Sunday, February 19, 2023

I've Been Down A Deep Rabbit Hole This Morning... Lots of Puzzle Pieces...


 It started with this image and the subsequent research to check the veracity before posting about it.



I will usually start with key word searches on duckduck or google then follow threads and comments.

Then follow comment links that seem legitimate. Wash Rinse Repeat.

Here is one  <<<<

Here is another <<<<

Briefly, what I did find was this: <<<

Agriculture is Ohio’s No. 1 industry, contributing more than $93 billion to our state economy and supporting one in six jobs.  Other important facts:

  • Almost 50 percent of the land in Ohio is classified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as “prime farmland,” which is the most fertile and productive land in the country.
  • Ohio has the fifth highest percentage of “prime farmland” in the nation.
  • Ohio has lost more high-quality acres of farmland than any state other than Texas.
  • Ohio farmers grow more than 200 crops.  Corn and soybeans are the top crops.
  • Ninety-one percent of Ohio farms are family farms.

and  GUESS WHO?<<<<

According to The Land Report, Bill Gates is currently the largest private farmland owner in the United States, with about 268,000 acres of diverse farmland in 19 states, including nearly 9,000 acres in Ohio. Louisiana has the most acres at a little over 69,000, followed by Arkansas at over 48,000 and Nebraska at 20,588.


Puzzle Pc:


 Did you know the CDC , after 17 years , decided to update the profile of Vinyl Chloride?

11 Days before the train crash.


OLD version  2006 <<

 NEW version 2023<<



Puzzle Pc:



The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give this Geneva-based UN subsidiary the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic.

Despite widespread criticism of the WHO’s response to the COVID pandemic, U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra joined with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in September 2022 to announce “the U.S.-WHO Strategic Dialogue.” Together, they developed a “platform to maximize the longstanding U.S. government-WHO partnership, and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people.”

These discussions and others spawned the “zero draft” (pdf) of a pandemic treaty, published on Feb. 1, which now seeks ratification by all 194 WHO member states. A meeting of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is scheduled for Feb. 27 to work out the final terms, which all members will then sign.




There are lots of offshoots to follow and a shit ton of puzzle pcs.

Some of the pieces are noticable:

The huge fires leading to the destruction of food and distribution plants.

Gun confiscation. It's obvious why they are pushing this.

Everything is happening faster and faster as TPTB realize the curtain is being drawn back.







  1. At more than 70 years on this earth it is easy to see the world I grew up in is not the world of today. Way to many under 30 years olds (maybe even 40) have no idea what they are in for in the next 20 years. Just glad I will not be around to see it.

    1. I too am just past 70, has an excellent childhood. And also agree, "Just glad I will not be around to see it." (the future through WEF and WHO)

    2. Had my check-ups last week. Drs all say I'm in great shape for a man my age: 76.
      You'll be around to "see it", though maybe not the whole show. Count on some tough times, my Friends.

  2. I didn't go through every sentence of the two versions, but the more critical lethal exposure limits, etc do not appear to have changed. Looks more like the format was changed more than anything else. All exposure studies are referenced as appears the case in the earlier version. Indeed, suspicious timing, but not the 1000x increase in lethal limits others have mentioned.

    1. First, thanks for posting both of these links. I was going to check today as so many are posting the meme. I took another look at the new document, and the reference pages for first responders, etc. still shows 100ppm even as the OSHA upper limit. I suspect that quite a few docs got changed to the new format. I mean what else to these clowns have to do other than coordinating plannedemics and ignoring real problems. New docs mean that everyone in the country that handles safety issues now has to waste their time going over stuff like this with a fine tooth comb to make sure that none of their safety procedures, MSDSs, product labeling, etc. have to be know, instead of worrying about REAL safety issues at their site.

  3. Get the U.S. out of the UN and get the UN out of the U.S.

    1. Brings to mind the meme with the UN helmet with the bullet holes in it.
      Captioned: Welcome to America.
      Steve S6

    2. Every home needs a light blue colander.

    3. Cool too, is the fact that those blue helmets show up really good in low light!

    4. What? You mean the UN that was conceived, demanded, forced, constructed, funded and run ... by (and for) America? That UN? (Just like the WEF, World Bank, IMF, WHO and all the other little Americas babies).

      Yes 'you' didn't do it, but 'your' elitists did. The reason it's even in The US is because it's an American operation, and they want to keep it running in their benefit (maybe you should consider that all those anti-American votes were organised by your own 'rulers', then ask why).

  4. Irish a deep rabbit hole indeed, yet folks don't want to accept that the real enemy isn't 3000 miles away in Russia.

    A Roman Senator had something to say about traitors within.

    I think your post need that meme of sheep heading into the slaughterhouse with one saying, "We need to resist" and the other saying "Now is not the time".

    1. I believe you're thinking of this quote from Cicero.

    2. I was thinking Et Tu Brute.

      The Ides of March are near.

  5. Are they moving faster because they realize the curtain is being drawn back, or are they drawing the curtain back because they are no longer concerned if we see it? I think they feel secure in their plans and no longer care about being revealed.

  6. biden cannot issue or a gree to a binding treaty with an organization or country. That is illegal. IS the NO #%$^$#@ government entity still following the constitution?

    1. You are a fool for thinking any part of the goverment follows words on paper from long ago that has no teeth to punish it

    2. Those words on that paper have the teeth to punish those who violate them. We just don't have the balls anymore.

  7. Bribem can enter into any treaty he feels like. However it is not binding on the United Sates unless approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate.

    "Treaty Power. The Constitution provides, in the second paragraph of Article II, Section 2, that "the President shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur."

    So, Joe's SOL on this.

    Obozo entered into a Climate Treaty with some world wide organization that was never voted on by the Senate either.

    Of course the traitors in our CONgress and other .gov agencies are treating it like it's law.


    1. You are mistaken in your thinking. Remember things like the Paris Climate Accords, or the Iran Nuclear agreement? The secret is, the president doesn't take any chances in trying to pass a treaty. He just calls it an accord or an agreement, signs it, and wham! There you go, just like an executive order, which to my way of thinking is totally unconstitutional, at least in the way that they are using them. And now you have the United States bowing to the United Nations.
      And the major problem with it is, the executive branch is the one tasked with enforcing laws. So they have the police forces, the FBI, the DOJ, and if necessary the National Guard that they will call upon to quash any uprising. The major problem for the executive branch is that in America, we have the 2nd amendment, and literally millions of patriots own guns and are willing to fight back against an illegitimate force, or an illegal law, such as the United Nations attempting to take an active role in law enforcement in America. While technically legal for the UN to be in our nation, if invited by the government, no doubt the American people would not take kindly to such a move, and the life expectancy of such personnel would be very limited. And it should be, since we are an independent nation of free people, who do not take orders from the government, or their proxy. We are a nation of laws, and the executive branch, being tasked with their enforcement, should not attempt to hand off the task to someone else, to avoid taking action due to it being a disgusting mess.

  8. "Did you know the CDC , after 17 years , decided to update the profile of Vinyl Chloride?

    11 Days before the train crash."

    - What a coincidence, certainly not like it was planned or anything. /s

  9. Two big problem s for "them" :
    1- UN soldiers are not Americans
    2- UN soldiers will quickly realize they will be fighting Americans....

    1. Meanwhile a majority of "Americans" believe that the US military would absolutely attack the citizenry.

    2. Some will, some wont. is just a giant sample of America, shitbirds and thugs included. The intelligent ones know that while THEY are busily kicking doors, "somebody" is gonna be at THEIR homes returning the favor. Attack my family and yours suddenly becomes a legitimate military target. No quarter given nor asked at that point.

    3. Hey anon dumbass why don't you learn a little history about the bonus army. Yeah our supposed hero's Eisenhower, Patton and McArther were all involved.

    4. Not only will the traitors and their families become enemies, but with the push at the breakneck speed they haven't managed to remove many firearms from the citizens. Even if the military does outgun the population with the quality of firearms, the population has vastly more firearms and the ability to hide within the masses. Guerilla wars are difficult to defeat, especially when the guerillas are hiding within your own population.

  10. Interesting exercise, of course. And certainly believable. But the prevailing winds are seriously westerly in this area.

    You ain't gonna ruin Ohio crops from there. Would have need to be out by Toledo or Lima.

    This would be more believable as an attack on water. The Ohio River helps feed the Mississippi.

    A lot of people get drinking water AND irrigation water from them.

  11. Evidence that it was intended to kill off millions east of the Mission:

  12. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
    Nisi nos, nemo.

  13. Shouldn't have said anything. Now China is going to want all that fertile farmland. So Biden is going to give China the money, laundered through the Biden Crime Family Money Laundering Service, of course. And sonofabitch, the big guy's gonna get his 10%!

  14. So you see the plan for the future now? The one your crazy tinfoil hat friend was warning you about all along? Another pandemic, who cares if nobody believes in corn-hole-ya anymore, we already printed the brochures: DeltaVoodoo variant X9.... legally UN troops can come and arrest you if you don't get in the box car and line up for your latest booster shot.
    Stolen elections have consequences.

  15. Hi Irish...,
    69,000acres in Louisiana?? Bitchplease... he can pay land owner taxes too and all those other taxes to our state!! I hope he has enough courage to come on down.. especially if he wants to check out our "WET LANDS!!" 14+ foot GATOR'S are common..... and they don't get that way from just eating fish and small game... what a tasty morsel he would be....

  16. Gopher Everett ? I ain't eating bugs. Squirrel season is about over. Time to fill the deep freeze.

  17. Maybe they have figured out who feeds them and they have decided if they get none no one gets none so burn it all to the ground.

    They are to ignorant to know, "A country boy can survive".

  18. Here is another thought. All this bullshit we are reading is just that. Bullshit bread and circuses. The headlines from both sides disappear almost as fast as they appear. 2000 mules, anyone seen a post on that recently. Never let a crisis go to waste, I think they could not haven't gotten luckier for that train to derail near a town called palestine. What towns are near the other derailments, and if you believe derailments are rare I got a bridge to sell you.

    Norfolk Southern spent 4 billion on stock buybacks last year alone, how bout a little maintenance you motherfuckers instead of millions in stock options for the CEO because his financials improved artificially. Compare the annual profits/revenue across the years. If its the same or down, bad, buy your stock back and the earnings per share go up with the bonuses

  19. ps Norfolk Southern offered a measly million for the fund to help the area.

  20. Hi Irish....
    Polluted Land>> truck the local's to "SMART CITIES??"... hhhaahahahhaha!!
    Just remember what the Jews saw at the top of th entrance to their ew "Smart City!!!"
    <<<<<< ARBEIT MACHT FREI!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>
    As The Late Frank Gallop woud say in his Throaty, Baritone Voice,,,,,,"R-I-G-H-T-!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    GOT GUNZ..........OUTLAW!!!!!!!,


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