Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Random Thought For The Morning...

IF you could watch a major disaster BUT you wouldn't survive, which would you pick?

1. Yellowstone Super Volcano Eruption

2. Long Run Out Landslide From Hawaii Creating Huge Tsunami

3. Asteroid or Meteor Strike.

4. Alien Invasion.

5. Nuclear War

6. All The Libtards Move To Guam and It Tips Over and Sinks Into The Sea.


  1. I'll take door number six, Monty.

  2. #6 did you even need to ask?

  3. Four is SO tempting from a sci-fi background, but six has the advantage of taking care for the future of my grandkids...

  4. #6 by a mile. You're dead anyway, but at least you're present at an event that would improve the planet for all eternity.

  5. # Six, only if I were the last one to sink. I would want to watch them try and use each other as personal flotation devices and fail, then I would drown with a smile on my face...

  6. Come on people. It was a trick question. No. 6 isn't a disaster, it is a gift.

  7. gotta be #6. It would be as if the earth farted.

  8. gotta be #6. It would be as if the earth farted.

  9. #4 Alien Invasion - do some probing

  10. Well, Biblically speaking we are about to get the same treatment as Petra, Pompeii, Sodom and Gomerrah...
    Sadly with the new powerful, perverted and Godless, most marxists and leftist drunk with power these days are not smart to see what is about to hit them... And may of us will perish with them...

  11. I want the zombie apocalypse. I got a whole lot of stockpiled ammo I need to use up before I go.


  12. Picking number 6 would most likely mean hat I was with all those libturds when Guam tipped over. Nope, that one is not for me. An alien invasion, in which I at least made a good effort at stemming the tide of aliens, would be my choice.


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