Friday, November 22, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Faraggo....... Grace Under Peer Pressure*.....









   * Ya'll can thank Bear Claw for busting my balls to get this post together.

I'm still busy with "life" and had shit to do.

He said "That can wait"....

Okaaaaay.. then.

Be safe out there and enjoy the weekend...!!!

One final note... Next time someone tells you that Trump said you can grab them by the Pu55y ask them to show you a picture of Trump doing this.

 Arnold caved on a lot of stuff and he lost my respect:




  1. #72, red on the head, fire in the hole! Thanks, Irish!

  2. Replies
    1. ps Ceaser can chillax with the best of them

    2. Not bustin his balls, breaking his working his ass off routine. He needs to stop and smell the roses among other things

  3. who is the arrow pointing at in 101?

    1. Arnold Schwarzenegger

    2. comeon dude...ARHnold...looks like meathead on the left, rest got me stumped...

  4. Ho Lee Phuk! Thank you for your service to mankind!

  5. oh I missed the final note part... never mind

  6. Is Arnold a south paw?

    1. No idea…he is worthless POS that shouldn’t have been allowed in the country. His “acting” skills were best when playing a robot and thinks he can now pontificate about “Fuck your freedoms!”
      No Ahhnold, we were born with our freedom. You just picked yours up yesterday. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

  7. Thanks Bear Claw for prodding our host on the presentation of another spectacular FFF, not that our he probably needed any real goading. He might tell us he's busy, but he seems to take the time to entertain and I for one am grateful.

    Right from the top that dirty girl at #3 seems to want to keep with Mike's theme, #5 Barbara is always a welcome sight, #9 Covfefe, #12 at no time in our history has government been so mistrusted and with good reason, #15 Nice living room, # 20 She looks like she's having fun, ##29 34 37 39 43 57 83 delicious red heads, #68 curtains don't match the drapes but I'm not complaining, #69 a little bondage, #72 red head gif with very nice tits, #75 ah an exploding shirt hiding a spectacular rack, #79 assume the proper position, #85 that's how all of us hetero males imagine lesbians behave behind closed doors, #87 the spectacular Eva Green from A Dame To Kill For, I don't think I've ever seen her in a movie where she doesn't get naked at some point not that I'm complaining oh maybe that Bond movie, #89 she's having fun alone, #90 She looks like she needs company, #93 That's the typical ratio - one guy working and ten standing around, #96 another stunning pale red head love that milk skin #100 closed for what used to be called blue laws where I grew up, and Arnie fingering some broad in Tuscon and she's not complaining.

    Another week and another spectacular display of big tits, stationary and in motion. Thanks and have a great weekend.


  8. 1 - And zero fucks were given.
    2 - Yet the most arrogant and entitled.
    3 - That is a nice mud cricket.
    4 - I'd pay real money if the wife looked like that again.
    5 - Jeffery's favorite Jeannie.
    12 - And THAT, is the truth.
    14 - MOTN 2nd Alternate
    19 - Funny I find my POTN 1st Alternate at my favorite fishing hole.
    20 - You know it was a good ride when you're done and she still looks like that.
    25 - I love a tiny, little, dimpled ass.
    29 - MOTN 1st Alternate
    37 - Hey, there Little Miss Riding Hood. You sure are looking good.
    38 - POTN 3rd Alternate
    45 - Just one more mornin', I had to wake up with the blues.
    50 - What shall....we fill.....the empty......spaces.....where waves......of hunger........roar?
    57 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    59 - MOTN 3rd Alternate
    68 - My MILF of the Night
    71 - Still not as snarky as my brother's Heeler.
    79 - IT'S A TRAP!
    80 - Probably needs less repairs than its replacement.
    84 - Nah, it ain't nothin' special. It's only got a crate motor in it.
    89 - I love it when they start without me.
    90 - My Pick of the Night
    99 - Wugga, wugga, wugga.....
    100 - I'd say that ended back in the mid 80's.
    101 - Alert the view and the California Grand Jury! Oh, he's a Demoncrat? Never mind.

    Caught me off guard last week, Boss.
    Thought we were on our own for the night.
    I should have known better.
    Hope it was a good break for you.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. 4 Again, Leigh your a lucky man. I’m going car shopping, looking for a used Aston Martin.

  9. Good for Bear Claw and good for you. Hope “life” turns out good or at least all right.

  10. I’m trying to decide whether #3 has anything to do with #2.

  11. 4 Pmate Rosanne Jongenelen, 5 Love of my and Jeffery’s life SMOKIN. 6 Irina Rytova. 10 Ashley Tervort. 11 Yanya. 14 Petra Verkaik. 17 Nikola Říhová gonna smoke sum dope with Ted. 18 Poo Saaay. 19 Katrin Kuehn. 24 Jessica Kuyu. 25 Anastasia Bereziuk. 28 genny silvestrini. 29 Andi James. 32 Daniell eyalla. 33 Racquel Darrian smoke show. 34 Amber Leah. 36 Kate Upton fuck baseball players. 37 Irina Meier. More later

  12. Hi, Jeannie, what's good frontal cover for 10 isn't great cover from below, nice raar on 14, 20 needs a few Cinnabons, nice looking older lady on 24, 61, 68 (we love you, too), 76, nice moon under the mountain on 27, nice haze on the peaks on 28, nice hourglass on 31, nice restraint on 40, nice allure on 44, nice "Yes, they're real" on 53, 55, nice perky on 57, nice stretch on 72, nice bandoliers on 75, nice love in bloom on 81, nice noir on 87, nice earthquake on 89, nice bouncy on 99.

  13. Here's lookin' at you, praise of older women: They don't swell, they don't tell, they don't yell and they're grateful as hell!

  14. 38 Gwen Singer. 39 Heather Christensen. 40 Ema Rusova. 41 Eva Staniszewska. 42 Mszrsmerci. 43 Austin White. 44 Katerina Soria. 45 Debbie St Pierre and ?. 46 gooble head Sydney Sweeney. 53 bethany lily. 55 Avalon Hope. 57 Inga Lis. 59 Olga Kobzar. 62 Ulrika Jonsson. 63 Katy bellissima. 68 Cory Chase. 69 Mia sollis. 72 levi coralynn.

  15. 73 Anfisa. 76 Aunt Nanci. 79 noasanayogagirl mary. 81 gabbie carter. 82 Deanna Ritter. 85 autumn & riley. 87 Ava Lord. 88 Stole it from MASH. 89 Kendra Sunderland. 95 Eva Murr. 96 Tanya Song.

  16. #78: Sometimes blue hair works

  17. I thank you once again. This is better than any friday night movie.

  18. #100-was stationed at Little Rock in the early '70s while Arkansas still had Sunday "Blue Laws" where very few retailers could remain open-like pharmacies. We were on a neighborhood feeder street and would always notice the large reduction of traffic in front of our house. Miss those days for sure.

  19. 84 A crate engine?
    87 Eva Green in Sin City - A Dame To Kill For

  20. Arnold proved he is a Rino/Libtard long ago but he's Hollyweird so that was to be expected. What turned me off was the "screw your freedoms" remark. Guy comes to the "land of opportunity" and makes it big then turns communist. Maybe he always was a communist.

    1. yes, he became a major disappointment.

    2. Well, his daddy was a nazi, so there is that.


  21. Some REALLY hot older women in this one. Nice.

  22. #8 - Letchworth State Park in Western New York - absolutely stunning in Autumn !

  23. Anyone know if there is a poster available for the Sheriff picture? Mark Cuban picture about the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Took a couple seconds.

  24. Pic #4 is from an Aston Martin used car add .. the caption reads "You know you're not the first but do you really care?"

  25. Very well played on # 18.

    And yeah, Arnold lost me with the ‘f your freedoms’. I don’t like even posting memes from the Conan days anymore.

    Midwest Chick

  26. With the current brouhaha about the Jaguar rebrand ad, it was good to see #4, the Aston Martin pre-owned car advert from a few years ago with the 'You know you're not the first but do you really care?' tag line.

  27. #95 Role play is so much fun. Once you find a woman and are committed seems they no longer want to have sex much less play.

  28. I love 'em all...!!! Thank you!!!

  29. Oh my,
    Thanks so much!!!

  30. Barbra Eden, dress she wore on a USO tour in Vietnam with Bob Hope.

  31. #8 is Middle Falls, Letchworth St. Park, NY, stunning place


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