Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Great Read / Audible Book That Was Recommended To Me...

recommended "The Creature From Jekyll Island" as an eye-opening book to what the FED has done regarding money creation, debt, financial control and what has transpired toward one world socialism.

He has a post HERE

Last week I downloaded the "Audible" version and have been listening to it during the daily commute.

It is EYE_OPENING to say the least. 

If you have read it, post a comment with your thoughts if you like.


  1. If you haven't read this book you don't know how badly you are getting fucked.
    Any country that has a Central Bank NOT tied into this Ponzi scheme is being systematically destroyed. Libya, Syria, Iran. It puts a lot of geopolitics into perspective when you know how private Central Banks operate and profit off running a printing press.

  2. It is a great read on the real purpose of the "Fed." They are in existence to protect the big banks and restrict competition. The name "Fed" is a misnomer. You should read this book and encourage others. You are being used.


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