Sunday, January 12, 2025

Memes and Things This Past Week Or So (It's A Bigun')


3rd place winner "Hammer Games"

I can't call it

meme of the week

I drew a buck tag in Michigan this year and bagged this spike!



  1. So if a Church's is closed down, doesn't that mean the demographic generally supporting it is gone? Wouldn't that be a positive sign? I mean if you find yourself in a neighborhood filled with dollar stores, fried chicken joints, etc THAT would clearly indicate a need to go elsewhere.

  2. Hi, Mr Favor; hi, Rowdy; hi, Sophie. Don't worry, Ashli, we'll never forget.

  3. #42- Slow elk (I hadn't thought of that in years)

  4. #10 The one positive thing I can say about AOC is she has a nice set of tits. You are welcome.

  5. These are all memes except the one with the pretty lady with a basket of flowers. Am I missing something?

  6. So he shot a cow?! Did he walk up to it or did it walk up to him?! This doesn't seem like hunting to me. I definitely would not be taking a pic with that. I mean, you walked into a field surrounded by barbed wire and shot the closest, none moving animal. God, did you lure it with a salt lick?!

    1. That is regional humor. In Michigan hunters are know to shoot anything that moves thinking it is a deer. In the 60's they use to publish the number of hunter shot along with the deer reported harvested like it was just expected. Farmers used to paint their cow to try and protect them. One farmer painted "COW" on the side of the bovine and sure enough someone shot it right in the middle of the O.

  7. You're somewhere you shouldn't be even if the Church's Chicken is open

  8. #51 would be a libel/slander lawsuit... IF IT WASN'T TRUE...

  9. I would like to know what is going on in No. 9

  10. Do we have anybody in America today to teach shop classes?

  11. Two Game Wardens, seven hunters, and a cow...


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