Friday, November 12, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago..... A whole buncha' stuffs.....


    Let's Go, Rise and Shine!!!......


This, is how to look at libtards.......




Irish looks for a Delorean.....


Heads back to the 1600's.



  1. 3 - now that's an amusement park, specialty M&Ms on 119, and a Merry Christmas to 101.

    Nice everything on 18, one Hell of an older lady on 29, 117, nice bush on 162.

  2. It is good to come here and ogle, laugh, and forget about the fact that I'm in the doghouse w/ the missus again. Why am I in the doghouse? Because I live and breathe of course...

    Thanks for another good one Irish! Or should I call you McIrish ($21/hr? Damn!)?

    1. EH, we all have the same doghouse! :) No I'm not working at Mac's Steakhouse. Been there done that.

  3. Damn fine effort Mr Irish….damn fine!

  4. I see you've, once again, put your time off to good use. The political memes, sadly, couldn't be any better if they were pure fiction.

    I LOL'd at that dog/bacon meme. So good.

    That MILF at #29 has a better looking bod than any you could find at a far left rally.

    Great collage. Thanks and have a nice weekend.


    1. You're welcome Nemo have a great weekend as well!

  5. God bless the Irish Lumberjack! Ohio Guy

  6. Bravo.
    You have excellent taste my friend.

  7. Farrah and Candy Loving. Thanks for the memories. Great memes as well.

  8. 212 and 232. Don’t know how you do it, but you continue to outdo yourself.

    1. I'm not sure either. Some weeks it flows others it's a mad dash. All depends on schedule. When the new job starts it will be another hurdle to get through the week.

  9. I suppose I best ask permission to cite "a proper authority" (#100 as I recall).

    There's this youngish woman up the road from me has almost continuously everytime bird season is open badgers me to take her with me - but whenever I have (almost) invariably we hardly ever manage to flush a covey of quail. Hardly better in dove season. (No pheasant in Arkansas.)

    At any rate - albeit perhaps the best solution I can come up with (all metaphors in play) is that I saw


    On a blog that features some firearm related stuff from time to time that, the best modus operandi for getting birds to flush is for her to drop her pants.

    (Yeah guys - and Gals[Mrs. Smith?] - I see them birds are neither quail nor dove but that ain't the point. The point is ..... Well the point is I saw it on a "authoritative site" and then go from there.)

    Have to say I'm always appreciative however I come by [cough cough] 'the pointers' but especially the ones comes by this way on FFF. I'm figuring Irish you give me permission to cite may just get me my bag limit.

    (Of course it'll probably take an air evac to get me outta the woods and fields but I'll deal with that if I get there ... so to speak.)


    1. If you get it to word we need picture or video proof. You most likely would flush out a hard wood-cock or some such beast! :)

  10. You ought to be fired more often, but stay out of my library Irish, how did you steal them before I got a chance to post them? You must be more of a wizard then I suspect...

    1. I wasn't "fired" , they "eliminated" the position. Same thing but the second one sounds better AND protects them from lawsuits. LOL. Fuck corporations that treat employees like that as well as the other douchebags that make the decisions. Anyway, yes magic, I put on my wizard hat and suddenly anything is possible!
      Keep on keeping on Cederq, I'll stop over your place later!

  11. Excellent bunch, as always, Irish.

    And thanks for the extra laughs today!

    1. You're welcome drjim. When I'm digging through fodder to get stuff for the post I find myself alone, laughing out loud, and it feels good.

  12. You have the finest page on the internet Mr. Irish. My hats off to you.

  13. Irish, again I find myself more interested in the mems than the T&A. That is NOT because you don't post great pics. It is because I am so fed up with Poopy Pants and the leftist machine. I need to see/hear that I am not the crazy one and the memes validate that. BTW, thanks for the 56/57/58 and the later 55. Those old girls seem so docile until you remove the skirts(fender), change the wheels/tires, and add a little throaty roar with a modified exhaust. I can hear that 348 purring in my head right now. Or better yet, change the cam and I hear it loping through the headers and Glass Packs. Yes, I am old and can appreciate the things that V6s can never provide. Thanks for everything you do for us working peasants.

  14. Get up, brew nice pot of coffee, catch up on my blogs, head to Irish, take my time enjoying FFF. Morning complete.
    Thanks Irish!!

  15. Incredible! Great everything: ladies, memes, food!

  16. I would like to be Gabby Carters videographer on the ferris wheel. Photographer on the other.
    58 Funny as hell.
    62 It's a guy in Califrutopia Yosimete Sam
    65 except it's a soccer game, she's with cucks
    73 Klaudia and Isabella act as if they need me
    85 nope didn't fall for it
    87 I always go against the grain as well
    89 Elizabeth Ostrander is a beauty and red to boot
    91 Linda Bareham man I don't know
    92 I would recognize anywhere. Candy Loving 25th anniversary playboy playmate and from my home state. Her only mistake is that she went to OU.
    180 What a great sound it was.
    187 I didn't do it

  17. I appreciate your mix of food, meme, vehicles, portraits.
    Today, about half-way in, you have a cube of beef on a plank.
    A crunchy rub, a red border (from marinade?).
    Help with the recipe?

  18. ROFL at those pups nosing out the window--- those are my babies whenever someone comes by.

  19. Weihenstephaner - I had a German guy teach me how to pronounce that -

    vee-en-STEF-an-er. good beer.

  20. Awesome. Thanks again!


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