Friday, October 3, 2014

Political Correctness and Our Downfall....

 I was thinking about this as I wandered around the bunker yesterday wondering WTF is
up in this country.

Given the current news of Entero68, A Beheading on US soil ( not the last I bet), unchallenged illegal imigration and now Ebola that are all making headlines, many of us are asking "How
can this all be allowed to happen?"

We have been trained to not say anything or question anything lest we be labeled as having one of
the following: homophobia and Islamophobia (not to mention racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, nativism, and climate denial) and probably now Ebolaphobia. ( that list is from a great article >HERE<)

One PC decision that changed history came to mind:

I recalled an interview I had seen that was with a man named Michael Touhey, he was the ticket agent that allowed Mohammed Atta to board in Maine for his flight to Boston.

 His gut feeling was:

”I got an immediate chill in my stomach as soon as I looked at him, ” he said. ”I said to myself, if this guy doesn’t look like an Arab terrorist, nobody does. He had a look on his face of contempt, and palpable anger.”

 Then he questioned himself as this quote from another article shoes:

 “I said to myself, ‘If this guy doesn’t look like an Arab terrorist, then nothing does.’ Then I gave myself a mental slap, because in this day and age, it’s not nice to say things like this,” Tuohey told the Maine Sunday Telegram. “You’ve checked in hundreds of Arabs and Hindus and Sikhs, and you’ve never done that. I felt kind of embarrassed.”

 He FELT Embarrassed.

He had a feeling, he knew he was looking at evil and then he fell prey to being PC. That one moment changed this country forever. We haven't learned from that and it was only 13 years ago.

We are seeing political correctness being used as a tool encompassing everything and to squelch dissent. As soon as you question something , seemingly anything, you are labeled and marginalized. With all that is going on in this country right now, we have not learned one thing since 2001 and sadly the majority of sheep continue to toe the line.........


  1. We have been trained to not say anything or question anything lest we be labeled...."

    Isaiah 53:7&8 English standard version

    7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
    yet he opened not his mouth;
    like a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
    and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent,
    so he opened not his mouth.
    8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away;

  2. It's simple really. Dieversity is the selling line but the reason it has to be sold can be found looking at one chart. The current demographics of the United States. They are filling in the gaps of so many aborted babies or those who were never conceived because they need the numbers to support the aging population. Never mind the fact they end up spending more to get these people they hope the other half of their ideology proves true and the social engineering makes them just as productive as who they are replacing.

    Honestly the people at the top have no other choice. Either deep six social security, pensions and medicare or import the world. They elected to import the world and then started a propaganda campaign to support it.

  3. Oh, Irish! In one short blog post you have succinctly described the essence of our impending downfall...

    Now, what to do?

    1. Thanks Blue, I sometimes wish I was more eloquent. Alas, I was never an english major and I don't even pretend to play one on TV.
      I had so many thoughts running through my head about this post. I just winged it and hoped my readers would get the gist of it :)

      Always appreciate you and all for stopping by...

  4. He had a feeling, he knew he was looking at evil and then he fell prey to being PC. That one moment changed this country forever. We haven't learned from that and it was only 13 years ago.

    We are seeing political correctness being used as a tool encompassing everything and to squelch dissent. As soon as you question something , seemingly anything, you are labeled and marginalized. With all that is going on in this country right now, we have not learned one thing since 2001 and sadly the majority of sheep continue to toe the line.........
    Exactly. EX-FUCKING-ACTLY!!!!!!!


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