aware of what can be seen with NO sign-ins all over the internet? Not endorsing the video or Screwyoutube, but at least they recognize the need for age restrictions.

  7. Definitely suitable for me.
    Not sure about kids.
    Just saying

  8. Did the hoola hoops wear off her tits?

    1. Cederq, here's one just for you.


  9. Why was that behind an age verification barrier? shorts and swimsuits? Must have been the Brazzers' logo in the corner.

  10. While I respect your opinion i may have to watch this a few more times. For QA of course.

  11. Jefferey remy is a professional. Irish has granted her entry to FFFF before

    Bear Claw

  12. I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you! I haven't seen that much skin since I last de-feathered our last chicken! I "borrowed" it so I can show my grandsons what not to watch.

  13. Not all heroes wear capes

  14. I had to watch it six or seven times too.
    Of course, I knew it was inappropriate for the littles about a third of the way into the first time.
    But I had to make sure.
    Six or seven times.

  15. Eugene, Oregon.
    I must be spoiled by excellence in local artists... students and graduates of the School Of Dance in the university Music School.
    We have fire-dancers and aerial-yoga performers.
    At Saturday Market, tall slender fit Rebecca Muller sells -- and demonstrates -- her custom hoops.
    In comparison, today's video performer is in her second week of playing at hooping.
    Nice piano in the great-room.
    I bet the acoustics are magnificent.

  16. Hi Irish!!!!!
    As for the Chix in the vid.. I'm pretty sure She's a "SHE!!" Small tits and all... Jeez!! What' the question?? I have known Ladies with .. like.... Tit's smaller than hers>>
    As for doing the Hoola Hoop thing... take her to "H00TER's!!!!" The Ladies there can "Hoola Hoop" and they have clothes on !!!
    Back in the day, a bunch of H00TER's Ladies showed up at Raeford to do Tandem Skydives.... (GOT FOTO'S!!) in "Uniform!!!" .....Good times!!!!!!...... The Best!!!!
    ps,,, you want to see??? fggr how i can post them to you!!!!


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