Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A very good WW2 story

Pz IV Ausf.G, Tunisia 1943. Bundesarchive. 

I was a movie star

Around 2000, I met Sammy Weber (not his real name) at the county fair- he was a brother-in-law of one of our staff (who has since passed away). We were all watching the much anticipated, but utterly disappointing demolition derby- which lasted about 4 minutes. After chatting about the tactics used by the drivers, he mentioned that he was a WWII vet. I asked what he had done- he said "I was a movie star."

Naturally, I pursued this conversation wondering where the hell it's going. It was one of the more unique stories I have ever heard about the War.

First of all, this guy was just about as "country" as one can get- picture Jerry Reed from Smokey and the Bandit and you're 90% of the way there. (Also keep in mind that he was from a small, rural, Kentucky town, grew up on a farm in the 30's with no running water or electricity, and food was scarce at times. The conditions and circumstances that upset many people today, don't even rate mention for him.)

Sammy had enlisted in the Army after Pearl Harbor, and was assigned to the combat engineers, he suspects due to his having listed his occupation as "carpenter". He arrived in Tunisia in mid-November 1942 for what he suspects was one of the shortest combat tours of the War.

When he reached his unit, clashes with the Germans were expected but none had yet occurred. He said that within minutes of arrival, he and another private were detailed to guard a road junction. It was already dark, and they were given zero instructions on what to do in case anything happened- they weren't even oriented as to which way the enemy lines and theirs should be. Just "sit here until relieved". All he had was his rifle, a few clips, and a sack lunch he'd been handed as they left camp. 

Within an hour of being dumped on the roadside, his "battle buddy" (name unknown) told him that he had to poop and disappeared into the night. Sammy had just unwrapped his mystery lunch and was fumbling with his sandwich trying to figure out exactly what substance was on it when a tank rolled up. He still could not understand how a tank "snuck up" on him, but it did. One moment it's just him and his lunch, and then the next there's a "big ass tank" idling in front of him. 

As he's gaping at the machine, the commander leans over the edge of the turret and said "hop on". He climbed aboard, told the tanker that he had a buddy in the bushes and was told "not to worry, we'll come back for him."

The commander then told him where to sit, warned him to be careful of the exhaust and to hang on. Then the machine turned about in the intersection and headed off- he remembered wondering, despite the moonlit night, with the silhouettes of the ridges being easily distinguished, how the hell the driver could see well enough to stay on the road with no headlights- "the guy probably lived on carrots".   

They arrived at a camp, parked the tank and shut down. A small crowd of soldiers gathered as he stood on the engine deck waiting for directions on what to do.
Finally someone asked "are you an American?"
"Well, yeah, what else would I be?"
"Welcome to the Afrika Korps."

The tank commander explained that he was the first GI they had ever met, and to be prepared for lots of attention. Sammy said that from that moment on, he felt more like a movie star on tour being mobbed by fans than a prisoner. 

Everyone was polite and friendly, but they wore him out peppering him with questions about any and everything. He spent three days with the unit that had picked him up- he was wined and dined, shown their equipment, compared uniforms, shared family photos, got to "play around" in a tank, and went to  church.

The funniest detail is that the Germans didn't take his rifle until later the next day. Then they gave it back to him so he could explain its workings since this was the first M1 Garand they had ever encountered. They fired all his ammunition testing it out.

His impression of the German troops was, "I really liked them- most were Lutherans like me. Too bad their boss started a war." 

When he was sent to a POW camp, he was flown across the Mediterranean on an Me 323 Gigant. (He described it and no other aircraft is close.) Once again, he was the first American the crew had met- so, like a kid on an airliner, they offered to let him ride in the cockpit. The crew "talked his ears off" all the way to Italy. 

Sammy spent the rest of the War in a POW camp near Munich- the camp was small, and he described it as being an old warehouse- more like a dormitory or barracks than the stereotypical camp with fences. Everyone worked, but they weren't compelled to do so- nobody wanted to sit around bored all day- plus getting out presented "other" opportunities. (He didn't tell me much of anything about his fellow prisoners.)

As a carpenter, his skills were in constant demand and he worked all over the area, mostly on civilian projects, occasionally military ones, plus "personal" jobs for the staff. The Germans he worked for frequently thanked him with gifts of food- which he always shared with his guard. 

Most of their guards were old, many lame, who often physically struggled to perform their job. They and the POW's generally got along well and a few became close friends. He laughed that the bit in Hogan's Heroes where the prisoners hold Schultz's rifle all the time was nothing compared to what they (and their guards) did. 

The only traumatic events he experienced were the air raids. Although their immediate vicinity wasn't struck, everyone volunteered to help the rescue teams after nearby areas were bombed- he understood it was war, but what he saw in the aftermath of the air strikes really pissed him off.  

He said he could have easily have walked away from the camp many times- "but where the hell was I gonna go? Plus- I liked the town, had lots of friends, a job, and the Germans treated me well. I was a poor, 19 year old farm kid on a great adventure. All in all I guess I was pretty content- and lucky. It may sound silly now, but that's how I felt."

In 1945, Sammy came home, got married, had a pack of kids, took over the family farm, and ran a small wood shop in his home town. He passed away about 4 years ago.

He never went back to Europe. 

By Rollin Curtis
At The Front 


  1. Wars are normally started by politicians and not by people they send to do their dirty work. Fortunately your enemy has family too, sometimes

  2. These kinds of stories were more common than you would think!
    Remember the one about the Germans and the Brits(?) on the front lines on Christmas Eve?

  3. An interesting story, and probably true. Or at least mostly. There are a lot of stories out of WWII where Germans and Americans treated each other quite well. The Historian Stephen Ambrose noted that of all the people Americans encountered in WWII it was the Germans that they ended up liking the most. And mostly because they were the most like them.

  4. Many, many German POWs were kept in Alberta during the war. After it was over, some went back to Germany and many of them returned with family. Many just stayed.

  5. He unwittingly gave those Germans tons of information they could use against the US Army.

  6. agree with RIch and Mary above. That story is disgraceful. He should have lived in SHAME.

  7. I take it you did not grow up poor, hungry and barefoot in the 30's in Kentucky and were never a prisoner of war.

  8. He was a POW, guys. He likely didn't have the luxury of saying "nein".

    1. I sincerely doubt that when "Sammy" encountered the tank and a voice from the dark said "hop on" that he even knew they were Germans. He might not have known until he saw a uniform in the light. My graddaddy told me about how many Germans he encountered in the war could speak perfect English. This young man probably couldn't tell the difference between a German and British uniform. "Sammy" was a private who had literally just arrived in the northern portion of Africa. He didn't know for certain where he was or where he was going. In fact I bet he knew very little in the way of intel. He let some kraut panzergrenadiers fire and examine his M1 Garand (which I am sure they'd have done regardless). How much could he have told the enemy. It isn't like he gave them a Norden Bombsight, the plans for Overlord, or schooled them on the workings of altimeter fuses for AAA. Years ago, I rented a pasture from a gentleman who was a combat medic in WW2 Europe. He had a very similar upbringing as "Sammy", but was from north Alabama. When I asked him where he was deployed he replied mostly around that "channel". I mean the guy was in the D-Day invasion, but to him it just a bunch of fighting around that channel. It was important to keep enlisted men "in the dark" about where they were or where they were going.

    2. By that point in the war, Panzerarmee Afrika had many US built tanks captured from the British

    3. Yes, the "Jerries" also one entire geschwader of B-17's. I am not sure which one, but I know it was one that also had a group of Me 323 Gigant's they were using as transports from mainland Europa nach Nord Afrika (the same type of giant transport "Sammy" rode in route to his POW camp.

  9. He was a POW, and 19. Exactly what war changing info could he have possibly passed along? The secrets of the M1 Garand?


    1. I've spoken with several American POWS who were taken captive by the Germans. All told me they were treated well except for being hungry. One guy was a B-17 pilot who married a woman from my home town. He was shot down over Hungary and he said he was treated very well, but had it not been for the local villagers he believed the American POWS and German guards would have both starved to death. I know there are documented cases where allied soldiers were executed in the field. I also know there are "stories" where allies did the same to the Germans. The war in the Pacific was entirely a different animal. There are cases where allied POWS were executed (more times than not by sword) and their flesh was prepared as a meal for Japanese officers. I read one account some years ago where a Japanese officer told a British officer "tonight, I will dine on your liver". He did and everyone in the camp knew it.


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