Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago...




I passed the test, so I'm told. Waiting for final results.

 For those wondering about yesterday's clip. It was from the movie Zombeavers.







Be safe out there and enjoy the weekend!!


  1. If that B-17 is "Aluminum Overcast," I took a flight on her about six-eight years ago. Damn. Just Damn. Biggest grin I have ever had in my life.

    1. I also flew on Aluminum Overcast, over the front range of the Colorado Rockies.

  2. Nice bouncy on 5, nice tease on 11, nice udderly impressive on 30, nice older lady on 64, very nice pillows and sweet little tush (could be broader in the beam) on 68, nice Mrs Conan the Barbarian (if a bit overdressed) on 84, nice pillows on 87, nice windshield wipers on 88, nice fleshy on 92, nice plump on 93, and from all us former enlisted personnel of F Troop, thank you.

  3. Labbatts Blue girl,I’ve drank with her in many a bar.

  4. Boobs and steak, a good way to start the weekend. Thank you for another excellent compilation.

    Not sure why you posted 16 and 45, but it's good, I don't like AAA either. Nothing personal. :)

    138 is true for several hundred, if not thousand, of sycophants who think they are in control, when the opposite is the truth. And they will find out in due time.

  5. Very nice, thanks Irish!

  6. #15 - States with "competitive" senate races in 2022
    AZ - PA - GA - WI

  7. Lynda Carter and Lindsay Wagner, thank you. And for Jaclyn Smith as well, I always thought she was the most beautiful of the Angels. A 70s beauties trifecta!
    Is number 44 Rosie Jones of Page 3 fame?
    I think that's an F-86D behind the Dodge.
    The Garands in 458 made me laugh!
    Larry was a funny man, he'll be missed. One article said he was still doing stage work just 10 years ago at 89. I still laugh about his cameo on Married... with Children when Kelly went to the Larry Storch Acting School
    Excellent collection, another superb effort!

  8. Grand Slam Friday, Irish! Well done.
    "Almost closing time." ROFL.
    Zombeavers = great flic.

  9. 1 - Guess they only put the head in?
    3 - Yeah. Nope!
    9 - I've always said those who listen to professional liars, are fools.
    10 - That is why cash is king, and why they want to ban it.
    12 - Rode in one of those once. Red, Rally striped 68 SS 396 4 speed Camaro. Serial # - 00002 .
    13 - Guys I used to work with were always broke. Coffee 3x a day, lunch, smokes, lotto, canned drinks..... it all ads up.
    17 - Yup. Same at our house. TAG! You're it.
    18 - Funny those places have fell out of the news as they collapsed. Wonder if Bernie & Sean Penn have moved yet?
    22 - Still a hotty.
    24 - I'd pick Lynda, by a mile.
    27 - Just get it over with and make it official. US-KGB.
    30 - Mmmmmmm! King Ranch Super Duty. Yummy! Nice tits, too.
    36 - POTN !
    43 - Boss Level Achieved
    44 - Interesting conundrum - great body, but that look is kind of concerning.
    46 - Bottoms Up!
    48 - A great start to the day. Also, my 1st Alternate.
    49 - Nope, he committed suicide. Shot himself three times in the back of the head, with a gun they never found. MAGIC!
    50 - No, it is all going as planned.
    55 - Murder Inc .
    56 - She had me right up until the Joker smile.
    64 - Love me a Hot Mom.
    71 - It is called, Eugenics.
    80 - Celto - Gaelic Warrior Princess. Nice.
    84 - Oooooo, sweet! Another one!
    89 - POTN - 2nd Alternate
    90 - Classic Cheesecake.
    94 - Tasty little chocolate bunny.
    95 - Ancient Marble quarry?
    98 - I'd actually drive that.
    99 - BUT, I'd OWN this! '76 F250 High Boy. What a sweet piece of equipment.
    104 - Pamela Anderson. Back when she was cute, young and sweet, and devoid of any plastic accessories.
    110 - BA Baracus' favorite machine gun. I pity the fool!
    116 - EXACTLY! Thank you!
    117 - Raquel looking pretty hot; a million, two thousand and twenty-two years ago.
    118 - Assassins' Creed 2022 - Restoration of the Republic
    128 - Liberator ! Imagine the sky filled with them? Oh, what a sight that must have been.
    132 - Nice clean Bronc' .
    133 - 63 Split Window 'Vette. Big money classic.
    136 - I'd live there.
    141 - Next, on Modern Marvels.
    142 - Starsky & Hutch. I always wanted a Torino like that. Still do.

    Great job having FFFF ready for us, considering the stress you were under.
    That and the large scale boulder relocation project.
    Thanks, Boss.
    Another great end to a middling week.

    Whitehall, NY

  10. Not sure about those two terms. Executed for multiple counts of treason and crimes against humanity seems more appropriate. And resignations are certainly wonderful,, but convictions and executions are far better. Great as always.

  11. Is the huge hydraulic press stateside or overseas?

  12. #142 - I don't know what model of car that is, but its the Starsky & Hutch car.
    # 50 - wow! that is one beautiful woman...
    #111 - that probably kicks like an elephant!

    another wonderful cornucopia of taste!

  13. The Rockwell paintings we’re returned to their owners who wanted them back

  14. 11 Lucy Lawless Zena the warrior princess. 12 My favorite car. 15 Account suspended. 16 The Damn Truth. 21 A breath of fresh air. 38 Nice ti..... 31 1out of 3 not to shabby, 3 for 3 is a hat trick. 32 I will have some Katharina. 35 Sick world. 36 Pmate Natalie Costello. 48Tamila Teplitskaya. 51 Nuts on the chest, chestnuts, nuts on the chin, BJ. 58 Escort in London? 57 Innerwebz of the Century. 60 Secret life of Sophiex. 72 Autumn Falls is experienced. 73 Ready and waiting. 74 Shocked, nothing shows. 76 Nice.

    That's all for now

  15. 116 - Cragar SS wheels were icons but they don't work for everything. I went for Centerlines on my 383 Duster, Matte alloy slotted on my Luxury LeMans (GTO sans badging), and straight Chevy Rallye wheels with caps and rings for my K10 (not a car but plenty of muscle).

  16. #28, reminds me of my best friend, now gone to the great foundry in the sky. He was a reformed drunk, went to AA for many years. Once while drunk, him and his brother, also a drunk, went to the local farm auction, and ended up buying a Shetland pony, for 40$. They couldn't figure what to do with the damn thing after they took it home.
    He said that they hemd and hawd and finally they decided that they were going to butcher it. So that is what the ended up doing with that pony. They butchered it, and ate it over the next couple of months. He was always a bit off, sort of raised by wolves, but without the wolves part. I met him when he started working at my shop, and he was still drinking. He came to work drunk, only one time. He stuck his head between the cables of a hoist, like an air powered block and tackle. Then he tried to lift the load, and got his head stuck. Not hurt, but he could not figure out how to get his head unstuck.
    I was working in the lab at that time in my career, but the guys in the shop hid him through the entire shift, to keep him away from the foreman, until the end of shift, when he went to wash up to go home, and the foreman saw him. Fortunately back then, probably in the early 80's, things were different, and they let him have another chance, and my friend went to AA, and never drank again.
    He brought me porcupine bar-b-cue one time, and it was really pretty good. He said that you have to get in before winter, or it tastes like pine trees, since that is what they start to eat. He also taught me how to make some home remedies for back rubs out of plants and also tinctures for mood elevation for women during that time of the month. Nothing illegal or like that, just things from nature.
    I loved this posting, Irish, as always, I just saw that "doggy" that looks like a cow, and it reminded me of my departed friend. Have a wonderful week, and stay safe.

  17. Sorry; late to the party this week. Love it though; thanks Irish!


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