Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Anyone Care To Explain How This Wizardry Works >?










  1. Gropin' Joe will bring back IdiotCare.

    That'll save us. /sarc

  2. It's like the question, "How, exactly, does climate change start fires?"

  3. So they're admitting it's all a bunch of lies and bullshit?

  4. Only in the twisted world of Libtardness will any of this make sense.
    In the real world, though, the virus will look like no big deal after November 3rd.

  5. Dr. Biden is completely correct in everything she said. What she didn't say was who to vote for. Notice Joe Biden's name is not mentioned. Of course, given who Dr. Biden is married to it wouldn't be proper for her to say that the person we need to elect is Donald Trump.

    But there is no doubt that's what she meant.

  6. And the truth shall set you free!

  7. "New cases"...
    Means nothing if they test positive but only have non-infectious virus fragments in their system which is the case for the vast majority.
    Then the global mandatory vaccinations rolled out with inadequate safety testing for a low grade virus with the mortality rate of the flu.
    Yeah right...

  8. The wicked witch of the east explains that her spell will wear off when she has her flying monkey's back under her control and gets her red slippers back. You can tell when a democrat is lying, their mouth moves.


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