Saturday, March 15, 2025

Blood Moon


Images shared by CD.  Taken around 2am at Hampton Beach. Thanks!


  1. Way too many full lunar eclipses to drag my butt out of bed at 3am to see this one. Thanks for the pics. Now if Fauxi's, Obama's, Hillary's, etc. execution is being televised at 3am, count me in.

  2. Thx- cloudy here on the banks of Mordor, so we missed it.

  3. Was very cloudy in northern AB.


  4. i was kinda unimpressed, seen way bigger blood moons in the fall.

  5. I was in Reno, NV freezing my ass off photographing the eclipse. It was awesome !

  6. I love all things astronomical, but no way in Hillary's festering labia was I going to wake up at 0300 to watch a lunar eclipse. Kudos to those who did and the pics kick ASS.

  7. I was all set to lose some sleep to watch this.
    Buuut......what I got instead was heavy clouds, and rain/snow/sleet.
    Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

  8. When the moon turns red and stays that way God is going to rein hell on earth after the rapture, something to think about because after the rapture and million of people are gone to heaven there will be 31/2 years of a good life that Satan promised but the last 31/2 years will be terrible if one does not take Satan's mark called mark of the beast. Fuel for thought, AI, chips implanted so you don't have to carry ID, bank records, medical records all are mentioned in the Bible's book of Revelations, 2000 plus years ago.

  9. We were socked in solid here in Northern Utah, dangnabit!


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