Friday, October 1, 2021

Note To Self: I've Been Slacking, I Need To Get Back To My Training.....






 H/T to Phil over at BUSTEDNUCKLES<<<<   He's working on the new site so make sure to update your links.




  1. Is this a pony keg?

    Goetz von Berlichingen

  2. Awesomely-trained horse, but I'd keep a tub of sanitizing wipes handy to clean off the horse slobber and snot.

    Waiting with bated breath for FFF to drop!

  3. I was waiting for the horse to then take an empty to the black barrel because someone had a dog do similar. But Holy crap! That's beyond my training level.

  4. Just an FYI on Phil's place. I'm still using the old bookmark to bustedknuckles.com. Works fine.

    whoever's doing the new site must have set up a re-direct on the domain name servers.


  5. Horsing around has a whole new meaning...

  6. Didn't want to clutter up the FFF post with this, but if you took every single dollar bill in Xi Den's proposed tax/death sentence for America and lined them up, end-to-end, they'd reach approximately from the Sun to about 80% of the way to Jupiter.

    Think about that. It took YEARS for a spacecraft, traveling at hypersonic speed, to reach that far, even given a 93,000,000-mile head start.

  7. One of my trail riding buddies had a horse that would open the cooler, crunch an tip the beer can up to get most, an drop the empty back in the coo!er..... sometimes after really good rides we'd find the cooler empty in the morning if he slipped the high line overnight.


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