Monday, March 17, 2025

From World's Fastest Ocean Liner To World's Largest Artificial Reef

                                                          The Tugboat Trip of a Lifetime   

It is a long journey from buying a dilapidated tugboat and spending ten months getting it seaworthy to owning a trustworthy fleet that is sought after for difficult tows.

That is the life journey taken by Mike Vinik of Keyport, N.J. His present fleet of tugboats couldn't be more different than that first derelict tug. Read the entire story HERE.


  1. Wasn’t much of a story.

    1. Click on the Vinik Marine link in the story. It'll take uou to their webpage that has a 20min. video that's pretty informative.
      Even as a derelict, that ship is still impressive AF. I can only imagine that thing in it's hey-day.

  2. I thought it was pretty cool, but I like boat stories and almost everything about boats. I also like 'Bama a whole lot and I wish I could go visit the Flora-Bama again sometime soon.

  3. Becoming an artificial reef is a more noble end than being broken up for razor blades. I'm adding diving on her to my Bucket List.

    1. Or it could be used to build new machinery, buildings, cars, trucks, etc at less cost than starting from iron ore.

  4. Well, I liked it. 😁

  5. Quite the story. And, quite the tow.

    Rest quietly, SS United States.


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