Thursday, April 13, 2017

This Image May Cause A PETA Member To Have An Aneurysm.....


  1. Has to be a statue of a horse! None of mine are willing to ride like that.

  2. If that was Miley Sirus you could call it a Whorestrailer.

  3. No self-respecting horse owner would ever pull shite like that. That person needs to be bitch-slapped for risking the life of that horse.

    Or maybe tie the owner to the bumper and do a National Lampoon Vacation on him/her.

  4. BTW, PETA members need to have an aneurysm - over 90% of the animals they claim to "save", they actually euthanize. Usually not in a painless fashion, either, because they are unwilling to spend that donated money on drugs to do it painlessly. FK them. They are in it for the money and the notoriety.


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