Friday, September 18, 2020

Addendum to the post below to clarify the cryptic..

  It was early am, I didn't have enough coffee, and I was still pissed from the day before.

Here is the cliff note- bullet points ( if you want a FFF, this is the only way I can get there)

First off, all due respect to my Conservative California readers.


Ok, here is the "libtardia" side of the title in the post below:

There is a Cali ( libtardia)  transplant now in  our " Live Free or Die State"

Scared shitless of teh Kovid, loves Kamala hates Trump

Gets tested for teh Kovid every few weeks.. <<<wtf??  sooner or later a false positive is only gonna happen. /they'll shit pants/ causes major issue for our four walls.

Decides we are NOT following mask policy to their liking. We have facial recognition temp taking and non contact every morning. Other than rectal I'm not quite sure how they can do anything else. Maybe this?

Said,  Califruitopia transplant  "my voice has to be heard!"  Goes up the corporate ladder 3-4 rungs, first shot, bypasses internal, with emails and complaints.

 Oh ya, they just gotta be heard by someone that doesn't have a fucking inkling of knowledge about what we do and where we are geographically and that the actual fucking cases around here are shall we say, minimal?

  That's my face to face with real libtardia. There are others in our organization but this one is dangerous.



noun1. The act or process of accepting

Now, the parties in TPTB suits are in a tizzy. WHAT??  OMG??  ELEVENTY!! 

They apply no logic, no common sense.

 ( Like back in the days of yore when the party that needs a binky would be told:

"If you don't feel safe, work from home. If you don't like that, there's the door. Oh ya, and here's your sign")

Now the beehive is stirred, they send our management emails, shit flows down hill, everyone in line gets a paddle on the ass and moral drops a little more because #onepersons feelings.

This is the mind set today. Risk management, don't trigger anyone, you can't hurt anyone's feelings, 50 plus employees must be made to act the way one employee feels they should based on policies written by corporate lawyers that are conflicting and vague.....  

I need another beer and gotta get to the FFF before you guys lynch me.......

be back soon.....















  1. That motherfucker has a giant bullseye on his back now. One way or another.
    Irish has a new game to play!
    The "How am I going to make this motherfucker miserable today?" game.

  2. I feel your pain, brother. Our biggest PITA employee at my work voluntarily removed herself from being a boil on the ass of TPTB's earlier this year. The karmic timing couldn't have been better... Said PITA POC (naturally) decided that she was going to go make an easier living in her mother's industry, that just happens to be completely dependent upon people being able to freely travel... The very DAY that her resignation went into effect, said industry rescinded the offer of employment because of the Chinese WuFlu shutdowns! She contacted TPTB and asked for her job back and was told, in kinder words than I would have used, "Your services are no longer needed."

    Needless to say, there was a barely-hidden shit-eating grin on the boss's face when he relayed the news to me in his office. (We've known and worked with each other for over 20 years, so he knew my feelings towards the PITA POC.)

    Good luck with your PITA.

  3. Although there's a warm spot in my heart for B.C.s employer and that situation, I believe Brother Ken has ya'll beat with this story of the Alpha Karen.

    Imagine moving away from your hometown, then try to bitch and complain about a Confederate statue from 2000 miles away. I'd swear this is my ex, but I know for a fact her ass is in the opposite corner of Shelby County from me.

    1. I read that one over at Wirecutter's place and agree, wholeheartedly, that these fucking carpetbaggers should be tarred and feathered, then sent out of town on a train filled with burning Prius's.

      As an addendum to the PITA POC referenced in my story, she had gotten a long-time, well-loved manager fired over a fucking joke text, sent to her only because the manager considered her a friend, not realizing she was a thin-skinned, snowflake, millenial c*nt.

  4. hell I got laid off back in june. my boss thought that wuflu time would be a perfect time to tell all of our less profitable customers (not unprofitable, just the margins weren't as big as he liked) to go to hell, and between customers being shut and that he couldn't figure out why the company went into a nosedive after that.

    so they didn't need a 2nd shift and laid us all off. I hear the 1st shift went to 32 hours with fridays off.

    but I bet you the boss gets his bonus this year!


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