Thursday, April 19, 2012

What The Hell Blogger?????


My posts that I schedule out during the day are not posting. I see that blogger is getting a new look, could that be it? Has anyone checked out the upgrade?


  1. Try using a different time. Post an hr later then you have been. the new blogger is more dull. IMHO

  2. I've had it happen before, enough to piss me off to the point that I quit scheduling posts and just did an old fashioned update a couple times a day.

  3. I looked at the 'new look' and am going to wait until after it has been up and running for a spell before I switch over, if I switch to the upgrade at all. No reason to trust blogger very much from past experiences.

    I did have some issues with scheduling so just gonna wait. It happened enough that it was irritating as hell.

  4. Since all my code is hand written, i don't want to start over again from scratch if it don't work out. Used to use the other format with widgets, but after accidentally deleting the entire template, started writing everything ...

  5. I didn't have a choice. The new format is all I can access now. Hey, Craig: how do you swap all of your old posts over to wordpress?

  6. I'm not sure, didn't bother to do that...


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