Monday, November 25, 2019

Are we there yet?

Thomas Jefferson made mention that our government could remain strong and virtuous until we became "piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." Good citizens in Virginia and other parts of  country are beginning to feel as if they have no voice in policy and law making. They feel their voices have been drowned out by leftist commie voting masses  who sell their votes for more .gov handouts  in the form of social security benefits, free housing, subsidized utilities, free food, etc., and just free shit in general. These voters and their traitorous overlords could care less about civil liberties, the mechanics of this Constitutional Republic, the rule of law, etc. Some of these fine citizens are beginning to "pushback" by planning to defy unjust laws. In parts of Virginia, and elsewhere around the country, gun supporters are declaring their counties "Second Amendment Sanctuaries" in the wake of the blue wave ignoring their God given rights. Check out this piece titled "Bad Deplorables" that I found linked over at WRSA. The story can be read by clicking the WaPo link HERE. 

Sheriff Ricky L. Walker, left, attends a Board of Supervisors meeting Wednesday in support of a resolution to declare Amelia County a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” (Gregory S. Schneider/The Washington Post)

Sheriff Ricky L. Walker, left, attends a Board of Supervisors meeting Wednesday in support of a resolution to declare Amelia County a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” (Gregory S. Schneider/The Washington Post)


  1. The libturds just don't realize how much they are stoking the fire. When these power hungry communists start sending out the police to disarm the People things will get ugly.

  2. My comment over at Brock's place (FreeNorthCarolina):
    There is a tremendous struggle underway.I'm glad to be alive and be part of it.
    A Warrior is judged in part by the enemies he faces. Be thankful for your enemies. They help make you who you are.
    Red in OleVirginny
    I enjoy your blog Irish - keep up the good work. Slainte.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Red and glad you enjoy the blog!


  3. Man cannot take what was given me by God...

    ...My house is a 2nd Amendment sanctuary... whether "they" like it or not!

    1. If you don't have guns burried, you don't have guns.

  4. 15 counties and 38 more have set meetings to vote on it. most of the rest are having the conversation as we speak. as of now only a few liberal hold outs remain. this won't have any impact on northam and the libs, they own the state police which has become an arm of the political machine. so as kennedy said, " those that seek to block the means of peaceful resistance guarantee a violent one." and so it shall be.

  5. I live in Virginia Beach and, because of the shooting at the City Complex (a gun free zone by the way) there is little to no chance this county will be declared a "Gun Sanctuary". No matters that the shooting happened in a City sanctioned shooting gallery for anyone who does not pay attention to the rules (GASP!!! Criminals do not pay attention to the law??? Who would have thought!) But I will be damned if someone will come to my door and confiscate my property.

  6. https://ncrenegade.com/editorial/maybe-it-begins-in-virginia/


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