Monday, July 9, 2012

Think About It For A Minute.....

Somebody had to think this design up...

Somebody had to draw it....

Somebody had to figure out how to make it....

Somebody had to find the materials...

Somebody had to cut and assemble the materials...

Somebody had to okay the final design...

Somebody had to find an idiot to model it....

Some idiot wore this on the runway...

Hundreds of idiots in the audience probably thought it was awesome...

Somebody probably paid waaaay more than the disposal fee it was worth...

...as a race....We are Doomed.....



  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)July 9, 2012 at 4:15 PM

    Gee, didn't you know? That's Barney Frank's Maid of Honor....

  2. Why is it available only in white? If I can get it is black I think it will be my next Ninja outfit.

    1. I don't know if you could sneak up on ANYONE with that get up...

    2. Yeah I mean really ! I've been looking for the man's answer to the little black dress like forever!

  3. I wonder if they sold any men's clothing where he bought that?

  4. P.S. No. We are not doomed, only them.
    SRSLY, where are you going to concealed carry in that outfit?

  5. I was thinking it was a uniform for the new San francisco "touch" football league, it's headgear indicates the "wide reciever" position.


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