Friday, July 15, 2022

Be Back Later...

  Not really how I wanted to use a sick day. 

After the first one 10 years ago, I tried fasting for the second one and it seemed to make

things easier.

I started my fast on Wednesday night. Nothing but seltzer water and black coffee.

Getting through yesterday was a drag but I find that once you can push through

the fog you actually feel much better. Fasting, for me, seems to make the prep tolerable.




I'll be looking forward to breaking my fast tonight. We'll see how I feel :)


  1. Make sure you are taking B12 when you fast.

  2. You know, beer is a clear liquid.

    (I'll save you the effort - its' a surefire way to feel crummy when it's showtime)

  3. I'm with you on the fasting part. Makes it easier, I'm sure.

    A safety tip is to rig a car seat belt to the toilet to keep the thrust you generate from lifting you off the seat. That complicates the cleanup.

    If you're going in for the probe now, you're through the worst part.

  4. I was an ass when I had a colonoscopy. I told the nurse she could keep any change they found. To make things worse, they forgot to remove the tube, and the "gas" that came out during recovery had gravy.

    1. um....they, ah, "forgot". Never ascribe to accident what may be seen as enemy action. Not that anyone would do that.

  5. I've been through 4 colonoscopies in the last 15 years and I can say the prep of not eating and drinking a gallon of bowel Draino is way worse than the 30 minutes of dreamless sleep while the doctor roots around for polyps. While getting the shot of sleepy elixir for the last one I had about 18 months ago I noticed one of the docs was a really hot, young, redhead lady. I took great pleasure in knowing she's be peering into my brown eye.

    1. One of around 20 that day....we see a lot of assholes in GI; like opinions, everybody's got one and thinks it's special.

    2. "...But this is not quite what he meant...by 18 holes a day..."

  6. Yep, fasting helps. The first time I had one of these procedures after moving to a new location, the doc afterwards said he wasn't used to seeing the 'passageway' that cleared out.
    While in college, I would start fasting the week before finals - it really helped with the concentration needed for studying.

  7. Be really careful of what you eat for a couple of poop cycles. Nothing spells agony like a nice greasy meal after a colon cleanse and exam.

    Don't ask me how I know this.

  8. Titties in the in box. Mrs 44F. Hope ya feeling better from the anal invasion

  9. My first time, I woke up 3 times.
    I wasn’t happy and wanted to ring somebody’s neck. My second go around I’m in the Dr’s office for the consultation.
    I told him 2 things, If I wake up I’m coming the f#%k unglued. And, if this wasn’t a medical procedure it would be a sexual assault. He got a funny look on his face and he agreed.

  10. Wow. Must be the season. You're the third person this week that have told me they are getting probed. Good luck!

    Midwest Chick

  11. Chicken broth will get you through it.

  12. Colonoscopies suck, it’s true, but had my dad not been such a stubborn ass (NPI) and gotten one, he’d still be alive. It’s an every 3 year thing for me. And I can say uneqivocally, it’s far easier and less painful than a prostate biopsy. Gettin old ain’t for the faint of heart.

  13. They aren't as bad as they were back in the 90's that's for sure. Fasting for a day isn't that bad, consider it practice for the zombie apocalypse. I've fasted up to a week before, a long, long time ago. lol My last one was performed by an all woman crew. I just pretended I was in a geriatric porn film. LMAO My next one is in a couple years. Not looking forward to that. Totally new health care system and Dr's. Should be an adventure. Take it easy on the stomach for a day or so. Soup is your friend. Hang tough.

    1. Damn right. The current prep is benign compared to the 80-90's, never mind earlier. And most importantly, we aren't losing so many to late-stage colon cancer. Which is just awful to have, and worse to watch. No, the scope ain't fun; but the problems it catches -often so early as to make them totally fixable- are hideous. A day of diarrhea is a damn sight better than a bag of crap attached to your belly for the rest of your life, never mind the surgery. Gripe all you want, and please, please- keep the appointment.

      And by the way: vodka is also a clear liquid. AND has calories. Titrate, titrate.

  14. Just finished up my third. Worst part was drinking that swill of a laxative and spending the evening and night on the toilet. Wifey brought me a few magazines to keep me "occupied". Don't know which was worse, the one-gallon jug to drink the first time or the two bottles (with additional glasses of water) the last time. Damn crap tasted like the old nasty cough medicine of bygone years.

  15. I hit White Castle after the scopejob. Nothing better than cheese sliders. The fasting helped me too.

  16. Had one done a couple of months ago. The prep is the worst part, but then everybody knows that!

  17. Good luck! By now you should be past the worst of it. I was going to add my $0.02 of advice about the prep... but I'm late to the party and you don't need it anymore.
    Tom from East Tennessee

  18. In all seriousness, A prescription colonoscopy prep threw me into a massive convulsion and full blown tonic- clonic (grand mal) seizure and very nearly killed me. I don't know what would have happened if my son had not heard me fall and found me seizing. Concussion, hurt my right optic nerve causing double vision for several years, Very slight existing umbilical hernia torn open by the convulsion. Torn rotator cuff and damaged shoulder. Also during all the scans and stuff they found a large benign tumor behind my sinuses. I also blame htting my head that hard for my retinal separation in my right eye. Funny thing is that after a bunch of operations everything is fixed. Vision is 20/20 in the repaired eye. Shoulder fixed, hernia repaired, tumor removed. I'm out running a fast 5K before breakfast every day and I'm slowly working it up to 10K. Never actually felt better!

  19. Hope everything turned out OK. Nemo

  20. My doc said, "it's a shitty job, but someone has to do it..."

  21. Not sure that I will ever put myself in the hands of a doctor ever again. That being said, I fully believe that the process of cleansing the colon for the process ( the various chemicals and their associated risks aside - some mentioned by others) likely does more for good colon health than any 3 foot hose up ones ass. Regular colon hydrotherapy is probably a far better thing for maintaining a healthy colon, but the profiteering medical industry would never promote something they get nothing from. Hope you get a clean report.

  22. I'm due again and will likely have it done in August. Last time I fasted for 24 hours and drank the poison. Man that is some bad tasting shit. I threw up on what should have been the 2nd to the last glass and said fuck this and didn't drink any more. Doc said my ass was so clean he could see his reflection. Any ideas on how to make that salt infested gawd awful prep better tasting? The least they could do is make it taste like gatorade.

  23. My favorite story of late was the woman who tucked a note between her cheeks just before the procedure: "Please contact us about your cars extended warranty".
    I've had three of them, and they're hinting that I'm due for another. Oh well. For the patient the prep is the worst of it, but at least it doesn't involve a nurse with a rubber hose. The procedure, for the patient is a non-event, and the drugs now are so good. There's a reason they make sure you have a ride home. Because when you wake up, you feel great. "I'm hungry, let's get some lunch!" .....Uh, well....you're loopy as a fruitbat, and higher than a kite.

  24. Is that 3rd photo input or output?


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