Friday, December 23, 2022

They left out the best part

 Woman with gun takes Wal Mart employee hostage. I bet the pistol used in this unlawful act was lawfully obtained and this was the perps first felonious crime (of course I'm joking). One thing I do know for certain is, this will be the last crime this criminal ever commits. Keep your powder dry and stay warm.

Borrowed from Wired Right


  1. I'm sure the woke crowd will campaign to have a high school named after her.

    1. Probably so. I had a strong feeling that the scene in Wally World wasn't going to end well after seeing her outfit and hearing the tone of her voice.

  2. Why are so many black people so ill-mannered? Must be drugs. And the police done good. They gave her lots of chances to drop the weapon. I hope someone caught it all on their cell phone.

  3. Blacks committing so many crimes is a very real cultural issue.

  4. I was thinking Damn. This guy's voice sounds just like me. I don't remember going to Wal-Mart. I go to to Target. It was the town just over from my home town. Everyone in Jackson moved out there in the 90's to be sure to have dependable utilities. Must be a cousin. Sounds just like me.

  5. 13% cause > 50%.
    Wait till the inner city youths realize that they can't compete with cheap DemSoros import labor. And that they are doomed to a life of feral poverty. When the uniparty falls you know where they'll come looking for food.

    1. You think they want to work? Based on what? And they aren't really in poverty, plenty of gov handouts and crime profits.
      Steve S6

    2. @anon it's more like 13% cause 90% of crime and is the reason that crime stats are no longer highly publicized. Can't be having the protected class being demeaned by their own actions.


    3. Actually its more like 6.5%. This one was a rare one from the other gender. They certainly do cause problems (especially at fast food locations), but far rarer than their baby daddies.

    4. "They certainly do cause problems (especially at fast food locations), but far rarer than their baby daddies"
      It is true and even at airports. Check out this female puzzle person throwing a "double naught hissy fit tantrum".


  6. Too bad the dude with the cell phone camera didn't also have a gun. He could have "taken care of business" right there, right quick, and be done with it.

    President Elect B Woodman

    1. Brave words, and I understand how you feel.

      But unless the hostage was your wife, girlfriend, relative or a friend - why get involved? Why would you really want to risk everything you have earned, decades of your life and risk your freedom - all for some random female who means nothing to you? Afterall - your life - means much less than utterly nothing to her.

      Shoot that perp and you'd very likely end up as the next Rittenhouse because she was a protected class. What if you missed - and the perp then shot the hostage because of you? Or in the heat of action you also accidentally nailed the hostage? No good deed goes unpunished.

      If you were at direct risk from the gunwoman and couldn't escape - sure - have at it. Or if the gunwoman shot the hostage and started pegging people who were trying to get away - by all means end her right there if you have the tools and skills.

      But if the police are in the area, and the hostage means nothing to you - feminism has won - let her deal with it. Because if you were the hostage - that woman would do nothing for you - and then get on all her social media to spout on how traumatised she was to be in the area at the time. No doubt she'd then ask the government to ban all those evil, evil guns.

      This was a great ending to a really horrible situation, and should be widely publicised to help all members of our community understand that holding people hostage and pointing a gun at someone has terminal consequences.

  7. Probably won't make headlines and disape...whoops there it is already gone.

    Bear claw

  8. Another esteemed individual inducted into The Chalk Outline Club......Huzzah!

  9. Problem solved without the cost of an expensive trial.

  10. And you know the Walton kids are going to insist that the rest of us stop carrying in their stores...

  11. Funny how every other race has managed to thrive and prosper in America, usually within ONE generation of arrival.... "C'mon, tyrone-etta, get your shit together".

  12. Carry everywhere.
    But not on an empty chamber.

  13. The World is better off now that you're no longer on it.


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