Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Badger !! … a big water logged...







I found the video on twitter and there were a lot of negative comments regarding the treatment

of the wolverine.

Someone brought some thunder to the Karens:





  1. well, that kind of tops the list in stupid shit. I mean what do you do with it after you get it ?
    granted it takes balls to do that, or massive stupidity I not really sure at this time.
    used to kill rats like that when I was a kid. pour water down the hole until they came up, but we bashed them in the head with a steel pipe and tossed them in a bag. the city was paying 50 cents each back then for every dead one you brought in.
    good money for a kid back then- 1960's most of the time, the cops didn't really count them. just toss them in the dumpster around the back , kid. and we also used bug leather gloves too. looking back on it, that too was a stupid way to make money. still, I remember making over 5 bucks a day doing it.

    1. Even a Badger is bad news. Kid either is extremely stoopid (likely), or experienced and lucky!
      I'd either leave it alone and pop it in the head when it comes out, or brain it with a heavy (3/4") pipe.
      Welcome to nature!

      (Good job with the bucket!)

  2. As a second guess that is a badger. A wolverine would have had their hands off.

  3. That is a Badger NOT a Wolverine. Wolverines do NOT have a white stripe down their nose. Also wolverines are forest animals not prairie animals like this habitat. I would love to see someone try to grab and hold a wolverine like they did.

  4. Badger, not Wolverine. And that young man is crazy!

  5. That's a badger. I don't think a wolverine would allow that.

  6. It's a badger. It's smaller just as pissy cousin of the wolverine.

  7. 1. Badger not a wolverine.
    2. People get bit messing with badgers.

  8. It's a badger, not a wolverine. But a rather impressive catch, nonetheless.

  9. Sorry folks, but that is just an ordinary badger, not a wolverine.

  10. I'm certainly no expert, but that looks more like a badger than a wolverine to me.

  11. I expected that to end in lots of blood - the dude's not the critter's.

    So why would they trap it anyway?

    1. Badger holes are a mess to try to work implements around, so farmers don't much care for them. That boy must have been around pigs, the way he took that bucket and ran the critter backwards with the open end of it. You learn that with sows.

      As far as wolverines, they're a type of badger, only bigger and considerably meaner and even more ill-tempered. Think of what you'd have if you got a badger high on PCP and injected him with nitro glycerin.

    2. Wolverines are scavengers that tend to live in high country, we have alot of them here in the mountains of Idaho, they're actually pretty even tempered.

    3. They are even tempered, as in evenly vile and viscous, as they are known to kill for kicks. That's when they're happy.

    4. Wolverines are related to Skunks, not Badgers. Wolverines are often called Skunk Bears.

  12. Badgers and other field diggers (woodchucks, etc) can raise havoc with their burrows in working fields - can be very hard on tractors and other implements.

    1. I think if you respect a badger, it will respect you.

      Be well,
      Spokane, USA

  13. Badger.....wolverine......either one will rip your balls off when you poke them.
    But......like was said above.....now what?
    Looks like the proverbial tale of grabbing the tiger by the tail.
    Can't hang on. Can't let go. Gonna shoot it? Then hurry up.

    President Elect B Woodman

  14. "So why would they trap it anyway?"

    Livestock break legs stepping in badger holes. Doesn't necessarily answer why they would trap it rather than just shooting it, but they are a nuisance to livestock.

  15. To hell with karens bs. We do NOT have one of the worlds largest populations of homeless. Look at Africa or Brazil. And China just shoots its homeless for their organs. And a lot of these homeless are that way because they choose to be that way. It all starts in grade school for them where they refuse to do work and learn something. Pure, unadulterated laziness. This continues for them as they start high school where they drop out after a couple of years of F's. So, it is their drugged out faults.So all the karens of the world can just jstfu.

  16. The homeless have chosen their fate. Some because they are mentally incompetent and many because they choose drugs. But you cannot fix them with compassion. What is allowed will continue. Simple as that. Crack down on them and homelessness will mostly disappear.

  17. Fast to, you see that beast whip his head around. One day that boy will lose a finger. Seen another video long ago guy and girlfriend used a blanket to catch it.

  18. Only a moron or a democrat, oh wait, I repeat myself, would ever refer to the US as a rich country. Chuck and Nancy have put us arould 30 trillion in debt.

  19. Lived in ND as a youth, used to shoot prairrie dogs to clear out fields/pastures...We had cattle and horses that had to eb put down because of them..We could not kill them fast enough....
    I would have popped that fucker in the hole and pulled it out and dumped it for the buzzards...That's what we did to yotes and fox in the summer time, winter time we picked em up and took em to the furrier for money....
    chick was kinda hot tho... :-)

  20. That was just some late afternoon fun. Wait until after the sun goes down and then watch those two have lots of fun. I could tell you how I know, but some of you might start blushing. Country can be a fun place to grow up-even (or especially) when a teenager.

  21. I'd name it "Jerome Nadler" and then shoot it.

  22. I once watched a coyote and a badger tangle up. Coyote did not win.

  23. Yup name it Jerome Nadler and pop it

  24. Even though it has the money to do so, the government does not want to help them the correct way. Barricks style substance abuse program, coupled with psych evaluation, determine if at all any skill level in any field, then the bolstering of said skill. Add in some true civics lessons with a sprinkling of social skills, a refresher course in home eck, some gardening tips by the veganites. Can you teach self consciousness and or conscientiousness? I would venture to say some of them are salvageable. It’s all not a guarantee but certainly worth attempting.

    1. I remember back around the Jimmy Carter years, when the economy was just like this. The government tried to put some of the homeless and drug abusers, etc. to work, for their welfare, etc. They found, in my small little town, of only 1000, that they had about 3-4 people sent to rake parks, pick up trash, paint village buildings, and such. The town had to hire a separate person to supervise them, so they could be certain the not only would the people show up, but would stay and do the work that they were supposed to do, and not disappear and go down to the river and smoke dope, drink, or do harder drugs, and just hang out there.
      So the program in just one small village ended up costing them more than it was worth instead of just paying the benefits and calling it good.
      As far as the badger, I have to agree that it was a bad idea to mess with it. Not to mention that it was cruel to the animal. Either kill the thing, if it was a pest and a danger to your farm, or leave it alone. Just like I don't shoot deer that I am not sure that I can humane kill, and eat, I don't mess with animals unless there is a reason.
      I am not some PETA nut, but I try to let nature alone, when possible.

  25. They are robbing the till just like the Romans did in the end. We know what dark event came after that.

  26. Bear Claw, if you read to the end of this rather long post, you will get an idea how it ended for the Romans....
    When I read your post it reminded me of the Russell Kirk phase i'm going through and in particular this blog post



  27. You have the most homeless not 'despite' being the richest country, but 'because' you're the richest country.

    We have the self-same issues here in the UK, where homelessness is a 'viable choice' with shelters (most will have been given housing, which they then trashed and walked away from), provisions and welfare, so nobody ever has to face reality (assuming they can), straiten themselves out, get a job, etc. (they even get 'extra' welfare for their 'problems', so they don't even have to work to pay for the booze or drugs).

    The rest (the overwhelming bulk) are mentally ill, just like there, kicked out of the institutions to be 'cared for in the community' ... except they either weren't, or chose to refuse it. The usual excuse is that when 'forced' to take their medications they were vaguely functional, so it is only right they be freed from supervision/safety. The fact that they then chose to never take those meds, and that purely coincidentally all that prime real-estate was sold, and made a profit for the very people advocating for closing them, is mere happenstance.

    Too many people make too much cash from the problem simply existing for it ever to be solved.

    Bear, bull and badger 'baiting' were common here even up to Victorian times. Surprisingly, the dogs used were most likely to survive if ... they fought the bears and bulls.

  28. When I was a kid, I remember watching those animal shows on TV, Wild Kingdom, or similar. In one of them, a bear was going after a wolverine. The wolverine made it into its hole. Everything that bear stuck into that hole—paws, nose, etc.—trying to grab the wolverine came back out looking like raw hamburger, with a lot more blood. Eventually, the bear gave up and limped off.


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