Friday, November 12, 2021

Stuff.... updated


First off, TGIF!!  Although everyday has been Friday for almost two weeks now.

Some the the irons are getting hot and I have a formal offer to review. It's in a different trade

and my gut feeling is eff it, go for it. New things to learn and do and expand my horizons.

Most likely I will sign off and have a start date 1/04/2022.

 Commenter anon thought it might be McDonald's.  It's not , but holy shit..... 21.00/hr



 That gives me lots of time to clean up all the small projects here and hopefully not fuck up my chainsaw. (Thanks to all the tips and tricks you all passed along)

    I'm sleeping better and my attitude, so I'm told, is better. In the long run when you're running

on the tread wheel day after day you don't get a chance to reflect on things. They, the people and company

 still suck for how things went down  BUT I was gainfully employed all through the covid bullshit so I 

guess that's a plus. I'm also not done with helping karma but that will be at a later date. 

     A few odds and ends:

Someone gets red-pilled

Everything is racist!!


Interesting thread on Covid and the Vaccine:



Even the dogs are confused....





More later...............................


  1. I didnt know McDonalds gave "formal offers"..lmfao JK, good luck

  2. Hey Irish. You might get a laugh out of this job related post.

    1. That's a good one. I perused the site and noticed the next meme down from that is going to be posted in FFFF tonight. I found it on twitter so it's making the rounds. Thanks for the post to that funny interview!

  3. Problem I see with the cameled toed is she didn't have someones tube stuffed in her pie hole, that is why she is incoherent and not aware of time and place...

  4. Ya know, NORMAL people, i.e. people with more than two brain cells to rub together and who learned to THINK during their matriculation through life, ya know people who frequent TFI and various other sites like it, must look at that and various other of her clips and various clips of Joe Buydem stumbling and mumbling through another speech, must be saying to themselves, how the f did we wind up with those two in charge of the country. I mean "Come on man".


  5. Good to hear that things look promising Irish. Good hardworking people will always find jobs. It might take a little longer to find something that is the right match for skill and compensation, but know that the position exists and you will eventually find it. For now, take the breath, recharge the batteries, enjoy the holiday season like you probably have not done in years, and hit it hard in January and beyond. And wait for brighter days in 2022 and 2024.

  6. Let karma work it's own wonders bubba and remember; the best revenge is a good life.


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