Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Waking Up To Folgers AND Finding Out Youngkin Won.... It's Gonna Be A Good Day


 From CNBC: ( notice how they describe Youngkin, I added the read highlight just to help CNBC)


Glenn Youngkin, a wealthy Republican businessman, has won Virginia’s hotly contested gubernatorial election, defeating Democratic power player and former Gov. Terry McAuliffe,( who gets wealthy from donations and fundraising ),  in a race that drew national scrutiny, according to an NBC News projection.

Youngkin held a slight lead over McAuliffe in the early returns. Polls closed at 7 p.m. ET.

An estimated 95% of the expected vote is in for the Virginia governor race. Youngkin won about 51% of the votes while McAuliffe won 48.3%, according to NBC’s projections.

McAuliffe, 64, and Youngkin, 54, polled neck and neck in the weeks leading up to the commonwealth’s race to succeed Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam.

McAuliffe, a longtime close friend and advisor to former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, aimed to make a comeback. He had served as governor from 2014 to 2018 for the commonwealth, which bans governors from seeking consecutive terms. He was also fighting to continue a Democratic winning streak in Virginia statewide races that began in 2012. 


From Forbes: Some info on their FINANCES <<<   


and, this is the new Lt. Govenor:

  On a personal note, heading to an interview this morning.

More later,




  1. The detailed data make it look like the Virginia Progs didn't cheat enough this time.

    And certainly best wishes for the interview. I have some horrid memories of some long ago "interviews".

  2. This is also telling

    "Youngkin won about 51% of the votes while McAuliffe won 48.3%,"
    It could have been more accurately written as:
    "Youngkin won about 52% of the votes while McAuliffe won 48.3%"


    Youngkin won 51.7% of the votes while McAuliffe won 48.3%"

  3. Fingers crossed for that interview

  4. Good Luck with the interview. Nemo

  5. hardest part of any job is the damn interview. pass that and you got it made for the most part. good luck !

  6. Said a different way, if you were a racehorse we'd all be betting on you. At times like this, family matters.

  7. Self employment was the best thing I ever did.

  8. The Lt. Governor has some impressive credentials - probably why I never heard her mentioned in the national news.

    Best of luck with the interview!

  9. Good luck on the interview, hope they give you a generous offer.

  10. Winsome is someone to keep your eyes on. She is tough, conservative and expresses her views forcefully. I expect to see her in the SOTU rebuttal and quite possibly in the VP slot in '24.

  11. Here's hoping you have good luck, and don't have an employer that has an HR department!

  12. I'm not cheering yet. The race is still close enough for crooked (that is to say, Democrats) election officials to discover new ballots that haven't been counted.

  13. Woa nellie they are still counting votes again. ps Good luck on the job hunt.

  14. Nice…
    We still have a Communist Problem.
    Va. Wasn’t decisive enough. A couple points. That ain’t decisive! Rejection of Communists.

    It’s Gonna get nasty now.

  15. interview? excellent, hope it works out.

  16. I am so happy to live in Virginia today! Conservatives took the top three spots (Gov, LtGov, and Attorney General) as well as taking back the House of Delegates. Now...get on with the program of doing what Conservatives always say they are going to do...shrink the daily intrusion of government into our lives.

  17. Best of luck for a no-jab job!

  18. Youngkin was top leadership of Carlyle Group prior to running. Republicans didn't win Virginia, the Deep State did. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-04/ex-carlyle-boss-racked-up-bad-bets-before-switching-to-politics

    1. Yep. Miles Mathis (www.mileswmathis.com) predicted many months ago this happening: The blackwashing of Democrats, a socially engineered "resurgence" of the Republicans, nearing extinction otherwise. Virginia a perfect manifestation of the process. New boss same as the old boss. Picking up on Henry Makow's lead, Aagirfan (UK):

      'As usual America comes second.
      'On his first day on the job, Youngkin announces Plan to Combat Anti-Semitism in Virginia.'


      'Virginia and America must always stand with our Jewish friends and Israel allies against the tide of hate and discrimination.'

      Glenn Youngkin, the new Republican governor of Virginia, is a former CEO of the Carlyle Group.

      Going into an interview with a positive mindset the best thing you can do! I hope, dear Irishman, you emerged from the interview before you got this news!!

  19. Hope you're happy with the new job. I'm sure you'll get it. Ohio Guy

  20. It is currently 3:30 PM on the East Coast.
    Does anyone know where their Feral Irishman is?

  21. Good luck! Turn on ye Irish charm!

  22. On WMAL this AM a caller stated that given the Republican's sweep that there may "suddenly" be a few school boards that have mass resignations to avoid being investigated because Youngkin stated he would have the Loudon Board investigated about the assaults' and other cover ups. Wonder how soon the rats start turning on each other?

  23. Best of luck on the interview.
    woke up this morning to the news regarding VA.Good to hear. BUT and it's a big but; I'm not celebrating just yet. My first reaction was; how are the repubs going to mess up this opportunity....because I have seen them do just that over the years. AND I heard this Youngkin fella shouting his plan of "building more schools; giving more money to the teachers and paying for better education".......Oy Vay; all I heard was "we are going to raise your taxes" schmucks.

  24. I am in Michigan, but Virginia might have some effect on us, come the midterms. If nothing else, it seems to have thrown the leftist/Democrats/Socialists for a loop. Of course, they have been practicing the election cheating game for a long time, so they might have just messed up a bit. But I hope that the Republicans learned from the last election, and got their crap together, and we don't have to worry so much about fraud.
    And I hope your interview went well, Irish. Best of luck, and have a great weekend.

  25. Strange things have been happening this week. I found out yesterday the Atlanta Braves were in the World series and had won. Now the Republicans won Virginia. Tomorrow is a paid holiday since the Braves won.

    Craziness out there!

  26. HEH,found the "thing" that puts a damper on this VA thing......Youngkin worked for Dominion voting machines for 25 years https://www.worldtribune.com/post-election-reality-check-glenn-youngkin-the-carlyle-group-and-dominion-voting-systems/


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