Monday, December 16, 2019

Ponder this thought for a moment.

"Wanna be" tyrants, VA State Senate Majority Leader Dicky Saslaw (D) and Governor Ralph Norman (D), have wiped their asses on the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions and are now attempting to trample the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens knowing full well that there are approximately three million gun owners residing in The Old Dominion State. Imagine how they would treat the citizens of Virginia if they knew  for certain they were all disarmed. There is a reason for the Second Amendment and it is not to insure that good citizens can go deer hunting.

dicky saslaw

waco everywhere coonman

Images "borrowed" from the WRSA post Know Your Tyrants


  1. Like the old saying goes, you can vote your way into a nightmare but you have to shoot your way out.

  2. There were 6-7 Demoscrats that ran unopposed....in Northern Virginia. The entire state is literally decided by the Northern and South Eastern portion of the state.

    Northern Virginia is a cesspool Liberalism, and the way things are going, we find ourselves i nteh south eastern portion of the state feeling the same way.

    1. Hopefully, that will change in the future Coffee Man. I've got friends in southern Illinois who are in a similar predicament except in their case it is Chicago dictating what the rest of the state must endure.

    2. we have a saying in va. "hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first." we have another in the military. "hope is not a plan." people need to wise up. this is a fight for our survival and we better get in it.

  3. And over here in Delaware the state is controlled by the city of Wilmington.

  4. In Canada Ontario and Quebec determine our federal elections. The number of seats in parliament is supposed to reflect a provinces population, but Quebec which has a shrinking population has blocked the West - which has grown - from recieving its new seats. Last i checked we are short 9 or so and Quebec has like 15 too many.


  5. the difference between the two northern VA counties and the rest of the Commonwealth is quite defined. The influx and influence of immigrants + one party's huge cash influx and the other party's lack of fortitude cannot be denied. They and the swamp dwellers are hive-minded. I would like to propose amending the state's voting system to following the electoral college model. Stop laughing. I know the ruling class would never, ever allow it. Our side is better armed and more determined. Mr. Saslaw - I don't know him personally, and I'm sure he's a nice fellow, as is Mr. Northham. Both are subject to the law and the ballot box. they think they control both to protect them from the consequences of their actions. Currently, they benefit from the two-tier legal system and a complicit media complex in place. we'll see. I plan for what I think is called an Irish Rebellion. fun times.

    1. I've been pushing that concept of state electoral collage for some time here in colorado. democrats trash the state all the time. now they have managed a putt from the ruff governor with his red flag law, and both houses of state legislature with the judiciary. for every conservative step forward, we get punched back three. Way too many california expatriots. texas is looking good, but the cancer of liberalism is spreading out from austin. we think we'll just hunker down here and fine tune our hand loads for a while more. pretty soon they will run out of other people's money and move on. in the meantime, a bunch of ignorant savages are moving in from the southern borders.



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