Sunday, August 26, 2012

♫♫Blame on Bush... GREAT NEW SONG..check it out

Liberals may control the media, but we are taking BACK the music!! OFFICIAL music video - Blame It On Bush, by The Voters. This is the 1st single from our album Electile Dysfunction. We are a completely independent, grass roots band trying to encourage people to get informed before they vote. Please help us spread the message. You can get more information on the song and the band at www.TheVotersMusic.com If you'd like to support our efforts, please buy the album from www.TheVotersMusic.com (via paypal) or iTunes, Amazon and other retailers. Our album is made of political and patriotic material and other songs are: Pelosi's Jet, Distractions, Leading from Behind, Wife Of A Soldier, America Is Coming Back, Shining City Upon A Hill, Nobody Told Me and America- What Have We Done. Thank you for your support. Let's take America BACK!

  Here is a medley of their songs on the new album.....


  1. That video is fargin' AWESOME! Message aside (which I wholeheartedly agree with), the music is great. So stealing this.

  2. great music, great message... supporting band w/ amazon purchase

  3. hey guys, The Voters here. Thank you for your kind comments and for supporting the album. We love Rush too. Have you seen Neil's work with Vertical Horizon? Extraordinary!!!!

    best and keep sharing the video


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