Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... Memes, Mammaries, Mrs. Jones II, and other assorted sundries....



  To find Mrs's Jones solve this:

 Using the first picture below the fold as Number 1

Find the 70's sitcom star of a popular TV show.

How many occupants were there in the house?








Enjoy the weekend and stay safe!!


  1. Lotsa bouncy this week, especially 22.

    Nice Roman heart on 62, nice older ladies on 64, 71, 72, 83, nice sepia on 81 (they had class back then), nice allure on 88, nice flotation devices on 94, nice real body on 95, nice tush on 96, nice udders on 97, nice Artemis on 99, nice sun worshipper on 101, nice contemplation on 115, nice free range on 116, nice when you're hot, you're hot on 122.

    As for 16, what do you think Buck Fiden, Trump Won, and Let's Go Brandon are all about?

    1. Glad you enjoyed edutcher. I would assume the meme was a bit older than the start of "LGB". We also have not seen the huge protests and riots , for now.

  2. Another bevy of beauties with beautiful boobs, especially the popouts. Gotta love women that like to make us drool.

    Thanks and have a nice weekend


  3. 10?
    She looks mighty fine hanging on that log.

  4. 2 - Just DAMN!
    5 - IBTC Head Cheerleader.
    8 - Waiter. Check, Please!
    12 - Honey Rider.
    13 - Silver Fox.
    41 - Jan?
    50 - That look.
    59 - Threaten me with a good time, will ya?
    103 - Up and down, back and forth. Faster, faster.....
    105 - Oopps. You caught me.
    114 - Yupp. Those are crabs.
    123 - My favorite type of connect the dots puzzle.
    124 - Looks comfy.
    135 - Rhinos are dangerous in herds.
    148 - Reminds me of my favorite Molly Hatchet song.
    155 - Hmm, Looks like somebody's got wood.

    Yeah, my brain is too fried for puzzles, tonight.
    I have my suspicions, but will wait for the official word.

    Thanks for the fine collection, Boss.
    Hope you stay dry this weekend. Looks like just morning rain Saturday.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. 41- Marsha 148- Flirtin with disaster.
      Stay outta trouble this weekend.

    2. Dreams I'll Never See.

      Whitehall, NY

  5. There's something about 4. And 77.

  6. Very nice, classic.

    Thanks Irish!

  7. I think she is #11 but I can't figure out the clues to get there.
    This requires further study...

  8. Eight is Enough. Just came to me. Nemo

  9. I go to sleep this evening with happy images floating in my head. Happy weekend all. Ohio Guy

  10. I don't know what 20's face looks like but I would marry her boobs.

    I was thinking that the male obsession with breast is pretty stupid, now I feel like the Joe Biden of boobs!

    always a great job Irish

    Have a great weekend

    1. She wears them well , huh? :) Obviously they caught my eye as well !

  11. I like'em in bed ready to rock 'n roll.

  12. Hanging from the tree.
    Nine people, counting the maid.

  13. I think I saw Marsha Brady hanging off a tree so the Brady bunch makes her #9?

  14. So RB was right at #11 with the blue shirt? Thought I recognized it from last week! Very nice Mrs. Jones!

    1. Technically yes. Although 11 is not the answer to the clues.

    2. Ah...occupants...the light just went on! 6 kids. 2 parents, the maid and the dog...10...First pic below fold is actually 2 so counting that one..10 later is number 11?

  15. Fantastic!! The ginger with the hat for the win!! Thanks Irish!!

  16. The moment when a meme I made (#140) last month winds its way around and ends up in the FFFF stack!
    And sincere thanks for the rest of the FFFF inspiration, Irish.

    1. Aesop, I think I found that on twitter or it was texted to my by one of faithful suppliers of fodder.

      Credit where credit is due.

    2. I figured it was something like that. I'm happy about it, not cranky.

      I love turning them loose and seeing them bounce all over everywhere and then come back around!

  17. To answer 16, after all the suspicious activity in the 2020 election being covered up by the MSM (including Fox Snooze) too many Americans think their vote still counts. And number 47, it's "For Fuck's Sake!"
    Seriously, great collection especially all the vintage babes. Bettie, Marilyn and Lauren from "How to Marry a Millionaire" especially!!

  18. LOVE #21, I had a '67 two-top 427 with an L88 engine. Pass everything in sight but a gas station! 11 MPG.

    1. Wow, you had a rare one for sure. There were only 20 L88’s produced and now only 3 remain with the original motors, 2 convertible and 1 coupe. The coupe is for sale for $4,000,000

  19. Nice Mr. Irish. You sir are the king of the hill. Thank you.

  20. Do your boobs hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie them in a knot?
    Can you tie them in a bow?
    Do you throw them o'yer shoulder
    Like a continental soldier?
    Do your boobs hang low?...

    -old boy scout camp song

  21. Well Done Irish! Away last weekend but glad to have the "Ladies" greet me when I got back. I also get inspiration with all the food pics!

  22. Woe is me...
    Deep dark despair
    And excessive misery.
    I wasn't allowed to watch much TV growing up. Consequently, hiding Mrs Jones behind a sitcom riddle puts me at a distinct disadvantage. Can I at least get a hint?

  23. Nevermind. After looking at last week's picture I'm pretty sure that #10 is Mrs Jones.
    Mr Jones is fortunate to have that lovely playground.


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