Monday, October 24, 2022

Morning Covfefe Laugh for Monday...


 This one got a good hearty laugh out loud here in the wee hours of the sooper sekrit bunker.





  1. I would own that dog.

    Bear Claw

  2. Irish, please back with the archery women just before this theme picture, I was in lustful love! She wasn't up long enough for me to get tired of her crap yet...

    1. Black and white number 50 no bow strings or any other distractions. Not even color but wow.

  3. Umm...

    Seekrit has TWO "E" s. Just saying...

  4. I've seen my dog do that too many times.

  5. Nothing like a good chuckle to start the week. Nemo

  6. ...and nice header pic. Love those fantasy warrior womens. Nemo

  7. "But what if I ain't nuthin but a hound dog?"
    Steve S6

  8. Oh, yes-- my pups often please themselves with watching a sunset or a monstrous bank of black clouds moving in. My Golden loves to lay atop the snowbank and let the wind ruffle his fur-- in temps that make me shiver just thinking about. I get so envious of their joy at these simple, God-given blessings.

    1. We raised our family in a house that faced north. When I'd shovel the 2 car driveway much of the snow would go into a growing pile right off the front porch and in front of the kitchen window. By mid-winter it would be over 5 feet high and the Golden loved being King of the World up on that snow pile. There is a reason why so many Goldens are service dogs and even do hospital duty on patient floors. I miss our two boys-we have their ashes on the mantel in a special dog section.

  9. Huh? My two goldens would go to the beach, and wouldn't stop running until they were exhausted. it was only in their last two years that they slowed down.

  10. Even the dog knows it’s flat


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