Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There are no Words..... but I will Rant With 4 Letter Ones....

Okay,  you have got to be fucking shitting me on this story.

A movie theater is being sued, yes fucking sued, because they supposedly charge too much for 

their snacks.

SUED??  for being in business!!???

Now Look at the one of the complainers.

She is a Doctor... How would she like it if her patients decided to sue her for charging too MUCH!!

"The prices are ridiculous," Rebecca Motley, 55, a self-employed Southfield physician, said while leaving the AMC Star Southfield 20.

I've got an idea...JUST DON'T BUY THE SNACKS>... you probably don't need them anyway!!

Story here


  1. Has happened to me.

    People want to buy my product and service, but not at a price I want to sell it at.

    So they call corporate and complain, and then I have to send them a letter.

    But this is the New Way. I want, and therefore I should get it. At a price I want (or free).

    It works so far for retirement, health care, Birth Control, Food, and soon, living space...Likely transportation too.

    This country is SO fucked.

  2. You said it Mr. B.

    We are the new Nigeria. But instead of internet scams being the number one way to make a living, it's bullshit lawsuits.

    If you don't like what the theatre charges for a box of Goobers, don't fucking buy them. It ain't rocket science.

    The worst part, she will probably win this case and a jury will award her several million dollars for her pain and suffering.

  3. The real shame is how we got to this point. If we had more rational judges who would not only throw out lawsuits such as this one but would sanction the lawyers who filed them, silly s#*t like this would disappear.

    Or, do like I do (the few times per year I go to a movie theater): wear a loose-fitting coat and hide a few candy bars in the pockets.

  4. Better yet Chris, wear a loose fitting coat and hide a few beers in there!

  5. I've got an idea...JUST DON'T BUY THE SNACKS>... you probably don't need them anyway!!

    Now that sounds just like something I would say :)


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