Sunday, February 23, 2020

"Self Inflicted Gunshot Wound" How many times have we heard that? ( a few more links added )

This happened a couple days ago. I've attached some various links below.

DHS whistleblower who criticized the Obama administration's handling of Islamic terrorism is found dead on a road side with a 'self-inflicted gunshot wound' <<<  link 

  • Whistleblower Philip Haney, 66, was found dead in Plymouth, California
  • Authorities say he had a 'single, self-inflicted gunshot wound' and was found near his car Friday morning
  • A formal cause of death, motive or details surrounding Haney's death have not been released by authorities  
  • Haney criticized the Department of Homeland Security under the Obama administration for its handling of radical Jihadists and Islamic extremists
  • He claimed that  DHS ordered him to delete hundreds of files pertaining to people with ties to Islamist terrorist groups 
  • Haney argue that several terrorist attacks in the U.S. could have been prevented if certain files were maintained
  • He testified in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 2016  

Drakes Place has some links on this story as well  LINK<<<<

Free North Carolina  LINK<<

Vlad Tepes   LINK<<


  1. The Deep State cleaning up a few loose ends.
    It isn't going to help them.
    The NSA has it all.
    That means Trump, has it all.
    You can bet your ass someone has those files stashed away.

  2. Lemme guess. One to the back of the head and NO I didn't read any of the links. Just being my usual sarcastic self because our government is sssoooooo trustworthy.


    P.S. The DOJ CIA and any number (what is it 18?) of US Intelligence and Law Enforcement (what an effing joke THAT term is) have a couple hundred billion miles to go before I and many people like me regain any respect for them. IMHO there's only one way that happens. When Billary, Obama and all the rest of Obama's corrupt government are rotting in jail for the rest of their lives.

    Until then they can kiss my ass.


  3. Notice the Mail article says

    Authorities say he had a 'single, self-inflicted gunshot wound' and was found near his car Friday morning
    and then says:
    A formal cause of death, motive or details surrounding Haney's death have not been released by authorities

    Those two lines contradict each other. Saying it was a "single, self-inflicted gunshot wound" is giving both the cause of death and the motive.

    Single shot to the chest. Must have been a heart shot. Gee, a deep state whistleblower commits suicide in an unlikely way. What are the odds?

  4. I attended Plymouth elementary in the mid-60's. Times have changed a bit since.

  5. The swamp cleaning house.....

  6. It's not easy to make the gun you just shot yourself with vanish. He must've been a magician.

  7. Irish, Apologies for my tardiness in thanking you for the mention and link.
    Appreciate it! Take care.

  8. in russia and crimea, if a guy is shot in the back nine times, there is no brass or weapon, nobody heard of saw anything, no blood spatter, no tissue bits beyond the body, no bullets found at the scene, and the scene was washed in bleach and a flame thrower before investigators could get there; then obviously it is a suicide.
    why would you think this is different?


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