Tuesday, March 30, 2021

From The CDC, Interesting Data..


Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations:

The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 14 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population.

Between October 1, 2020, and March 20, 2021, FluSurv-Net sites in 14 states reported 210 laboratory confirmed influenza hospitalizations for an overall cumulative hospitalization rate of 0.7 per 100,000 population. This is much lower than average for this point in the season and lower than rates for any season since routine data collection began in 2005, including the low severity 2011-12 season. The current rate is one-fifth the rate reported at this time during the 2011-12 season. Hospitalization rates stratified by age will be presented once case counts increase to a level that produces stable rates by age.


A little more than half way down that page is a map of the US (snap shot for reference) follow the link above.

You can click on any state for data. I clicked NH which shows as slightly elevated in the minimal category.

That takes you to the State data HERE<<

What I found interesting wasn't any of the statistics, it was this paragraph:

I wonder what else is being surveilled and reported by UPC codes?


  1. "I wonder what else is being surveilled and reported by UPC codes?" Everything. And if you filled out and use a 'frequent shopper or store' card, they're tracking it by purchaser....to include your address/phone number and any other demographic information you put on their little 'save 5% on groceries' card.
    You are not required to use factual information on those forms. Some you don't even need to fill anything out, just ask. But if you use your card, and your phone is on you...you've just verified who owns that card.
    Just wait until you hear what ELSE your phone can do 'for' you without your knowledge.

    1. Oddly, all my customer-awards cards are registered to 'Richard Nixon'.

      No idea how that happened...

  2. I've got no problem -in theory- with this. Knowing that there's an outbreak of flu, diarrhea, whatever AT A POPULATION LEVEL can lead to helpful actions. And the data keep products on the shelves- if one knows what's selling, one knows what to replenish. The data can be, and thus will be, collected.

    And government will get access.

    Where it becomes a problem is when such data is used at the individual level without informed consent. Like enforcing term limits (we have them, just vote against the so-and-so), most won't bother to take action, because it's not the easiest course.

    Always lie if that's even remotely an option. Turn your phone off unless you want to use it. Opt out of everything. Use anonymizing browsers. There is usually a way to hide, if one will try.

    1. I'm with this anon... when I read that I thought, that's actually a pretty good idea. You can see where outbreaks might be occurring of this or that and figure from there if you have a problem. From a distribution standpoint the stores themselves are already tracking this data... start to see an influx of flu medication in say the NE, you ship more flu medication to the stores in that area.

      As to being tracked, I get that... I didn't take my phone out on my walks when Covid was big because I knew they were using phone GPS for if people were staying home or not. Plus f-that I'm not taking my phone for a walk in the woods. As to actually caring about being tracked? I guess I don't... I really don't care when whomever would be tracking me knows I'm at the grocery store, or whatever... when I don't want to be tracked I just don't bring things with me that would track me.

      I just did a bit of research on power washers, I'm very sure I'm going to see a lot of power washer ads popping up on my internet ads- big deal.

      Also, I can tell you they're not all that smart. I get more mail at my house for my mom, invites to life insurance stuff, car insurance, etc. then I get for myself. My mom has been dead for more than 25 years now, how all these companies haven't figured that out yet I have no idea. I got a call the other day on my phone for my mom's "car warranty" I have no idea at all how my mom's information got attached to my name (my dad also dead for 11 years now and I have the same name so that's probably it.) Regardless, if they don't know she's been dead for a very long time now then they really don't know as much as they think we do. Yes, btw, I've been very tempted to sign her up for life insurance then submit the death certificate but I'm guessing they'll notice she died in 1994.

    2. Businesses that mail out solicitations generally use a third party direct mailer outfit-and pay for that service. The 3rd party outfit, like so many others these days, is a huckster and couldn't care less if some of their client's resources are wasted on people who have long been dead. The business doesn't know any differently yet the the 3rd party still gets paid for using stale, inaccurate data

    3. If you are seeing a recent influx (since 2020) of mail, in names that you don't recognize, they were probably used to register them at your address for voting fraud purposes.

  3. 2 things
    1) Influenza and other diseases being dominated and supplanted by c19 means c19 was man made to impose tyranny or-
    2) c19 is a man made conflation being used to impose tyranny.
    Just saying.

  4. 2 things
    1) Influenza and other diseases being dominated and supplanted by c19 means c19 was man made to impose tyranny or-
    2) c19 is a man made conflation being used to impose tyranny.
    Just saying.

  5. So, last year when the OTC meds in IN EVERY STORE THAT SOLD THEM were emptied in about two days after the announcement of the impending doom virus, was that data reported as a sudden blip in the Flu rate nation wide? Yeh, I thought so.


  6. Everything you bought from any store on a card they can tell you. One of the local chain of home improvement stores a guy long ago once told me that every customer is worth on average $66,000.00 dollars in their lifetime. I am sure with the inflation, they say does not exist, that number has to be 6 figures by now.

  7. We also need to question if the scanner data is actually tallied/backed up with Inventory. I go to the store & pick up 25 of the same item in 5 or more flavors. The clerk scans 1 and then does a manual count and entry of 25. Next week the store has pallets of that one and none of the others. Why is there pallets instead of just cases? Because the program was so smart, not only did it replace stock but tried to anticipate there is a run on that one flavor.

    1. Ever notice how Wally World's highly vaunted inventory control system still results in lots of stock outs that are quite noticeable, especially if the item is large and its shelf space is a glaring hole?

  8. THE UK reported zero influenza deaths after covid showed up.

  9. I tried to tell my friends last year that the Covid19 outbreak was over estimated, and that they should remember that I had said it when the numbers for the flu came out for 2020. I predicted that they would be remarkably low, almost as if a miracle had happened. Well, praise whatever deity that they bow the knee to, like here in Michigan, the Empress of Lansing, because the numbers of just about every category of causes of death are down.

  10. Hot off the presses; get it now before Amazon realizes what they're selling: https://www.amazon.com/Faucian-Bargain-Powerful-Dangerous-Bureaucrat/dp/1637581114/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1NYFQCW70HUTJ&dchild=1&keywords=a+faucian+bargain&qid=1617121081&sprefix=a+fauci%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-2

  11. 1- uh, fuck amazon. bezos is the devil.

    2- your ISP and your phone providers know everything. vpn's help but aren't infallible.

    3- I get a flu shot every year, but I doubt I'll get any current covid vaccine. Just had my dr take an antibody test. If thats positive I'll be skipping a c19 shot for sure. Maybe someday they'll have a c19 shot that won't hurt you.

  12. There is data and then there is government data-use the latter at your own risk.


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