Friday, August 26, 2022

TFIF!! Covfefe Edition....













  1. Coffee and cleavage. What a way to start a Friday. Nemo

  2. My coffee never gets cold. Post plus my coffee makes me stiff.

  3. I do not use a coffee cup for my coffee. I use a beer mug. And no, it doesn't get cold.

  4. #15 Looks exactly like the fire pit/grill contraption I see at all Vermont State Parks campsites.

  5. Love this post! But I'm in the market for a new brand of coffee! ☕ In order for my coffee to be strong enough, I have to use the 6oz setting for water. That's 3 pods for one good mug of coffee! Sound expensive? It is!

    1. Cafe du Mond is my favorite. It's local here in Louisiana but can be found on google. I married this german girl 30 something years ago learned to drink my coffee strong, really strong. MIL gave us a measuring spoon for coffee years ago and I use two round scoops per cup. That being said, I'm not allowed to make coffee at work anymore.

  6. One of my Navy instructors told me that coffee has to be strong because it works thru osmosis.
    When it's stronger than you, it's strength flows into you.
    When it's weaker, it sucks the strength out of you.
    Needless to say, when I was on watch, that coffee was so strong it had an oil slick on top.


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